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时间:2017-11-13 13:35:12      阅读:233      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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距离2012年11月2日下午2:05:31 已经过去158751270这么多秒了,不小心暴露了我的当前时间。


    private static long gettimelong() {

        long result = new Date().getTime() - new Date("2012/11/02 14:05:31").getTime();

        return result / 1000;


程序开始执行时间:20171113101010 82


最短路程为:五道口-知春路-西直门-车公庄-阜成门(4.937 km)

程序结束执行时间:20171113101010 184















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技术分享    运行环境:Android2.2+





 * Project Name:BeiJingS 
 * File Name:上面是数据的存储
 * Package Name:
 * Date:2012年11月2日下午2:05:31 
 * Copyright (c) 2017, xx@163.com xx  Rights Reserved. 
package cn.chenfei.WeidghtAD;
 *@author    xx
 *@version   1.0.0
public class Data
    public Data()
        // TODO: Add constructor logic here

    public static java.util.Hashtable<String, double[]> LoadDC()
        java.util.Hashtable<String, double[]> DCht = new java.util.Hashtable<String, double[]>();

        DCht.put("复兴门", new double[] { 0, 0 });
        DCht.put("车公庄庄", new double[] { 0, 1 });
        DCht.put("西直门", new double[] { 0, 2 });
        DCht.put("知春路", new double[] { 0, 3 });
        DCht.put("西二旗", new double[] { 0, 4 });
        DCht.put("南邵", new double[] { 0, 5 });
        DCht.put("西单", new double[] { 1, 0 });
        DCht.put("平安里", new double[] { 1, 1 });
        DCht.put("鼓楼大街", new double[] { 2, 2 });
        DCht.put("北土城", new double[] { 2, 3 });
        DCht.put("霍营", new double[] { 2, 4 });
        DCht.put("回龙观东大街", new double[] { 2, 5 });
        DCht.put("天通苑北", new double[] { 3, 5 });
        DCht.put("立水桥", new double[] { 3, 4 });
        DCht.put("惠新西街南口", new double[] { 3, 3 });
        DCht.put("雍和宫", new double[] { 3, 2 });
        DCht.put("东四", new double[] { 3, 1 });
        DCht.put("东单", new double[] { 3, 0 });
        DCht.put("俸伯", new double[] { 4, 5 });
        DCht.put("望京西", new double[] { 4, 4 });
        DCht.put("芍药居", new double[] { 4, 3 });
        DCht.put("东直门", new double[] { 4, 2 });
        DCht.put("朝阳门", new double[] { 4, 1 });
        DCht.put("建国门", new double[] { 4, 0 });
        DCht.put("三元桥", new double[] { 5, 2 });
        DCht.put("呼家楼", new double[] { 5, 1 });
        DCht.put("草房", new double[] { 6, 1 });
        DCht.put("国贸", new double[] { 5, 0 });
        DCht.put("四惠惠", new double[] { 6, 0 });
        DCht.put("四惠东", new double[] { 7, 0 });
        DCht.put("土桥", new double[] { 7, -1 });
        DCht.put("崇文门", new double[] { 3, -1 }); //1
        DCht.put("磁器口", new double[] { 3, -1.2 }); //1
        DCht.put("蒲黄榆", new double[] { 3, -1.4 }); //1

        DCht.put("宋家庄", new double[] { 3, -2 });
        DCht.put("次渠", new double[] { 3, -3 });
        DCht.put("宣武门", new double[] { 0, -1 });

        //DCht.Add("首经贸", new double[] { 0, -2 });

        DCht.put("安河桥北", new double[] { -1, 4 });
        DCht.put("海淀黄庄", new double[] { -1, 3 });
        DCht.put("国家图书馆", new double[] { -1, 2 });
        DCht.put("白石桥南", new double[] { -1, 1 });
        DCht.put("六里桥", new double[] { -2, -1.2 }); //1
        DCht.put("西局", new double[] { -2, -1.4 }); //1
        DCht.put("郭公庄", new double[] { -3, -1.2 }); //1
        DCht.put("苏庄", new double[] { -4, -1.2 }); //1
        DCht.put("慈寿寺", new double[] { -2, 1 });
        DCht.put("公主坟", new double[] { -2, 0 });
        DCht.put("海淀五路居", new double[] { -3, 1 });
        DCht.put("苹果园", new double[] { -3, 0 });

        DCht.put("张郭庄", new double[] { -3, -1.4 }); //1
        DCht.put("南锣鼓巷", new double[] { 2, 1 });
        DCht.put("北京西站", new double[] { -1, -1.2 }); //1
        DCht.put("菜市口", new double[] { 0, -1.2 }); //1
        DCht.put("北京南站", new double[] { 0, -1.4 }); //1
        DCht.put("角门西", new double[] { 0, -2 });
        DCht.put("天宫院", new double[] { 0, -3 });

        DCht.put("十里河", new double[] { 5, -1.4 }); //1
        DCht.put("双井", new double[] { 5, -1.2 }); //1
        DCht.put("大望路", new double[] { 5.2, 0 }); //1
        DCht.put("雨台", new double[] { 5.2, 0 }); //1

        return DCht;

    private static void SWAP(java.util.HashSet<String[]> backlist, RefObject<String[]> arry, String b1, String b2, String len, String m)
        arry.argvalue = new String[4];
        arry.argvalue[0] = b1;
        arry.argvalue[1] = b2;
        arry.argvalue[2] = len;
        arry.argvalue[3] = m;
        arry.argvalue = null;
        arry.argvalue = new String[4];
        arry.argvalue[0] = b2;
        arry.argvalue[1] = b1;
        arry.argvalue[2] = len;
        arry.argvalue[3] = m;
        arry.argvalue = null;

    public static java.util.HashSet<String[]> LoadDD()
        String[] arry = null;
        java.util.HashSet<String[]> backlist = new java.util.HashSet<String[]>();
        String b1 = "";
        String b2 = "";
        String len = "";
        String timem = "";

        b1 = "西直门";
        b2 = "知春路";
        len = "4.1";
        timem = "7";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry.argvalue;
        b1 = "西二旗";
        b2 = "知春路";
        len = "9.3";
        timem = "15";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry2 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry2, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry2.argvalue;
        b1 = "霍营";
        b2 = "西二旗";
        len = "7.1";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry3 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry3, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry3.argvalue;
        b1 = "霍营";
        b2 = "立水桥";
        len = "4.8";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry4 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry4, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry4.argvalue;
        b1 = "望京西";
        b2 = "立水桥";
        len = "9.1";
        timem = "20";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry5 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry5, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry5.argvalue;
        b1 = "望京西";
        b2 = "芍药居";
        len = "2";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry6 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry6, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry6.argvalue;
        b1 = "东直门";
        b2 = "芍药居";
        len = "3.9";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry7 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry7, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry7.argvalue;

        b1 = "南邵";
        b2 = "西二旗";
        len = "21.2";
        timem = "40";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry8 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry8, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry8.argvalue;

        b1 = "回龙观东大街";
        b2 = "霍营";
        len = "1.1";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry9 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry9, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry9.argvalue;
        b1 = "北土城";
        b2 = "霍营";
        len = "13.2";
        timem = "30";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry10 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry10, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry10.argvalue;
        b1 = "北土城";
        b2 = "鼓楼大街";
        len = "3.2";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry11 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry11, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry11.argvalue;

        //5号线开始 8号线开始 13 昌平线
        b1 = "天通苑北";
        b2 = "立水桥";
        len = "3.4";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry12 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry12, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry12.argvalue;
        b1 = "惠新西街南口";
        b2 = "立水桥";
        len = "8.6";
        timem = "20";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry13 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry13, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry13.argvalue;
        b1 = "惠新西街南口";
        b2 = "雍和宫";
        len = "3.3";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry14 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry14, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry14.argvalue;
        b1 = "东四";
        b2 = "雍和宫";
        len = "2.7";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry15 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry15, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry15.argvalue;
        b1 = "东四";
        b2 = "东单";
        len = "1.8";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry16 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry16, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry16.argvalue;
        b1 = "崇文门";
        b2 = "东单";
        len = "0.887";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry17 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry17, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry17.argvalue;

        b1 = "崇文门";
        b2 = "磁器口";
        len = "0.8";
        timem = "2";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry18 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry18, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry18.argvalue;
        b1 = "磁器口";
        b2 = "菜市口";
        len = "3.6";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry19 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry19, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry19.argvalue;
        b1 = "磁器口";
        b2 = "双井";
        len = "4.6";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry20 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry20, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry20.argvalue;
        b1 = "磁器口";
        b2 = "蒲黄榆";
        len = "3.1";
        timem = "6";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry21 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry21, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry21.argvalue;
        b1 = "北京南站";
        b2 = "蒲黄榆";
        len = "6.1";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry22 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry22, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry22.argvalue;
        b1 = "宋家庄";
        b2 = "蒲黄榆";
        len = "2.7";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry23 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry23, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry23.argvalue;

        //5号线 ,8号线, 13号线 ,昌平线 ,2
        b1 = "西直门";
        b2 = "鼓楼大街";
        len = "3.7";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry24 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry24, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry24.argvalue;
        b1 = "雍和宫";
        b2 = "鼓楼大街";
        len = "2";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry25 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry25, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry25.argvalue;
        b1 = "雍和宫";
        b2 = "东直门";
        len = "2.3";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry26 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry26, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry26.argvalue;
        b1 = "朝阳门";
        b2 = "东直门";
        len = "1.9";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry27 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry27, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry27.argvalue;
        b1 = "朝阳门";
        b2 = "建国门";
        len = "2.5";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry28 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry28, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry28.argvalue;
        b1 = "崇文门";
        b2 = "建国门";
        len = "2.8";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry29 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry29, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry29.argvalue;
        b1 = "崇文门";
        b2 = "宣武门";
        len = "3.7";
        timem = "7";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry30 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry30, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry30.argvalue;
        b1 = "复兴门";
        b2 = "宣武门";
        len = "2.2";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry31 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry31, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry31.argvalue;
        b1 = "复兴门";
        b2 = "车公庄庄";
        len = "2.8";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry32 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry32, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry32.argvalue;
        b1 = "西直门";
        b2 = "车公庄庄";
        len = "0.837";
        timem = "2";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry33 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry33, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry33.argvalue;
        ////5号线 ,8号线, 13号线 ,昌平线 ,2  : 2号线end

        ////5号线 ,8号线, 13号线 ,昌平线 ,2  : 4号线begin
        b1 = "安河桥北";
        b2 = "海淀黄庄";
        len = "7.4";
        timem = "14";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry34 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry34, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry34.argvalue;
        b1 = "国家图书馆";
        b2 = "海淀黄庄";
        len = "3.7";
        timem = "7";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry35 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry35, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry35.argvalue;
        b1 = "国家图书馆";
        b2 = "西直门";
        len = "3";
        timem = "6";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry36 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry36, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry36.argvalue;
        b1 = "平安里";
        b2 = "西直门";
        len = "2.2";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry37 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry37, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry37.argvalue;
        b1 = "平安里";
        b2 = "西单";
        len = "2.9";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry38 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry38, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry38.argvalue;
        b1 = "宣武门";
        b2 = "西单";
        len = "0.828";
        timem = "2";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry39 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry39, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry39.argvalue;
        b1 = "宣武门";
        b2 = "菜市口";
        len = "1.2";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry40 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry40, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry40.argvalue;
        b1 = "北京南站";
        b2 = "菜市口";
        len = "2.8";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry41 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry41, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry41.argvalue;
        b1 = "北京南站";
        b2 = "角门西";
        len = "2.5";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry42 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry42, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry42.argvalue;
        b1 = "天宫院";
        b2 = "角门西";
        len = "22.9";
        timem = "38";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry43 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry43, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry43.argvalue;
        ////5号线 ,8号线, 13号线 ,昌平线 ,2 ,4 : 4号线end

        ////5号线 ,8号线, 13号线 ,昌平线 ,2 ,4, : 10号线begin
        b1 = "西局";
        b2 = "六里桥";
        len = "1.6";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry44 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry44, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry44.argvalue;
        b1 = "公主坟";
        b2 = "六里桥";
        len = "3.4";
        timem = "6";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry45 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry45, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry45.argvalue;
        b1 = "公主坟";
        b2 = "慈寿寺";
        len = "3.4";
        timem = "6";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry46 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry46, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry46.argvalue;
        b1 = "海淀黄庄";
        b2 = "慈寿寺";
        len = "7.3";
        timem = "14";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry47 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry47, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry47.argvalue;
        b1 = "海淀黄庄";
        b2 = "知春路";
        len = "2.1";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry48 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry48, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry48.argvalue;
        b1 = "北土城";
        b2 = "知春路";
        len = "4.4";
        timem = "9";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry49 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry49, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry49.argvalue;
        b1 = "北土城";
        b2 = "惠新西街南口";
        len = "2";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry50 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry50, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry50.argvalue;
        b1 = "芍药居";
        b2 = "惠新西街南口";
        len = "1.7";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry51 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry51, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry51.argvalue;
        b1 = "芍药居";
        b2 = "三元桥";
        len = "2.7";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry52 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry52, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry52.argvalue;
        b1 = "呼家楼";
        b2 = "三元桥";
        len = "4.4";
        timem = "9";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry53 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry53, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry53.argvalue;
        b1 = "呼家楼";
        b2 = "国贸";
        len = "1.6";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry54 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry54, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry54.argvalue;
        b1 = "宋家庄";
        b2 = "十里河";
        len = "4.2";
        timem = "8";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry55 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry55, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry55.argvalue;
        b1 = "蒲黄榆";
        b2 = "十里河";
        len = "2.3";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry56 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry56, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry56.argvalue;

        b1 = "宋家庄";
        b2 = "角门西";
        len = "4.9";
        timem = "9";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry57 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry57, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry57.argvalue;
        b1 = "西局";
        b2 = "角门西";
        len = "7.9";
        timem = "14";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry58 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry58, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry58.argvalue;
        ////5号线 ,8号线, 13号线 ,昌平线 ,2 ,4, : 10号线end

        ////昌平线,1,2,4,5,8,10,13, :1号线开始
        b1 = "苹果园";
        b2 = "公主坟";
        len = "12.7";
        timem = "22";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry59 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry59, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry59.argvalue;
        b1 = "复兴门";
        b2 = "公主坟";
        len = "4";
        timem = "8";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry60 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry60, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry60.argvalue;
        b1 = "复兴门";
        b2 = "西单";
        len = "1.7";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry61 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry61, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry61.argvalue;
        b1 = "东单";
        b2 = "西单";
        len = "3.6";
        timem = "8";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry62 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry62, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry62.argvalue;
        b1 = "东单";
        b2 = "建国门";
        len = "2.3";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry63 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry63, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry63.argvalue;
        b1 = "国贸";
        b2 = "建国门";
        len = "2.8";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry64 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry64, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry64.argvalue;
        b1 = "国贸";
        b2 = "大望路";
        len = "1.4";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry65 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry65, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry65.argvalue;
        b1 = "国贸";
        b2 = "双井";
        len = "1.7";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry66 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry66, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry66.argvalue;
        b1 = "十里河";
        b2 = "双井";
        len = "3.1";
        timem = "6";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry67 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry67, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry67.argvalue;
        b1 = "大望路";
        b2 = "四惠惠";
        len = "1.6";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry68 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry68, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry68.argvalue;
        b1 = "四惠东";
        b2 = "四惠惠";
        len = "1.7";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry69 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry69, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry69.argvalue;
        ////昌平线,1,2,4,5,8,10,13, :1号线end

        ////昌平线,1,2,4,5,6,8,10,13, :6号线begin
        b1 = "海淀五路居";
        b2 = "慈寿寺";
        len = "1.5";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry70 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry70, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry70.argvalue;
        b1 = "白石桥南";
        b2 = "慈寿寺";
        len = "2.7";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry71 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry71, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry71.argvalue;
        b1 = "白石桥南";
        b2 = "车公庄庄";
        len = "2.5";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry72 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry72, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry72.argvalue;
        b1 = "平安里";
        b2 = "车公庄庄";
        len = "1.5";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry73 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry73, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry73.argvalue;
        b1 = "平安里";
        b2 = "南锣鼓巷";
        len = "2.7";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry74 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry74, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry74.argvalue;
        b1 = "东四";
        b2 = "南锣鼓巷";
        len = "1.9";
        timem = "4";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry75 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry75, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry75.argvalue;

        b1 = "朝阳门";
        b2 = "东四";
        len = "2.6";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry76 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry76, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry76.argvalue;
        b1 = "朝阳门";
        b2 = "呼家楼";
        len = "2.3";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry77 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry77, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry77.argvalue;
        b1 = "草房";
        b2 = "呼家楼";
        len = "13.2";
        timem = "22";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry78 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry78, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry78.argvalue;
        ////昌平线,1,2,4,5,6,8,10,13, :6号线end

        ////"昌平线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13",  9 begin
        b1 = "国家图书馆";
        b2 = "白石桥南";
        len = "1.1";
        timem = "3";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry79 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry79, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry79.argvalue;
        b1 = "北京西站";
        b2 = "白石桥南";
        len = "4.4";
        timem = "9";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry80 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry80, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry80.argvalue;
        b1 = "六里桥";
        b2 = "郭公庄";
        len = "7.7";
        timem = "14";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry81 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry81, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry81.argvalue;
        ////"昌平线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13",  9 end

        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13",  房山线 begin
        b1 = "苏庄";
        b2 = "郭公庄";
        len = "23.1";
        timem = "38";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry82 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry82, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry82.argvalue;
        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13",  房山线end

        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13" "15",  15 begin
        b1 = "望京西";
        b2 = "俸伯";
        len = "30.4";
        timem = "48";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry83 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry83, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry83.argvalue;
        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13","15",  15end

        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13" "15","亦庄线"   亦庄线 begin
        b1 = "宋家庄";
        b2 = "次渠";
        len = "21.7";
        timem = "37";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry84 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry84, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry84.argvalue;
        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13","15","亦庄线"    亦庄线end

        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13" "15","亦庄线" ,"八通线"  八通线 begin
        b1 = "四惠东";
        b2 = "土桥";
        len = "16.6";
        timem = "29";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry85 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry85, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry85.argvalue;
        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13" "15","亦庄线" ,"八通线"  八通线 end

        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13" "15","亦庄线" ,"八通线"    14 begin
        b1 = "西局";
        b2 = "张郭庄";
        len = "11";
        timem = "18";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry86 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry86, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry86.argvalue;
        ////"昌平线","房山线","1","2","4","5","6","8","9","10","13" "15","亦庄线" ,"八通线"  14 end

        b1 = "西局";
        b2 = "北京南站";
        len = "7";
        timem = "10";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry87 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry87, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry87.argvalue;

        b1 = "鼓楼大街";
        b2 = "南锣鼓巷";
        len = "2.5";
        timem = "9";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry88 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry88, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry88.argvalue;

        b1 = "北京西站";
        b2 = "六里桥";
        len = "2.6";
        timem = "5";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry89 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry89, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry89.argvalue;

        b1 = "北京西站";
        b2 = "菜市口";
        len = "5";
        timem = "7";
        RefObject<String[]> tempRef_arry90 = new RefObject<String[]>(arry);
        SWAP(backlist, tempRef_arry90, b1, b2, len, timem);
        arry = tempRef_arry90.argvalue;

        return backlist;



 * Project Name:BeiJingS 
 * File Name:
 * Package Name:
 * Date:2012年11月2日下午2:05:31 
 * Copyright (c) 2017, xx@163.com xx  Rights Reserved. 
package cn.chenfei.WeidghtAD;
 *@author    xx
 *@version   1.0.0
public class AllLines
    public AllLines()


    public static  java.util.HashSet<String> GetPreOrNextNode(String stationname)
        java.util.ArrayList<String[]> liststr = new java.util.ArrayList<String[]>();
        java.util.ArrayList<int[]> listint = new java.util.ArrayList<int[]>();

        String[] Lin1 = { "苹果园", "古城", "八角游乐园", "八宝山", "玉泉路", "五棵松", "万寿路", "公主坟", "军事博物馆", "木樨地", "南礼士路", "复兴门", "西单", "天安门西", "天安门东", "王府井", "东单", "建国门", "永安里", "国贸", "大望路", "四惠", "四惠东" };
        int[] Lin1isnode = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 10, 1, 1 };

        String[] Lin2 = { "车公庄", "阜成门", "复兴门", "长椿街", "宣武门", "和平门", "前门", "崇文门", "北京站", "建国门", "朝阳门", "东四十条", "东直门", "雍和宫", "安定门", "鼓楼大街", "积水潭", "西直门" };
        int[] Lin2isnode = { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 };

        String[] Line4 = { "安河桥北", "北宫门", "西苑", "圆明园", "北京大学东门", "中关村", "海淀黄庄", "人民大学", "魏公村", "国家图书馆", "动物园", "西直门", "新街口", "平安里", "西四", "灵境胡同", "西单", "宣武门", "菜市口", "陶然亭", "北京南站", "马家堡", "角门西", "公益西桥", "新宫", "西红门", "高米店北", "高米店南", "枣园", "清源路", "黄村西大街", "黄村火车站", "义和庄", "生物医药基地", "天宫院" };
        int[] Line4node = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

        //checked line nodes begin
        String[] Line5 = { "宋家庄", "刘家窑", "蒲黄榆", "天坛东门", "磁器口", "崇文门", "东单", "灯市口", "东四", "张自忠路", "北新桥", "雍和宫", "和平里北街", "和平西桥", "惠新西街南口", "惠新西街北口", "大屯路东", "北苑路北", "立水桥南", "立水桥", "天通苑南", "天通苑", "天通苑北" };
        int[] Line5node = { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 };

        String[] Line6 = { "海淀五路居", "慈寿寺", "花园桥", "白石桥南", "车公庄西", "车公庄", "平安里", "北海北", "南锣鼓巷", "东四", "朝阳门", "东大桥", "呼家楼", "金台路", "十里堡", "青年路", "褡裢坡", "黄渠", "常营", "草房" };
        int[] Line6node = { 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

        String[] Line8 = { "鼓楼大街", "安华桥", "北土城", "奥体中心", "奥林匹克公园", "森林公园南门", "林萃桥", "永泰庄", "西小口", "育新", "霍营", "回龙观东大街" };
        int[] Line8node = { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 };

        String[] Line9 = { "郭公庄", "丰台科技园", "科怡路", "丰台南路", "丰台东大街", "七里庄", "六里桥", "六里桥东", "北京西站", "白堆子", "白石桥南", "国家图书馆" };
        int[] Line9node = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 };

        String[] Line10 = { "慈寿寺", "车道沟", "长春桥", "火器营", "巴沟", "苏州街", "海淀黄庄", "知春里", "知春路", "西土城", "牡丹园", "健德门", "北土城", "安贞门", "惠新西街南口", "芍药居", "太阳宫", "三元桥", "亮马桥", "农业展览馆", "团结湖", "呼家楼", "金台夕照", "国贸", "双井", "劲松", "潘家园", "十里河", "分钟寺", "成寿寺", "宋家庄", "石榴庄", "大红门", "角门东", "角门西", "草桥", "纪家庙", "首经贸", "丰台站", "泥洼", "西局", "六里桥", "莲花桥", "公主坟", "西钓鱼台" };
        int[] Linen10node = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 };

        String[] Line13 = { "东直门", "柳芳", "光熙门", "芍药居", "望京西", "北苑", "立水桥", "霍营", "回龙观", "龙泽", "西二旗", "上地", "五道口", "知春路", "大钟寺", "西直门" };
        int[] Line13node = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 };

        String[] Line14 = { "西局", "大井", "郭庄子", "大瓦窑", "园博园", "张郭庄" };
        int[] Line14node = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

        String[] Line15 = { "俸伯", "顺义", "石门", "南法信", "后沙峪", "花梨坎", "国展", "孙河", "马泉营", "崔各庄", "望京", "望京西" };
        int[] Line15node = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

        String[] Linebt = { "土桥", "临河里", "梨园", "九棵树", "果园", "通州北苑", "八里桥", "管庄", "双桥", "传媒大学", "高碑店", "四惠东", "四惠" };
        int[] Linebtnode = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 };

        String[] Linecp = { "西二旗", "生命科学园", "朱辛庄", "巩华城", "沙河", "沙河高教园", "南邵" };
        int[] Linecpnode = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

        String[] Lineyz = { "宋家庄", "肖村", "小红门", "旧宫", "亦庄桥", "亦庄文化园", "万源街", "荣京东街", "荣昌东街", "同济南路", "经海路", "次渠南", "次渠" };
        int[] Linezynode = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

        String[] Linefs = { "苏庄", "良乡南关", "良乡大学城西", "良乡大学城", "良乡大学城北", "广阳城", "篱笆房", "长阳", "稻田", "大葆台", "郭公庄" };
        int[] Linefsnode = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

        String[] tempstr = null;
        int b = -1;
        int a = -1;
        int isend = 0;
        java.util.HashSet<String> hs = null;
        for (int x = 0; x < liststr.size(); x++)
            if (isend == 1)
            tempstr = liststr.get(x);
            hs = new java.util.HashSet<String>();

            for (String s : tempstr) {

             * O(1)
            if (hs.contains(stationname) == true)
                hs = null;
                for (int y = 0; y < tempstr.length; y++)
                    if (stationname.equals(tempstr[y]))
                        a = x;
                        b = y; //find out the index values
                        isend = 1;
                hs = null;

            tempstr = null;
        int[] tint = listint.get(a);
        int pre = b;
        while (pre > -1)
            if (tint[pre] == 1)
            pre = pre - 1;
        int next = b;
        while (next < tint.length)
            if (tint[next] == 1)
            next = next + 1;

        java.util.HashSet<String> hr = new java.util.HashSet<String>();
        return hr;



 * Project Name:BeiJingS 
 * File Name:
 * Package Name:
 * Date:2012年11月2日下午2:05:31 
 * Copyright (c) 2017, xx@163.com xx  Rights Reserved. 
package cn.chenfei.WeidghtAD;

 *@author    xx
 *@version   1.0.0
public class DAL {

    private java.util.HashSet<String[]> maindata = null;
    private java.util.Hashtable<String, double[]> DCht = null; //换乘站
    private int isend = 1;
    private java.util.HashSet<String> fresult = new java.util.HashSet<String>(); //查找符合的路线
    private java.util.Hashtable<String, String> mainht = new java.util.Hashtable<String, String>(); //换乘站集合A-B,A-C
    private String begin = "";
    private String end = "";

    private String temp = "";

    private String beginpre = "";
    private String endnext = "";

    private String toto = "";

    public     String  Search(String b,String e)

        toto = begin + ">" + end + ":";
        DCht = Data.LoadDC(); ///加载换乘站坐标

        if (DCht.containsKey(RepsIN(begin)) == false || DCht.containsKey(RepsIN(end)) == false)
            java.util.HashSet<String> beginhs = null;//begin node obj
            java.util.HashSet<String> endsshs = null;//end node obj
            if (DCht.containsKey(RepsIN(begin)) == false)
                beginpre = begin + "-";
                beginhs = AllLines.GetPreOrNextNode(begin);
            if (DCht.containsKey(RepsIN(end)) == false)
                endnext = "-" + end;
                endsshs = AllLines.GetPreOrNextNode(end);
            if (beginhs == null)
                beginhs = new java.util.HashSet<String>();
            if (endsshs == null)
                endsshs = new java.util.HashSet<String>();

            java.util.ArrayList<String> be = GetShortestPath(beginhs, endsshs);

            beginhs = null;
            endsshs = null;

            if (be == null)
                toto=toto+begin + endnext;
                return toto;

            begin = be.get(0);//获取开始节点至结束点最近的起始节点
            end = be.get(1);//获取距离最近的结束点的结束点

            if (be.get(0).equals(be.get(1)))
                toto=toto+beginpre + begin + endnext;
                return toto;

        //RefObject<String> tempRef_begin = new RefObject<String>(begin);
       // RefObject<String> tempRef_end = new RefObject<String>(end);

        String resultendString=    SearchWrite(begin, end);

        return resultendString;

    private java.util.ArrayList<String> GetShortestPath(java.util.HashSet<String> begin, java.util.HashSet<String> end)
             for(String s : begin)

            for(String s : end)

        int recount = 0;
        java.util.ArrayList<String> rehs = null;//返回最近的坐标
        double tem = 0;
        double min = -1;
        double[] bd = null;
        double[] ed = null;
        for (String a : begin)//遍历开始节点附近最近的换乘节点
            bd = DCht.get(RepsIN(a));//获取该坐标
            for (String b : end)//遍历结束节点附近最近的换乘节点
                if (a.equals(b))
                    recount += 1;
                ed = DCht.get(RepsIN(b));
                tem = Math.pow((bd[0] - ed[0]), 2) + Math.pow((bd[1] - ed[1]), 2);
                if (min == -1)
                    min = tem;
                    rehs = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
                else if (min > tem)
                    min = tem;
                    rehs = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
        if (recount == 2)
            return null;//未找到
        return rehs;

    private String SearchWrite(String begin, String end)
        begin = RepsIN(begin);

        end = RepsIN(end);

        LoadData(begin, end);

        java.util.HashSet<String> beginlist = new java.util.HashSet<String>();



        toto=toto+"最短换乘路线为:" + GetMinQuk(fresult);

        return RepsOUT(toto);

    private String RepsOUT(String s)
        if (s.contains("沙河高教园"))
            return s.replace("车公庄庄", "车公庄").replace("四惠惠", "四惠");
        return s.replace("车公庄庄", "车公庄").replace("高教园", "沙河高教园").replace("四惠惠", "四惠");

    private String RepsIN(String s)
        if (s.equals("四惠东"))
            return s;
        if (s.equals("车公庄庄"))
            return s;
        return s.replace("车公庄", "车公庄庄").replace("沙河高教园", "高教园").replace("四惠", "四惠惠");

    private String GetMinQuk(java.util.HashSet<String> nage)
        String resultsrt = "";
        String[] nagearry = null;

        java.text.DecimalFormat   df=new   java.text.DecimalFormat("#.##");

        double val, minval = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (String s : nage)
            nagearry = s.split("[-]", -1); //s个数组
            val = GetVal(nagearry);
            if (val < minval)
                minval = val;

                resultsrt = beginpre + s + endnext +"-"+ df.format(val);
            nagearry = null;
        return resultsrt;

    private double GetVal(String[] findarry)
        double val = 0;
        for (int ss = 0; ss < findarry.length - 1; ss = ss + 1)
            for (String[] aa : maindata)
                if (findarry[ss].equals(aa[0]) && findarry[ss + 1].equals(aa[1]))
                    val += Double.parseDouble(aa[2]);
        return val;

    private boolean isadd = false;
    private java.util.HashSet<String> returnlist = null;
    private String[] earry = null;
    private double[] bxy = null;
    private double[] exy = null;
    private String temgstr = "";
     * 时间复杂度比较复杂,因为换乘结点的关系导致的
    private java.util.HashSet<String> GetF(java.util.HashSet<String> beginlist)
        if (mainht == null || mainht.isEmpty())
            return null;
        returnlist = new java.util.HashSet<String>();
        if (beginlist.isEmpty())
            isend = 1;
            for (String f : beginlist) ///O(n)
                if (f.indexOf(end) > -1) //线路包含目的地e
                    temp = f.substring(0, f.lastIndexOf(end) + end.length());
                    if (fresult.contains(temp) == false) ///O(1)
                else if (endchxy.indexOf(‘-‘) > -1) //线路不包含目的地 并且目的地有连接结点
                    temp = f.substring(f.lastIndexOf(‘-‘) + 1);
                    if (temp.equals(endchxy.substring(0, endchxy.indexOf(‘-‘))))
                        temp = f + endchxy.substring(endchxy.indexOf(‘-‘));
                        if (fresult.contains(temp) == false) ///O(1)

            for (String strbegin : beginlist)
                if (strbegin.indexOf("-") == -1 && mainht.containsKey(strbegin) == true) //have this key and first load data
                    bxy = DCht.get(strbegin);
                    earry = mainht.get(strbegin).toString().split("[,]", -1);
                    for (String ar : earry)
                        exy = DCht.get(ar);
                        isadd = CK(isadd, bxy, exy);

                        if (isadd == true)
                            returnlist.add(strbegin + "-" + ar);
                            isend = 0;
                else if (strbegin.indexOf("-") > -1 && mainht.containsKey(strbegin.substring(strbegin.lastIndexOf("-") + 1)) == true)
                    temgstr = strbegin.substring(strbegin.lastIndexOf("-") + 1);
                    bxy = DCht.get(temgstr);
                    earry = mainht.get(temgstr).toString().split("[,]", -1); //exchange node
                    for (String ar : earry)
                        exy = DCht.get(ar);
                        isadd = CK(isadd, bxy, exy);

                        if (isadd == true)
                            if (!strbegin.contains(ar))
                                returnlist.add(strbegin + "-" + ar);
                            isend = 0;

        earry = null;
        if (isend == 0)
            return GetF(returnlist);
            return null;

    //East South West North Northeast Northwest Southeast Southwest
    private boolean CK(boolean isadd, double[] bxy, double[] exy)
        if (dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 && exy[0] >= bxy[0] && exy[1] >= bxy[1] && exy[0] <= ex && exy[1] <= ey) //1 x增大y增大
            isadd = true;
        else if (dx >= 0 && dy <= 0 && exy[0] >= bxy[0] && exy[1] <= bxy[1] && exy[0] <= ex && exy[1] >= ey) //2 x增大y减小
            isadd = true;
        else if (dx <= 0 && dy >= 0 && exy[0] <= bxy[0] && exy[1] >= bxy[1] && exy[0] >= ex && exy[1] <= ey) //3 x减小y增大
            isadd = true;
        else if (dx <= 0 && dy <= 0 && exy[0] <= bxy[0] && exy[1] <= bxy[1] && exy[0] >= ex && exy[1] >= ey) //4 x减小y减小
            isadd = true;
        else if (dx >= 0 && dy == 0 && exy[0] >= bxy[0] && exy[1] == bxy[1] && exy[1] == ey && exy[0] <= ex) //5 x增大y不变
            isadd = true;
        else if (dx == 0 && dy >= 0 && exy[0] == bxy[0] && exy[1] >= bxy[1] && exy[0] == ex && exy[1] <= ey) //6 x不变y增大
            isadd = true;
        else if (dx <= 0 && dy == 0 && exy[0] <= bxy[0] && exy[1] == bxy[1] && exy[1] == by && exy[0] >= ex) //7 x减小y不变
            isadd = true;
        else if (dx == 0 && dy <= 0 && exy[0] == bxy[0] && exy[1] <= bxy[1] && exy[0] == bx && exy[1] >= ey) //8 x不变 y减小
            isadd = true;
            isadd = false;
        return isadd;

    private double bx, by, ex, ey;
    private double dx, dy;
    private String endchxy;
    private int ChxyE(String stationname)
        endchxy = stationname;
        String[] arr = null;
        double[] xy = null;

        if (stationname.indexOf("-") == -1)
            arr = mainht.get(stationname).toString().split("[,]", -1);
            xy = DCht.get(stationname); //获取坐标
            ex = xy[0];
            ey = xy[1];
            arr = mainht.get(stationname.substring(0, stationname.indexOf("-"))).toString().split("[,]", -1);
            xy = DCht.get(stationname.substring(0, stationname.indexOf("-"))); //获取坐标
        java.util.ArrayList<String> lis = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
        for (int s = 0; s < arr.length; s++)
            if (!stationname.contains(arr[s]))

        if (lis.size() == 1)
            xy = DCht.get(arr[0]); //获取坐标
            ex = xy[0];
            ey = xy[1];
            xy = null;
            stationname = arr[0] + "-" + stationname;
            return ChxyE(stationname);
            xy = null;
            return -1;

    private int ChxyB(String stationname)
        String[] arr = null;
        double[] xy = null;

        if (stationname.indexOf("-") == -1)
            arr = mainht.get(stationname).toString().split("[,]", -1);
            xy = DCht.get(stationname); //获取坐标
            arr = mainht.get(stationname.substring(stationname.lastIndexOf("-") + 1)).toString().split("[,]", -1);
            xy = DCht.get(stationname.substring(stationname.lastIndexOf("-") + 1)); //获取坐标
        bx = xy[0];
        by = xy[1];

        for (int s = 0; s < arr.length; s++)
            if (stationname.equals(arr[s]))
                arr[s] = null;

        if (arr.length == 1)
            xy = DCht.get(arr[0]); //获取坐标
            bx = xy[0];
            by = xy[1];
            xy = null;
            stationname = stationname + "-" + arr[0];
            return ChxyB(stationname);
            xy = null;
            return -1;

    private void LoadData(String beginp, String endp)
        maindata = Data.LoadDD(); ///加载换乘结点之间的关系数据

        for (String[] sa : maindata)
            if (mainht.containsKey(sa[0])) //含有此键值
            for (String[] sd : maindata)
                if (sa[0].equals(sd[0]))
                    if (mainht.containsKey(sa[0])) //含有此键值
                        mainht.put(sa[0], mainht.get(sa[0]) + "," + sd[1]);
                    else //新增
                        mainht.put(sa[0], sd[1]);

        ChxyB(beginp); //处理开始点
        ChxyE(endp); //处理结束点

        dx = ex - bx; //目的坐标-起始坐标
        dy = ey - by; //目的坐标-起始坐标




 * Project Name:BeiJingS 
 * File Name:
 * Package Name:
 * Date:2012年11月2日下午2:05:31 
 * Copyright (c) 2017, xx@163.com xx  Rights Reserved. 
package cn.chenfei.WeidghtAD;
 *@author    xx
 *@version   1.0.0

//    Copyright ? 2006 - 2010 Tangible Software Solutions Inc.
//    This class can be used by anyone provided that the copyright notice remains intact.
//    This class is used to simulate the ability to pass arguments by reference in Java.
public final class RefObject<T>
    public T argvalue;
    public RefObject(T refarg)
        argvalue = refarg;




 * Project Name:BeiJingS 
 * File Name:
 * Package Name:
 * Date:2012年11月2日下午2:05:31 
 * Copyright (c) 2017, xx@163.com xx  Rights Reserved. 
package cn.chenfei.WeidghtAD;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.Window;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.Toast;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 *@author    xx
 *@version   1.0.0
public class WeidghtADActivity extends Activity {
    private EditText b, e;
    private Button btn1,btn2;
    private ListView listv;
    private ArrayList<String>  arrayList=new ArrayList<String>();

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //全屏  代码必须加在onCreate和setContentView之间


        listv= (ListView)findViewById(R.id.MyListView);

        btn2.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

        btn1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

                String beginString = b.getText().toString();
                String endString = e.getText().toString();

                if (beginString.equals("")) {
                } else if (endString.equals("")) {
                else if(beginString.equals(endString)){
                else if(beginString.equals("北京大学东门")&&endString.equals("立水桥"))
                     beginString = e.getText().toString();
                     endString = b.getText().toString();
                    DAL dal = new DAL();
                    String resultString = dal.Search(beginString, endString);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO: handle exception
    // 显示消息
    private void MSG(String msg) {
        Toast.makeText(WeidghtADActivity.this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    private  void  Opreatestring(String s)


        String sa=s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(":")+1).trim();

        String[] array= sa.split("[-]", -1);


           int i=1;
           for(String temps :array)

        ArrayList<String>  arrayList2=new ArrayList<String>();
        int length=arrayList.size();
                    arrayList2.add(" ");
            for(String asd :arrayList)

    private  void  LoadData(ArrayList<String> a) {
        listv.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, a));



      图的遍历有两种遍历方式:深度优先遍历(depth-first search)和广度优先遍历(breadth-first search)。


① 在图结构中,没有一个“自然”的首结点,图中任意一个顶点都可作为第一个被访问的结点。
② 在非连通图中,从一个顶点出发,只能够访问它所在的连通分量上的所有顶点,因此,还需考虑如何选取下一个出发点以访问图中其余的连通分量。
③ 在图结构中,如果有回路存在,那么一个顶点被访问之后,有可能沿回路又回到该顶点。

④ 在图结构中,一个顶点可以和其它多个顶点相连,当这样的顶点访问过后,存在如何选取下一个要访问的顶点的问题。








#define MAX 100
using namespace std;

typedef struct 
    int edges[MAX][MAX];    //邻接矩阵
    int n;                  //顶点数
    int e;                  //边数

bool visited[MAX];          //标记顶点是否被访问过

void creatMGraph(MGraph &G)    //用引用作参数
    int i,j;
    int s,t;                 //存储顶点编号
    int v;                   //存储边的权值
    for(i=0;i<G.n;i++)       //初始化
    for(i=0;i<G.e;i++)      //对矩阵相邻的边赋权值
        scanf("%d %d %d",&s,&t,&v);   //输入边的顶点编号以及权值

void DFS(MGraph G,int v)      //深度优先搜索
    int i;
    printf("%d ",v);          //访问结点v
    for(i=0;i<G.n;i++)       //访问与v相邻的未被访问过的结点

void DFS1(MGraph G,int v)   //非递归实现
    stack<int> s;
    printf("%d ",v);        //访问初始结点
    s.push(v);              //入栈
        int i,j;
        i=s.top();          //取栈顶顶点
        for(j=0;j<G.n;j++)  //访问与顶点i相邻的顶点
                printf("%d ",j);     //访问
                s.push(j);           //访问完后入栈
                break;               //找到一个相邻未访问的顶点,访问之后则跳出循环
        if(j==G.n)                   //如果与i相邻的顶点都被访问过,则将顶点i出栈

void BFS(MGraph G,int v)      //广度优先搜索
    queue<int> Q;             //STL模板中的queue
    printf("%d ",v);
        int i,j;
        i=Q.front();         //取队首顶点
        for(j=0;j<G.n;j++)   //广度遍历
                printf("%d ",j);

int main(void)
    int n,e;    //建立的图的顶点数和边数
    while(scanf("%d %d",&n,&e)==2&&n>0)
        MGraph G;
    //    DFS1(G,0);
    //    printf("\n");
    //    BFS(G,0);
    //    printf("\n");
    return 0;
View Code


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可以的话给我给赞吧!   thks v  m  c



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