标签:active python 总结 方法 imp 左右 odi 地方 info
import threading import time import random class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, n): super(MyThread, self).__init__() self.n = n def run(self): print(‘task %s is operating‘ % self.n) t_time = random.randint(1, 8) time.sleep(t_time) # getNname获取线程名称 print(self.getName(), ‘finished‘, ‘I sleep %d seconds‘ % t_time) class Person(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def get_info(self): # time.sleep(10) print(‘my name is %s.‘ % self.name) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: start_time = time.time() for i in range(5): t = MyThread(i) t.start() # t.join() print(‘main thread finished.‘) print(‘*****执行另一个程序了******‘) p = Person(‘bigberg‘) p.get_info() print(‘*************************‘) print(‘cost: %s‘ % (time.time() - start_time))
# 线程开始执行 task 0 is operating task 1 is operating task 2 is operating task 3 is operating task 4 is operating # 主线程执行完毕 main thread finished. # 可以执行另一个程序了 *****执行另一个程序了****** my name is bigberg. ************************* # 这里花费的时间是主线程的运行时间,显然没有计算子线程的时间 cost: 0.0019881725311279297 # 子线程在主线程结束后依然在运行 Thread-3 finished I sleep 2 seconds Thread-5 finished I sleep 2 seconds Thread-2 finished I sleep 3 seconds Thread-4 finished I sleep 4 seconds Thread-1 finished I sleep 5 seconds # 所有子线程完毕后程序结束 Process finished with exit code 0
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import threading import time import random class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, n): super(MyThread, self).__init__() self.n = n def run(self): print(‘task %s is operating‘ % self.n) t_time = random.randint(1, 8) time.sleep(t_time) print(self.getName(), ‘finished‘, ‘I sleep %d seconds‘ % t_time) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: start_time = time.time() for i in range(5): t = MyThread(i) t.start() t.join() # 添加join,阻塞主线程 print(‘main thread finished.‘) print(‘cost: %s‘ % (time.time() - start_time)) # 注 # 如果对每个线程都加join,那么并发就没有了,实际上线程都是串行的 # 前一个线程执行完了,才会执行下一个线程 # 主线程最后运行完毕
task 0 is operating Thread-1 finished I sleep 2 seconds task 1 is operating Thread-2 finished I sleep 6 seconds task 2 is operating Thread-3 finished I sleep 4 seconds task 3 is operating Thread-4 finished I sleep 8 seconds task 4 is operating Thread-5 finished I sleep 5 seconds # 这里主线程已经是最后执行完毕的了 main thread finished. # 消耗的时间也是每个线程的运行时间之和 cost: 25.005265712738037
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import threading import time import random class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, n): super(MyThread, self).__init__() self.n = n def run(self): print(‘task %s is operating‘ % self.n) t_time = random.randint(1, 8) time.sleep(t_time) print(self.getName(), ‘finished‘, ‘I sleep %d seconds‘ % t_time) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: start_time = time.time() for i in range(5): t = MyThread(i) t.start() t.join() # 添加join,阻塞主线程 print(‘main thread finished.‘) print(‘cost: %s‘ % (time.time() - start_time))
task 0 is operating task 1 is operating task 2 is operating task 3 is operating task 4 is operating Thread-1 finished I sleep 2 seconds Thread-3 finished I sleep 2 seconds Thread-5 finished I sleep 3 seconds # 其实是在线程5,也就是最后一个线程出阻塞的 main thread finished. cost: 3.001293659210205 Thread-2 finished I sleep 4 seconds Thread-4 finished I sleep 5 seconds
正确的方法,定义一个空列表,获取所以的线程实例,for 循环阻塞所有的线程实例
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import threading import time import random class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, n): super(MyThread, self).__init__() self.n = n def run(self): print(‘task %s is operating‘ % self.n) t_time = random.randint(1, 8) time.sleep(t_time) print(self.getName(), ‘finished‘, ‘I sleep %d seconds‘ % t_time) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: t_list = [] start_time = time.time() for i in range(5): t = MyThread(i) t.start() t_list.append(t) for t in t_list: t.join() print(‘main thread finished.‘) print(‘cost: %s‘ % (time.time() - start_time))
task 0 is operating task 1 is operating task 2 is operating task 3 is operating task 4 is operating Thread-3 finished I sleep 3 seconds Thread-5 finished I sleep 3 seconds Thread-2 finished I sleep 7 seconds Thread-1 finished I sleep 7 seconds Thread-4 finished I sleep 8 seconds main thread finished. cost: 8.001787185668945 # 并发时间在8秒左右
setDaemon()方法:在主线程中创建子线程,该子线程调用setDaemon方法后成为主线程的守护线程。这种情况下如果主线程执行结束,那么不管子线程是否完成,一并和主线程退出。这里基本和join()方法相反。此外,还有个要特别注意的:必须在start() 方法调用之前设置,如果不设置为守护线程,程序会被无限挂起。
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import threading import time import random class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, n): super(MyThread, self).__init__() self.n = n def run(self): print(‘task %s is operating‘ % self.n) t_time = random.randint(1, 8) time.sleep(t_time) print(self.getName(), ‘finished‘, ‘I sleep %d seconds‘ % t_time) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: start_time = time.time() for i in range(5): t = MyThread(i) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() print(‘main thread finished.‘, threading.current_thread(), threading.active_count()) print(‘cost: %s‘ % (time.time() - start_time))
threading.active_count() 查看活跃线程数
线程数 = 主线程 + 子线程数
task 0 is operating task 1 is operating task 2 is operating task 3 is operating task 4 is operating main thread finished. <_MainThread(MainThread, started 8656)> 6 cost: 0.0009999275207519531 Process finished with exit code 0 # 很显然把子线程设置为主线程的守护线程后,主线程一旦结束,程序就执行退出运行,不会再等待子线程运行。
标签:active python 总结 方法 imp 左右 odi 地方 info