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2. Ctlcontrols属性 Ctlcontrols属性是AxWindowsMediaPlayer的一个重 要属性, 此控件中有许多常用成员。 (1) 方法play 用于播放多媒体文件,其格式为: 窗体名.控件名.Ctlcontrols.play() 如: AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.play() ‘此处缺省窗体名是Me (2) 方法pause 用于暂停正在播放的多媒体文件,其格式为: 窗体名.控件名.Ctlcontrols.pause() 如: AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.pause() (3) 方法stop 用于停止正在播放的多媒体文件,其格式为: 窗体名.控件名.Ctlcontrols.stop() 如: AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.stop() (4) 方法fastforward 用于将正在播放的多媒体文件快进,其格式为: 窗体名.控件名.Ctlcontrols.fastforward() 如: AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.forward() (5) 方法fastreverse 窗体名.控件名.Ctlcontrols.fastreverse() 如: AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.fastreverse () 6. 属性CurrentPosition 用于获取多媒体文件当前的播放进度,其值是数值类 型,使用格式为: 窗体名.控件名.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition d1=AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.currentPosi tion 其中d1 是一个整型变量。 7. 属性Duration 用于获取当前多媒体文件的播放的总时间,其值为数 值类型,其使用格式为: 窗体名.控件名.currentMedia.duration 如:d2 =AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.duration 其中d2是一个整型变量。 度,字符串格式。如“00:23”
None, Invisible 3=播放,6=正在缓冲,9=正在连接,10=准备就绪 player.PlayStateChange += new AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEventHandler(player_PlayStateChange);private void player_PlayStateChange(object sender, AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent e) { // Test the current state of the player and display a message for each state. switch (e.newState) { case 0: // Undefined currentStateLabel.Text = "Undefined"; break; case 1: // Stopped currentStateLabel.Text = "Stopped"; break; case 2: // Paused currentStateLabel.Text = "Paused"; break; case 3: // Playing currentStateLabel.Text = "Playing"; break; case 4: // ScanForward currentStateLabel.Text = "ScanForward"; break; case 5: // ScanReverse currentStateLabel.Text = "ScanReverse"; break; case 6: // Buffering currentStateLabel.Text = "Buffering"; break; case 7: // Waiting currentStateLabel.Text = "Waiting"; break; case 8: // MediaEnded currentStateLabel.Text = "MediaEnded"; break; case 9: // Transitioning currentStateLabel.Text = "Transitioning"; break; case 10: // Ready currentStateLabel.Text = "Ready"; break; case 11: // Reconnecting currentStateLabel.Text = "Reconnecting"; break; case 12: // Last currentStateLabel.Text = "Last"; break; default: currentStateLabel.Text = ("Unknown State: " + e.newState.ToString()); break; } }
,字符串格式。如“03:24” 前媒体信息"Title"=媒体标题,"Author"=艺术 家,"Copyright"=版权信息,"Description"=媒体内 容描述,"Duration"=持续时间(秒),"FileSize"= 文件大小,"FileType"=文件类型,"sourceURL"=原 始地址 性名设置媒体信息 currentMedia.getItemInfo("Title") 放列表属性 包含媒体数 项目媒体信息,其子属性同wmp.currentMedia |
The AxWindowsMediaPlayer object is the root object for the Windows Media Player control. It supports the properties, methods, and events listed in the following tables.
The AxWindowsMediaPlayer object supports the following properties.
Property | Description |
cdromCollection | Gets an IWMPCdromCollection interface. |
closedCaption | Gets an IWMPClosedCaption interface. |
Ctlcontrols | Gets an IWMPControls interface. |
Ctlenabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Windows Media Player control is enabled. |
currentMedia | Gets or sets the IWMPMedia interface that corresponds to the current media item. |
currentPlaylist | Gets or sets the current IWMPPlaylist interface. |
dvd | Gets an IWMPDVD interface. |
enableContextMenu | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the context menu, which appears when the right mouse button is clicked. |
Error | Gets an IWMPError interface. |
fullScreen | Gets or sets a value indicating whether video content is played back in full-screen mode. |
isOnline | Gets a value indicating whether the user is connected to a network. |
isRemote | Not supported for .NET programming. |
mediaCollection | Gets an IWMPMediaCollection interface. |
network | Gets an IWMPNetwork interface. |
openState | Gets a value indicating the state of the content source. |
playerApplication | Not supported for .NET programming. |
playlistCollection | Gets an IWMPPlaylistCollection interface. |
playState | Gets a value indicating the state of the Windows Media Player operation. |
settings | Gets an IWMPSettings interface. |
status | Gets a value indicating the current status of Windows Media Player. |
stretchToFit | Gets or sets a value indicating whether video will stretch to fit size of the Windows Media Player control video display. |
uiMode | Gets or sets a value indicating which controls are shown in the user interface when Windows Media Player is embedded in a Web page. |
URL | Gets or sets the name of the clip to play. |
versionInfo | Gets a value that specifies the version of the Windows Media Player. |
windowlessVideo | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Windows Media Player control renders video in windowless mode. |
Method | Description |
close | Releases Windows Media Player resources. |
launchURL | Sends a URL to the user‘s default browser to be rendered. |
newMedia | Returns an IWMPMedia interface for a new media item. |
newPlaylist | returns an IWMPPlaylist interface for a new playlist. |
openPlayer | Opens Windows Media Player using the specified URL. |
The AxWindowsMediaPlayer object supports the following events.
Event | Description |
AudioLanguageChange | Occurs when the current audio language changes. |
Buffering | Occurs when the Windows Media Player control begins or ends buffering. |
CdromBurnError | Occurs when a generic error happens during a CD burning operation. |
CdromBurnMediaError | Occurs when an error happens while burning an individual media item to a CD. |
CdromBurnStateChange | Occurs when a CD burning operation changes state. |
CdromMediaChange | Occurs when a CD or DVD is inserted into or ejected from a CD or DVD drive. |
CdromRipMediaError | Occurs when an error happens while ripping an individual track from a CD. |
CdromRipStateChange | Occurs when a CD ripping operation changes state. |
Click | Occurs when the user clicks a mouse button. |
CreatePartnershipComplete | Not supported for .NET programming. |
CurrentItemChange | Occurs when IWMPControls.currentItem changes. |
CurrentMediaItemAvailable | Occurs when a graphic metadata item in the current media item becomes available. |
CurrentPlaylistChange | Occurs when something changes within the current playlist. |
CurrentPlaylistItemAvailable | Occurs when the current playlist item becomes available. |
DeviceConnect | Not supported for .NET programming. |
DeviceDisconnect | Not supported for .NET programming. |
DeviceStatusChange | Not supported for .NET programming. |
DeviceSyncError | Not supported for .NET programming. |
DeviceSyncStateChange | Not supported for .NET programming. |
Disconnect | Reserved for future use. |
DomainChange | Occurs when the DVD domain changes. |
DoubleClick | Occurs when the user double-clicks a mouse button. |
DurationUnitChange | Reserved for future use. |
EndOfStream | Reserved for future use. |
Error | Occurs when the Windows Media Player control has an error condition. |
FolderScanStateChange | Occurs when a folder monitoring operation changes state. |
KeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed. |
KeyPress | Occurs when a key is pressed and then released. |
KeyUp | Occurs when a key is released. |
LibraryConnect | Occurs when a library becomes available. |
LibraryDisconnect | Occurs when a library is no longer available. |
MarkerHit | Occurs when a marker is reached. |
MediaChange | Occurs when a media item changes. |
MediaCollectionAttributeStringAdded | Occurs when an attribute value is added to the library. |
MediaCollectionAttributeStringChanged | Occurs when an attribute value in the library is changed. |
MediaCollectionAttributeStringRemoved | Occurs when an attribute value is removed from the library. |
MediaCollectionChange | Occurs when the media collection changes. |
MediaCollectionMediaAdded | Occurs when a media item is added to the local library. |
MediaCollectionMediaRemoved | Occurs when a media item is removed from the local library. |
MediaError | Occurs when the Media object has an error condition. |
ModeChange | Occurs when a mode of Windows Media Player is changed. |
MouseDown | Occurs when a mouse button is pressed. |
MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved. |
MouseUp | Occurs when a mouse button is released. |
NewStream | Reserved for future use. |
OpenPlaylistSwitch | Occurs when a title on a DVD begins playing. |
OpenStateChange | Occurs when the Windows Media Player control changes state. |
PlayerDockedStateChange | Not supported for .NET programming. |
PlayerReconnect | Not supported for .NET programming. |
PlaylistChange | Occurs when a playlist changes. |
PlaylistCollectionChange | Occurs when something changes in the playlist collection. |
PlaylistCollectionPlaylistAdded | Occurs when a playlist is added to the playlist collection. |
PlaylistCollectionPlaylistRemoved | Occurs when a playlist is removed from the playlist collection. |
PlaylistCollectionPlaylistSetAsDeleted | Reserved for future use. |
PlayStateChange | Occurs when the play state of the Windows Media Player control changes. |
PositionChange | Occurs when the current position of the media item has been changed. |
ScriptCommand | Occurs when a synchronized command or URL is received. |
StatusChange | Occurs when the status property changes value. |
StringCollectionChange | Occurs when a string collection changes. |
SwitchedToControl | Not supported for .NET programming. |
SwitchedToPlayerApplication | Not supported for .NET programming. |
Warning | Reserved for future use. |
This documentation describes the Microsoft® Windows Media® Player 11 Software Development Kit (SDK). The Windows Media Player SDK is one of the components of the Microsoft Windows SDK. Other media components include the Microsoft Media Foundation SDK, the Microsoft Windows Media Format SDK, and the Microsoft Windows Media Services SDK.
The Windows Media Player SDK documents programming technologies that can be used to extend the capabilities of Windows Media Player and Windows Media Player Mobile. These technologies are documented in the following sections:
Section | Description |
About the Windows Media Player SDK | This section provides details about how to find specific information in the SDK. It includes a section about new features and information about how to use the samples included with the SDK. |
Windows Media Player Object Model | The Microsoft Windows Media Player control is a Microsoft ActiveX® control used for adding digital media playback capabilities to Web pages. It provides a programming interface for rendering digital media files and streams. |
Windows Media Player Skins | Skins are an XML-based technology used to customize the user interface of Windows Media Player. You can also use Windows Media Player Mobile skins to customize the user interface of Windows Media Player Mobile. |
Windows Media Player Plug-ins | Plug-ins are objects that extend Windows Media Player functionality in a variety of ways. Plug-in types include custom visualizations, user interface plug-ins, DSP plug-ins, rendering plug-ins. Windows Media Player Mobile plug-in support is also described in this section. |
Windows Media Metafiles | Metafiles are XML documents that provide information about a media item and its presentation. Metafiles can be used to organize media items into playlists that can include functionality for seamless stream switching, ad insertion, and other features. |
Windows Media Playlists | Playlists are files that use XML elements to define either a dynamic "smart" playlist of media items or a static set of media items. |
Windows Media Player Online Stores | Windows Media Player provides functionality that enables digital media content providers to integrate their services with Windows Media Player. Integration between the Player and an online digital media store enables the user to locate content, download and manage files, play content, and copy content to CDs or devices. |
Windows Media Player | Some features of the SDK apply to Windows Media Player, the Windows Media Player ActiveX control, and Windows Media Player Mobile. This section provides information about these features. |
Glossary | This section contains definitions of terms used throughout the SDK. |
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