标签:lan ati exception null ace target bsp 模式 oid
public static void main(String[] args) { JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); // 最大连接数 poolConfig.setMaxTotal(2); // 最大空闲数 poolConfig.setMaxIdle(2); // 最大允许等待时间,如果超过这个时间还未获取到连接,则会报JedisException异常: // Could not get a resource from the pool poolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(1000); JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(poolConfig, "", 6379, 0, "123"); Jedis jedis = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { jedis = pool.getResource(); jedis.set("foo" + i, "bar" + i); System.out.println("第" + (i + 1) + "个连接, 得到的值为" + jedis.get("foo" + i)); // 用完一定要释放连接 jedis.close(); } } finally { pool.close(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); // 最大连接数 poolConfig.setMaxTotal(1); // 最大空闲数 poolConfig.setMaxIdle(1); // 最大允许等待时间,如果超过这个时间还未获取到连接,则会报JedisException异常: // Could not get a resource from the pool poolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(1000); Set<HostAndPort> nodes = new LinkedHashSet<HostAndPort>(); nodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 6379)); nodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 6380)); nodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 6381)); nodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 6382)); nodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 6383)); nodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 6384)); JedisCluster cluster = new JedisCluster(nodes, poolConfig); String name = cluster.get("name"); System.out.println(name); cluster.set("age", "18"); System.out.println(cluster.get("age")); try { cluster.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
标签:lan ati exception null ace target bsp 模式 oid