contentType (default: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8‘)
Type: Boolean or String
When sending data to the server, use this content type. Default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", which is fine for most cases. If you explicitly pass in a content-type to $.ajax(), then it is always sent to the server (even if no data is sent). As of jQuery 1.6 you can pass false to tell jQuery to not set any content type header. Note: The W3C XMLHttpRequest specification dictates that the charset is always UTF-8; specifying another charset will not force the browser to change the encoding. Note: For cross-domain requests, setting the content type to anything other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain will trigger the browser to send a preflight OPTIONS request to the server.
不仅如此,如果想要用ContentType:application/json发送跨域请求,服务器端还必须设置一个名为Access-Control-Allow-Headers的Header,将它的值设置为 Content-Type,表明服务器能够接收到前端发送的请求中的ContentType属性并使用它的值。否则第二次请求也是发不出去的,浏览器console会报错,并提示你服务器没有设置Access-Control-Allow-Headers。
1 public class MyFilter implements Filter { 2 3 @Override 4 public void destroy() { 5 //System.out.println("过滤器销毁"); 6 } 7 8 @Override 9 public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, 10 HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request; 11 String type=httpRequest.getMethod(); 12 13 if (type.toUpperCase().equals("OPTIONS")==true) { 14 httpResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "content-type, accept"); 15 httpResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); 16 httpResponse.setStatus(200); 17 httpResponse.setContentType("text/plain;charset=utf-8"); 18 httpResponse.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); 19 responseContentByte="{\"test\":\"OPTIONS\"}".getBytes(); 20 } 21 } 22 23 @Override 24 public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException { 25 //System.out.println("过滤器初始化"); 26 } 27 28 }