2、start()方法,初始化固定大小线程池callTimeoutPool, 周期执行线程池timedRollerPool,以及sfWriters,并启动sinkCounter
sfWriters sfWriters实际是一个LinkedHashMap的实现类,通过重写removeEldestEntry方法,将最久未使用的writer移除,保证sfWriters中能够维护一个固定大小(maxOpenFiles)的最大打开文件数
sinkCounter sink组件监控指标的计数器
3、process() 方法是HDFSEventSink中最主要的逻辑(部分关键节点通过注释写到代码中),
public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException { Channel channel = getChannel(); //调用父类getChannel方法,建立Channel与Sink之间的连接 Transaction transaction = channel.getTransaction();//每次batch提交都建立在一个事务上 transaction.begin(); try { Set<BucketWriter> writers = new LinkedHashSet<>(); int txnEventCount = 0; for (txnEventCount = 0; txnEventCount < batchSize; txnEventCount++) { Event event = channel.take();//从Channel中取出event if (event == null) {//没有新的event的时候,则不需要按照batchSize循环取 break; } // reconstruct the path name by substituting place holders // 在配置文件中会有“a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.path = /flume/events/%y-%m-%d/%H%M/%S”这样的%表示的变量 // 解析配置文件中的变量构造realPath 和 realName String realPath = BucketPath.escapeString(filePath, event.getHeaders(), timeZone, needRounding, roundUnit, roundValue, useLocalTime); String realName = BucketPath.escapeString(fileName, event.getHeaders(), timeZone, needRounding, roundUnit, roundValue, useLocalTime); String lookupPath = realPath + DIRECTORY_DELIMITER + realName; BucketWriter bucketWriter; HDFSWriter hdfsWriter = null; WriterCallback closeCallback = new WriterCallback() { @Override public void run(String bucketPath) { LOG.info("Writer callback called."); synchronized (sfWritersLock) { sfWriters.remove(bucketPath);//sfWriters以LRU方式维护了一个maxOpenFiles大小的map.始终保持最多打开文件个数 } } }; synchronized (sfWritersLock) { bucketWriter = sfWriters.get(lookupPath); // we haven't seen this file yet, so open it and cache the handle if (bucketWriter == null) { hdfsWriter = writerFactory.getWriter(fileType);//通过工厂获取文件类型,其中包括"SequenceFile","DataStream","CompressedStream"; bucketWriter = initializeBucketWriter(realPath, realName, lookupPath, hdfsWriter, closeCallback); sfWriters.put(lookupPath, bucketWriter); } } // Write the data to HDFS try { bucketWriter.append(event); } catch (BucketClosedException ex) { LOG.info("Bucket was closed while trying to append, " + "reinitializing bucket and writing event."); hdfsWriter = writerFactory.getWriter(fileType); bucketWriter = initializeBucketWriter(realPath, realName, lookupPath, hdfsWriter, closeCallback); synchronized (sfWritersLock) { sfWriters.put(lookupPath, bucketWriter); } bucketWriter.append(event); } // track the buckets getting written in this transaction if (!writers.contains(bucketWriter)) { writers.add(bucketWriter); } } if (txnEventCount == 0) { sinkCounter.incrementBatchEmptyCount(); } else if (txnEventCount == batchSize) { sinkCounter.incrementBatchCompleteCount(); } else { sinkCounter.incrementBatchUnderflowCount(); } // flush all pending buckets before committing the transaction for (BucketWriter bucketWriter : writers) { bucketWriter.flush(); } transaction.commit(); if (txnEventCount < 1) { return Status.BACKOFF; } else { sinkCounter.addToEventDrainSuccessCount(txnEventCount); return Status.READY; } } catch (IOException eIO) { transaction.rollback(); LOG.warn("HDFS IO error", eIO); return Status.BACKOFF; } catch (Throwable th) { transaction.rollback(); LOG.error("process failed", th); if (th instanceof Error) { throw (Error) th; } else { throw new EventDeliveryException(th); } } finally { transaction.close(); } }
flush() 方法:
BucketWriter中维护了一个batchCounter,在这个batchCounter大小不为0的时候会进行doFlush(), doFlush()主要就是对batch中的event进行序列化和输出流flush操作,最终结果就是将events写入HDFS中。
public synchronized void append(final Event event) throws IOException, InterruptedException { checkAndThrowInterruptedException(); // idleFuture是ScheduledFuture实例,主要功能关闭当前HDFSWriter,在append event之前需要判断 // idleFuture是否已经执行完成,否则会造成在append一半的时候 hdfswriter被关闭 if (idleFuture != null) { idleFuture.cancel(false); // There is still a small race condition - if the idleFuture is already // running, interrupting it can cause HDFS close operation to throw - // so we cannot interrupt it while running. If the future could not be // cancelled, it is already running - wait for it to finish before // attempting to write. if (!idleFuture.isDone()) { try { idleFuture.get(callTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { LOG.warn("Timeout while trying to cancel closing of idle file. Idle" + " file close may have failed", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Error while trying to cancel closing of idle file. ", ex); } } idleFuture = null; } // If the bucket writer was closed due to roll timeout or idle timeout, // force a new bucket writer to be created. Roll count and roll size will // just reuse this one if (!isOpen) { if (closed) { throw new BucketClosedException("This bucket writer was closed and " + "this handle is thus no longer valid"); } open(); } // 检查rollCount,rollSize两个roll文件的参数,判断是否roll出新文件 if (shouldRotate()) { boolean doRotate = true; if (isUnderReplicated) { if (maxConsecUnderReplRotations > 0 && consecutiveUnderReplRotateCount >= maxConsecUnderReplRotations) { doRotate = false; if (consecutiveUnderReplRotateCount == maxConsecUnderReplRotations) { LOG.error("Hit max consecutive under-replication rotations ({}); " + "will not continue rolling files under this path due to " + "under-replication", maxConsecUnderReplRotations); } } else { LOG.warn("Block Under-replication detected. Rotating file."); } consecutiveUnderReplRotateCount++; } else { consecutiveUnderReplRotateCount = 0; } if (doRotate) { close(); open(); } } // write the event try { sinkCounter.incrementEventDrainAttemptCount();// sinkCounter统计metrix callWithTimeout(new CallRunner<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { writer.append(event); //writer是通过配置参数hdfs.fileType创建的HDFSWriter实现 return null; } }); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Caught IOException writing to HDFSWriter ({}). Closing file (" + bucketPath + ") and rethrowing exception.", e.getMessage()); try { close(true); } catch (IOException e2) { LOG.warn("Caught IOException while closing file (" + bucketPath + "). Exception follows.", e2); } throw e; } // update statistics processSize += event.getBody().length; eventCounter++; batchCounter++; if (batchCounter == batchSize) { flush(); } }