(2)出现在条件部分常用的运算符:= 、in 、exists(exists和in效果相同,但是exists效率高些)
提示1:排名函数row_number(),结合开窗函数over(order by 列名)进行排序号
提示2:between ... and ...

use dbtest select * from StudentInfo select * from ScoreInfo select stuid from ScoreInfo

--查询参与了考试的学生信息 exists in select * from StudentInfo where sId in(select distinct stuid from ScoreInfo) select * from StudentInfo where exists (select * from ScoreInfo where ScoreInfo.stuId=StudentInfo.sid)

select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sid desc) as rowIndex from StudentInfo

--分页 已知:页大小(一页显示多少条数据),页索引 -- 3,4 1,2,3,4 --1,3 1,3 (pageIndex-1)*pageSize+1 pageIndex*pageSize --2,3 4,6 --3,3 7,9 --4,3 10,12 --2,4 5,8 select * from (select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sid desc) as rowIndex from StudentInfo) as t1 where rowindex between 5 and 8