1 请求方式
1.1 GET
1.2 POST
1.3 PUT
2 参数获取注解
2.1 @PathVariable
路径参数,形如 url/{param} 时会用到,我们可以通过该注解来获取路径后面的参数来进行GET、DELETE、PUT操作

@GetMapping(value = "/{id}") public ResultViewModel findGirlById( @PathVariable("id") String id ) { // 01 参数去空格 id = StringUtils.trim(id); // 02 判断参数是否全为数字 Integer girlId = 0; if (JudgeUtil.allIsNumber(id)) { girlId = Integer.parseInt(id); } else { throw new GirlException(GirlEnum.PARAM_NOT_ALL_NUMBER); } // 03 调用服务层获取数据 return ResultViewModelUtil.success(girlService.findGirlById(girlId)); }
2.2 @RequestParam
2.3 @RequestBody

@PutMapping public ResultViewModel updateOneGirl( @Valid @RequestBody GirlFormModel girlFormModel, BindingResult result ) { // 01 参数验证 if (result.hasErrors()) { // 0101 存储错误信息的字符串变量 StringBuffer msgBuffer = new StringBuffer(); // 0102 错误字段集合 List<FieldError> fieldErrors = result.getFieldErrors(); for (FieldError fieldError : fieldErrors) { // 0103 获取错误信息 msgBuffer.append(fieldError.getField() + ":" + fieldError.getDefaultMessage()); } // 0104 抛出错误信息 throw new GirlException(GirlEnum.PARAM_ERROR.getCode(), msgBuffer.toString()); } // 02 将表单对象转化成数据对象 GirlModel girlModel = new GirlModel(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(girlFormModel, girlModel); // 03 调用服务层进行更新操作 Boolean updateResult = girlService.updateGirl(girlModel); if (updateResult) { return ResultViewModelUtil.success(GirlEnum.UPDATE_SUCCESS.getMessage()); } else { return ResultViewModelUtil.error(GirlEnum.UPDATE_ERROR.getCode(), GirlEnum.UPDATE_ERROR.getMessage()); } }
3 参数验证注解
3.1 常用的验证注解有
3.2 使用方法

package cn.xiangxu.springboottest.model.dataFormModel; import cn.xiangxu.springboottest.commons.validators.GirlFormIdValidator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import lombok.Data; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; @Data public class GirlFormModel { // @NotBlank(message = "目标girl的ID不能为空") // @NotEmpty(message = "目标girl的ID不能为空哟") // @GirlFormIdValidator private Integer girlId; @Min(value = 123) private Integer age; private String name; private String password; @NotEmpty(message = "昵称不能为空") @NotBlank(message = "昵称不能为空哟") @JsonProperty("nick") // 当前端属性为nick后台接收对象的属性为nickName时可以用@JsonProperty来保持一致 private String nickname; @NotEmpty(message = "地址不能为空") @NotBlank(message = "地址不能为空哟") private String address; }
3.3 如何使参数校验生效
3.3.1 在控制层方法的形参前面添加@Valid注解
3.3.2 利用BindingResult对象获取参数错误字段和参数错误信息

// // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by Fernflower decompiler) // package org.springframework.validation; import java.beans.PropertyEditor; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.beans.PropertyEditorRegistry; public interface BindingResult extends Errors { String MODEL_KEY_PREFIX = BindingResult.class.getName() + "."; Object getTarget(); Map<String, Object> getModel(); Object getRawFieldValue(String var1); PropertyEditor findEditor(String var1, Class<?> var2); PropertyEditorRegistry getPropertyEditorRegistry(); void addError(ObjectError var1); String[] resolveMessageCodes(String var1); String[] resolveMessageCodes(String var1, String var2); void recordSuppressedField(String var1); String[] getSuppressedFields(); }
· 技巧02:利用BindingResult对象的getFieldErrors方法获取所有有参数错误的属性
4 自定义参数验证注解
4.1 定义一个注解接口

package cn.xiangxu.springboottest.commons.validators; import cn.xiangxu.springboottest.commons.validators.validatorClass.GirlFormValidatorClass; import javax.validation.Constraint; import javax.validation.Payload; import java.lang.annotation.*; @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD}) @Constraint(validatedBy = GirlFormValidatorClass.class) public @interface GirlFormIdValidator { String values(); String message() default "girl的ID必须为纯数字"; Class<?>[] groups() default {}; Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {}; }
4.2 定义一个注解接口实现类

package cn.xiangxu.springboottest.commons.validators.validatorClass; import cn.xiangxu.springboottest.commons.validators.GirlFormIdValidator; import cn.xiangxu.springboottest.utils.JudgeUtil; import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator; import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext; public class GirlFormValidatorClass implements ConstraintValidator<GirlFormIdValidator, Object> { private String values; @Override public void initialize(GirlFormIdValidator girlFormValidator) { this.values = girlFormValidator.values(); } @Override public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) { if (JudgeUtil.allIsNumber((String)value)) { return true; } return false; } }
4.3 在实体类中使用自定义的参数校验注解
5 BeanUtils的使用
BeanUtils.copyProperties(girlFormModel, girlModel);

// // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by Fernflower decompiler) // package org.springframework.beans; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.beans.PropertyEditor; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.core.MethodParameter; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils; import org.springframework.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap; import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; public abstract class BeanUtils { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(BeanUtils.class); private static final Set<Class<?>> unknownEditorTypes = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(64)); public BeanUtils() { } public static <T> T instantiate(Class<T> clazz) throws BeanInstantiationException { Assert.notNull(clazz, "Class must not be null"); if (clazz.isInterface()) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Specified class is an interface"); } else { try { return clazz.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException var2) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Is it an abstract class?", var2); } catch (IllegalAccessException var3) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Is the constructor accessible?", var3); } } } public static <T> T instantiateClass(Class<T> clazz) throws BeanInstantiationException { Assert.notNull(clazz, "Class must not be null"); if (clazz.isInterface()) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Specified class is an interface"); } else { try { return instantiateClass(clazz.getDeclaredConstructor()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException var2) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "No default constructor found", var2); } } } public static <T> T instantiateClass(Class<?> clazz, Class<T> assignableTo) throws BeanInstantiationException { Assert.isAssignable(assignableTo, clazz); return instantiateClass(clazz); } public static <T> T instantiateClass(Constructor<T> ctor, Object... args) throws BeanInstantiationException { Assert.notNull(ctor, "Constructor must not be null"); try { ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(ctor); return ctor.newInstance(args); } catch (InstantiationException var3) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(ctor, "Is it an abstract class?", var3); } catch (IllegalAccessException var4) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(ctor, "Is the constructor accessible?", var4); } catch (IllegalArgumentException var5) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(ctor, "Illegal arguments for constructor", var5); } catch (InvocationTargetException var6) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(ctor, "Constructor threw exception", var6.getTargetException()); } } public static Method findMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class... paramTypes) { try { return clazz.getMethod(methodName, paramTypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException var4) { return findDeclaredMethod(clazz, methodName, paramTypes); } } public static Method findDeclaredMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class... paramTypes) { try { return clazz.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, paramTypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException var4) { return clazz.getSuperclass() != null ? findDeclaredMethod(clazz.getSuperclass(), methodName, paramTypes) : null; } } public static Method findMethodWithMinimalParameters(Class<?> clazz, String methodName) throws IllegalArgumentException { Method targetMethod = findMethodWithMinimalParameters(clazz.getMethods(), methodName); if (targetMethod == null) { targetMethod = findDeclaredMethodWithMinimalParameters(clazz, methodName); } return targetMethod; } public static Method findDeclaredMethodWithMinimalParameters(Class<?> clazz, String methodName) throws IllegalArgumentException { Method targetMethod = findMethodWithMinimalParameters(clazz.getDeclaredMethods(), methodName); if (targetMethod == null && clazz.getSuperclass() != null) { targetMethod = findDeclaredMethodWithMinimalParameters(clazz.getSuperclass(), methodName); } return targetMethod; } public static Method findMethodWithMinimalParameters(Method[] methods, String methodName) throws IllegalArgumentException { Method targetMethod = null; int numMethodsFoundWithCurrentMinimumArgs = 0; Method[] var4 = methods; int var5 = methods.length; for(int var6 = 0; var6 < var5; ++var6) { Method method = var4[var6]; if (method.getName().equals(methodName)) { int numParams = method.getParameterTypes().length; if (targetMethod != null && numParams >= targetMethod.getParameterTypes().length) { if (!method.isBridge() && targetMethod.getParameterTypes().length == numParams) { if (targetMethod.isBridge()) { targetMethod = method; } else { ++numMethodsFoundWithCurrentMinimumArgs; } } } else { targetMethod = method; numMethodsFoundWithCurrentMinimumArgs = 1; } } } if (numMethodsFoundWithCurrentMinimumArgs > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot resolve method ‘" + methodName + "‘ to a unique method. Attempted to resolve to overloaded method with the least number of parameters but there were " + numMethodsFoundWithCurrentMinimumArgs + " candidates."); } else { return targetMethod; } } public static Method resolveSignature(String signature, Class<?> clazz) { Assert.hasText(signature, "‘signature‘ must not be empty"); Assert.notNull(clazz, "Class must not be null"); int firstParen = signature.indexOf("("); int lastParen = signature.indexOf(")"); if (firstParen > -1 && lastParen == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid method signature ‘" + signature + "‘: expected closing ‘)‘ for args list"); } else if (lastParen > -1 && firstParen == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid method signature ‘" + signature + "‘: expected opening ‘(‘ for args list"); } else if (firstParen == -1 && lastParen == -1) { return findMethodWithMinimalParameters(clazz, signature); } else { String methodName = signature.substring(0, firstParen); String[] parameterTypeNames = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(signature.substring(firstParen + 1, lastParen)); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class[parameterTypeNames.length]; for(int i = 0; i < parameterTypeNames.length; ++i) { String parameterTypeName = parameterTypeNames[i].trim(); try { parameterTypes[i] = ClassUtils.forName(parameterTypeName, clazz.getClassLoader()); } catch (Throwable var10) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid method signature: unable to resolve type [" + parameterTypeName + "] for argument " + i + ". Root cause: " + var10); } } return findMethod(clazz, methodName, parameterTypes); } } public static PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors(Class<?> clazz) throws BeansException { CachedIntrospectionResults cr = CachedIntrospectionResults.forClass(clazz); return cr.getPropertyDescriptors(); } public static PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(Class<?> clazz, String propertyName) throws BeansException { CachedIntrospectionResults cr = CachedIntrospectionResults.forClass(clazz); return cr.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyName); } public static PropertyDescriptor findPropertyForMethod(Method method) throws BeansException { return findPropertyForMethod(method, method.getDeclaringClass()); } public static PropertyDescriptor findPropertyForMethod(Method method, Class<?> clazz) throws BeansException { Assert.notNull(method, "Method must not be null"); PropertyDescriptor[] pds = getPropertyDescriptors(clazz); PropertyDescriptor[] var3 = pds; int var4 = pds.length; for(int var5 = 0; var5 < var4; ++var5) { PropertyDescriptor pd = var3[var5]; if (method.equals(pd.getReadMethod()) || method.equals(pd.getWriteMethod())) { return pd; } } return null; } public static PropertyEditor findEditorByConvention(Class<?> targetType) { if (targetType != null && !targetType.isArray() && !unknownEditorTypes.contains(targetType)) { ClassLoader cl = targetType.getClassLoader(); if (cl == null) { try { cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); if (cl == null) { return null; } } catch (Throwable var5) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Could not access system ClassLoader: " + var5); } return null; } } String editorName = targetType.getName() + "Editor"; try { Class<?> editorClass = cl.loadClass(editorName); if (!PropertyEditor.class.isAssignableFrom(editorClass)) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("Editor class [" + editorName + "] does not implement [java.beans.PropertyEditor] interface"); } unknownEditorTypes.add(targetType); return null; } else { return (PropertyEditor)instantiateClass(editorClass); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException var4) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("No property editor [" + editorName + "] found for type " + targetType.getName() + " according to ‘Editor‘ suffix convention"); } unknownEditorTypes.add(targetType); return null; } } else { return null; } } public static Class<?> findPropertyType(String propertyName, Class... beanClasses) { if (beanClasses != null) { Class[] var2 = beanClasses; int var3 = beanClasses.length; for(int var4 = 0; var4 < var3; ++var4) { Class<?> beanClass = var2[var4]; PropertyDescriptor pd = getPropertyDescriptor(beanClass, propertyName); if (pd != null) { return pd.getPropertyType(); } } } return Object.class; } public static MethodParameter getWriteMethodParameter(PropertyDescriptor pd) { return pd instanceof GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor ? new MethodParameter(((GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor)pd).getWriteMethodParameter()) : new MethodParameter(pd.getWriteMethod(), 0); } public static boolean isSimpleProperty(Class<?> clazz) { Assert.notNull(clazz, "Class must not be null"); return isSimpleValueType(clazz) || clazz.isArray() && isSimpleValueType(clazz.getComponentType()); } public static boolean isSimpleValueType(Class<?> clazz) { return ClassUtils.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(clazz) || clazz.isEnum() || CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) || Date.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) || URI.class == clazz || URL.class == clazz || Locale.class == clazz || Class.class == clazz; } public static void copyProperties(Object source, Object target) throws BeansException { copyProperties(source, target, (Class)null, (String[])null); } public static void copyProperties(Object source, Object target, Class<?> editable) throws BeansException { copyProperties(source, target, editable, (String[])null); } public static void copyProperties(Object source, Object target, String... ignoreProperties) throws BeansException { copyProperties(source, target, (Class)null, ignoreProperties); } private static void copyProperties(Object source, Object target, Class<?> editable, String... ignoreProperties) throws BeansException { Assert.notNull(source, "Source must not be null"); Assert.notNull(target, "Target must not be null"); Class<?> actualEditable = target.getClass(); if (editable != null) { if (!editable.isInstance(target)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target class [" + target.getClass().getName() + "] not assignable to Editable class [" + editable.getName() + "]"); } actualEditable = editable; } PropertyDescriptor[] targetPds = getPropertyDescriptors(actualEditable); List<String> ignoreList = ignoreProperties != null ? Arrays.asList(ignoreProperties) : null; PropertyDescriptor[] var7 = targetPds; int var8 = targetPds.length; for(int var9 = 0; var9 < var8; ++var9) { PropertyDescriptor targetPd = var7[var9]; Method writeMethod = targetPd.getWriteMethod(); if (writeMethod != null && (ignoreList == null || !ignoreList.contains(targetPd.getName()))) { PropertyDescriptor sourcePd = getPropertyDescriptor(source.getClass(), targetPd.getName()); if (sourcePd != null) { Method readMethod = sourcePd.getReadMethod(); if (readMethod != null && ClassUtils.isAssignable(writeMethod.getParameterTypes()[0], readMethod.getReturnType())) { try { if (!Modifier.isPublic(readMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { readMethod.setAccessible(true); } Object value = readMethod.invoke(source); if (!Modifier.isPublic(writeMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { writeMethod.setAccessible(true); } writeMethod.invoke(target, value); } catch (Throwable var15) { throw new FatalBeanException("Could not copy property ‘" + targetPd.getName() + "‘ from source to target", var15); } } } } } } }