2. 不能修改被装饰的函数的调用方式
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Auther: Summer
1 # 装饰器本身带参数 2 3 user, passwd = ‘summer‘,‘abc123‘ 4 5 def auth(auth_type): 6 print(‘auth_type‘, auth_type) 7 def outer_wrapper(func): 8 def wrapper(*agrs,**kwargs): 9 print("wrapper func",*agrs,**kwargs) 10 if auth_type == ‘local‘: 11 username = input(‘please input your username:‘).strip() 12 password = input(‘please input your password:‘).strip() 13 if user == username and passwd == password: 14 print("User has passed authentication") 15 res = func(*agrs,**kwargs) 16 print("----after authentication") 17 return res 18 else: 19 print("Invalid username and password!") 20 exit() 21 elif auth_type == ‘ldap‘: 22 print("buhui") 23 return wrapper 24 return outer_wrapper 25 26 @auth(‘local‘) 27 def index(): 28 print(‘welcom to index page‘) 29 @auth(auth_type = ‘local‘) # 相当于home = auth() 执行auth函数里面的outer_wrapper 30 def home(): 31 print(‘welcome to home page‘) 32 @auth(auth_type = ‘ldap‘) 33 def bbs(): 34 print(‘welcome to bbs page‘) 35 36 index() 37 home() 38 bbs()
2. 高阶函数
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 # Auther: Summer 4 5 # 返回值中包含函数名 6 import time 7 8 9 def bar(): 10 time.sleep(3) 11 print(‘in the bar‘) 12 13 def test2(func): # 新功能 14 print(func) 15 return func 16 17 # test2(bar) 18 # print(test2(bar)) 19 t = test2(bar) 20 print(t) # 打印bar的内存地址 21 t() # 运行bar 22 bar = test2(bar) # 23 bar() # bar中加上了test2的功能,没有修改bar的调用方式
高阶函数+嵌套函数 =》 装饰器
calc = lambda x:x*3
3. 嵌套函数:
1 # 函数的嵌套 2 # 在一个函数的函数体内用def去声明一个函数 3 4 def foo(): 5 print(‘in the foo‘) 6 7 def bar(): #具有局部变量的特性,只能在内部调用 8 print("in the bar") 9 bar() 10 foo() 11 12 13 x = 0 14 def grandpa(): 15 x =1 16 def dad(): 17 x =2 18 def son(): 19 x = 3 20 print(x) # 函数的作用域,从里往外找 21 son() 22 dad() 23 grandpa()
1 # 通用装饰器,可传参 2 ‘‘‘ 3 1.不修改被装饰的函数的源代码 4 2. 不修改被装饰的函数的调用方式 5 ‘‘‘ 6 7 import time 8 9 def timer(func): 10 def deco(*args,**kwargs): # 定义一个高阶函数 11 start_time = time.time() 12 func(*args,**kwargs) # 运行bar 13 stop_time = time.time() 14 print("the func run time is %s" %(stop_time-start_time)) 15 return deco 16 17 @timer 18 def test1(): 19 time.sleep(1) 20 print(‘in the test1‘) 21 22 @timer 23 def test2(name,age): 24 time.sleep(1) 25 print(‘in the test2:‘,name,age) 26 27 test1() 28 test2(‘summer‘,24)