标签:space 传递参数 过滤 必须 turn success 习题 %x write
def modify_file(filename,old,new): import os with open(filename,'r',encoding='utf-8') as read_f,open('.bak.swap','w',encoding='utf-8') as write_f: for line in read_f: if old in line: line=line.replace(old,new) write_f.write(line) #修改过的内容写到临时文件.bak.swap os.remove(filename) #将源文件删除 os.rename('.bak.swap',filename) #将临时文件.bak.swap重命名为之前的文件名filename modify_file('/Users/jieli/a.txt','some','same') #用户传递参数,实现将a.txt中的some改为same
2、写函数,计算传入字符串中【数字】、【字母】、【空格] 以及 【其他】的个数
def check(msg): res = { 'num': 0, 'string': 0, 'space': 0, 'other': 0, } for s in msg: if s.isdigit(): #判断属于数字 res['num'] += 1 elif s.isalpha(): #判断属于字符串 res['string'] += 1 elif s.isspace(): #判断属于空格 res['space'] += 1 else: res['other'] += 1 return res res = check('hello name:jim passowrd:win2008') #给函数传入参数‘hello name:jim passowrd:win2008’ print(res) #结果是{'num': 4, 'string': 23, 'space': 2, 'other': 2}
def func1(str,list,tup): zi = len(str) li = len(list) tup = len(tup) if zi > 5: print("字符串长度大于5") else: print("字符串长度小于或等于5") if li > 5: print("列表长度大于5") else: print("列表长度小于或等于5") if tup > 5: print("元组长度大于5") else: print("元组长度小于或等于5") func1("kwkwqehk",[11,22,33],(1,"215",5,6,59,6))
def func1(seq): if len(seq) > 2: seq=seq[0:2] #根据索引取元素,索引为0和1的 return seq print(func1([1,2,3,4])) #结果是[1, 2]
def func2(seq): return seq[::2] #按照索引判断,指定步长为2 print(func2((1,2,3,4,5,6,7))) #结果是(1, 3, 5, 7)
def func3(dic): d={} for key,value in dic.items(): if len(value) > 2: #value长度大于2的 d[key]=value[0:2] #新的value保留两个长度的内容,并和key组成新字典d return d print(func3({'k1':'abcdef','k2':[1,2,3,4],'k3':('a','b','c')})) #结果是{'k1': 'ab', 'k2': [1, 2], 'k3': ('a', 'b')}
import random import time def func1(): time.sleep(random.randrange(1,5)) #random的randrange生成随机的时间1到4秒 print('welecome to func1') func1()
import time import random from functools import wraps def wrap(func): def auth(*args,**kwargs): start = time.time() res=func(*args, **kwargs) stop = time.time() print('run time is %s' % (stop - start)) return res return auth @wrap #装饰器语法,相当于执行wrap(func) def func(): time.sleep(random.randrange(1, 5)) print('welecome to func') func()
import time def wrap(func): def auth(*args,**kwargs): while True: name=input('username: ').strip() password=input('pwd: ').strip() if name=='wang' and password=='123': print('successful') res=func(*args, **kwargs) return res else: print('error') continue return auth @wrap def index(): print('welecome to func1') index()
login_status={'user':None,'status':False} #用户输入一次,不管正确还是错误都结束程序 def auth(auth_type='file'): def auth2(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): if login_status['user'] and login_status['status']: return func(*args,**kwargs) if auth_type == 'file': with open(r'C:\Users\db',encoding='utf-8') as f: dic=eval(f.read()) name=input('username: ').strip() password=input('password: ').strip() if name in dic and password == dic[name]: login_status['user']=name login_status['status']=True res=func(*args,**kwargs) return res else: print('username or password error') elif auth_type == 'sql': print('from sql') else: print('error press') return wrapper return auth2 @auth() def index(): print('index') @auth(auth_type='file') def home(name): print('welcome %s to home' %name) index() home('wang')
import time,random user={'user':None,'login_time':None,'timeout':3.000003,} def timmer(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): s1=time.time() res=func(*args,**kwargs) s2=time.time() print('%s' %(s2-s1)) return res return wrapper def auth(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): if user['user']: timeout=time.time()-user['login_time'] if timeout < user['timeout']: return func(*args,**kwargs) name=input('name>>: ').strip() password=input('password>>: ').strip() if name == 'egon' and password == '123': user['user']=name user['login_time']=time.time() res=func(*args,**kwargs) return res return wrapper @auth def index(): time.sleep(random.randrange(3)) print('welcome to index') @auth def home(name): time.sleep(random.randrange(3)) print('welcome %s to home ' %name) index() home('wang')
6、编写日志装饰器,一旦函数f1执行,则将消息2017-07-21 11:12:11 f1 run写入到日志文件中
import time import os def logger(logfile): def deco(func): if not os.path.exists(logfile): #日志文件不存在pass with open(logfile,'w'):pass def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): res=func(*args,**kwargs) with open(logfile,'a',encoding='utf-8') as f: #文件里面追加时间标记 f.write('%s %s run\n' %(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X'),func.__name__)) return res return wrapper return deco @logger(logfile='aaa.log') def index(): print('index') index()
names=[name.upper() for name in names] print(names)
names=[name for name in names if not name.endswith('sb')] print(names) #结果['zhao', 'qian', 'sun']
with open('aaa.log','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: res=max(len(line) for line in f) print(res)
mac 20000 3
lenovo 3000 10
tesla 1000000 10
chicken 200 1
with open('shopping.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f: info = [line.split() for line in f] #print(info) #[['mac', '20000', '3'], ['lenovo', '3000', '10'], ['tesla', '1000000', '10'], ['chicken', '200', '1']] cost = sum(float(unit_price) * int(count) for _, unit_price, count in info) print(cost) #结果是支出的金额
with open('a.txt',encoding='utf-8') as f: info=[{ 'name': line.split()[0], #取第一列的名字 'price': float(line.split()[1]), #取第二列的价钱 转化为float类型 'count': int(line.split()[2]), #取第三列的个数 int类型 } for line in f] print(info)
with open('a.txt',encoding='utf-8') as f: info=[{ 'name': line.split()[0], 'price': float(line.split()[1]), 'count': int(line.split()[2]), } for line in f if float(line.split()[1])>10000] print(info)
标签:space 传递参数 过滤 必须 turn success 习题 %x write