标签:des style io ar 数据 art sp cti on
select count(*) from ps_product; select count(*) from ps_product_lang; select * from ps_product_lang where id_product=(select count(*) from ps_product_lang); select name,id_product from ps_product_lang where id_product=(select count(*) from ps_product_lang); select name,id_product from ps_product_lang where id_product=; select name,id_product from ps_product_lang where name=‘‘; select count(*) from ps_product where price=0; delete from ps_product where id_product=; delete from ps_product_lang where id_product between 4076 and 4079; delete from ps_product where id_product between 4080 and 4082; delete from ps_category where id_category between 4080 and 4082; delete from ps_product_lang where id_product in(274,233,241,339,654); update ps_product_lang set description=" " where description="";(更改说明) update ps_product_lang set price=price+179;(更改价格) delete from ps_product_lang where id_product%2=0 and id_product>666; update ps_category set id_parent=2 where id_category between 9 and 11; update ps_image set cover = 0 where id_product=5; update ps_image set cover = 1 where id_image=9; select name,id_product from ps_product_lang where name=10465; update ps_product set active = 0 where id_product in (); select count(*) from ps_product where pricr<100; UPDATE `ps_product` SET `price`= concat(round(rand()*200 + 120), ‘.99‘) where price<100; select * from ps_feature where id_feature = 18; select * from ps_feature_lang where id_feature = 18; select * from ps_feature_value_lang where value=‘ Bateau (2) Bateau neck (9) Bateau neck/strapless‘; select count(*) from ps_feature_value_lang; update ps_feature_product set id_feature = 19 where id_feature = 18; update ps_feature_product set id_feature = 28 where id_feature = 16; update ps_feature_product set id_feature = 15 where id_feature = 20; update ps_feature_product set id_feature = 8 where id_feature = 6; delete from ps_feature where id_feature in (18,16,20,6); delete from ps_feature_lang where id_feuture in (18,16,20,6); update ps_feature_product set id_feature_value=50 where id_feature_value in(72,364,59,351); select * from ps_feature_lang where name=‘Style‘; 插入订单号 TRUNCATE `ps_orders`; INSERT INTO `ps_orders` (`id_order`, `id_carrier`, `id_lang`, `id_customer`, `id_cart`, `id_currency`, `id_address_delivery`, `id_address_invoice`, `secure_key`, `payment`, `conversion_rate`, `module`, `recyclable`, `gift`, `gift_message`, `shipping_number`, `total_discounts`, `total_paid`, `total_paid_real`, `total_products`, `total_products_wt`, `total_shipping`, `carrier_tax_rate`, `total_wrapping`, `invoice_number`, `delivery_number`, `invoice_date`, `delivery_date`, `valid`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES (‘960000‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1.000000‘, ‘1‘, ‘0‘, ‘0‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘2011-08-03 00:00:00‘, ‘2011-08-03 00:00:00‘, ‘1‘, ‘2011-08-03 00:00:00‘, ‘2011-08-03 00:00:00‘); select id_order from ps_orders; delete from ps_orders; 删除产品 delete from ps_product where id_product>6404; delete from ps_product_lang where id_product>6404; delete from ps_category_product where id_product>6404; delete from ps_image where id_product > 6404; delete from ps_product_tag where id_product ; 改分类 update ps_category_product set id_category=4 where id_category = 7; update ps_category_product set id_category=2 where id_category in (15,17,13,23); update ps_category_product set id_category=36 where id_category=35; update ps_category_product set id_category=14 where id_category=34; 修改mysql密码: 分类变成子分类 update ps_category_product set id_parent=14 where id_category=34;
标签:des style io ar 数据 art sp cti on