标签:res amp lease not pat tar $? pre oca
#! /bin/bash[ $num -eq 1 ] && {
echo "start installing lamp."
sleep 2;
[ -x "$path/lamp.sh" ] || {
echo "$path/lamp.sh does not exist or can not be exec."
exit 1
exit $?
[ $num -eq 2 ] && {
echo "start install lnmp."
sleep 2;
[ -x "$path/lnmp.sh" ] || {
echo "$path/lnmp.sh does not exists or can not be exec."
exit 1
exit $?
[ $num -eq 3 ] && {
echo bye
exit 10
[[ ! $num =~ [1-3] ]] && {
echo "The num you input must be {1|2|3}"
echo "Input wrong"
标签:res amp lease not pat tar $? pre oca