root@debian45:/home/soft# cat /etc/init.d/mysqld #!/bin/sh # Copyright Abandoned 1996 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB # This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind
# MySQL daemon start/stop script.
# Usually this is put in /etc/init.d (at least on machines SYSV R4 based # systems) and linked to /etc/rc3.d/S99mysql and /etc/rc0.d/K01mysql. # When this is done the mysql server will be started when the machine is # started and shut down when the systems goes down.
# Comments to support chkconfig on RedHat Linux # chkconfig: 2345 64 36 # description: A very fast and reliable SQL database engine.
# Comments to support LSB init script conventions ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: mysql # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $remote_fs # Should-Start: ypbind nscd ldap ntpd xntpd # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $remote_fs # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: start and stop MySQL # Description: MySQL is a very fast and reliable SQL database engine. ### END INIT INFO
# If you install MySQL on some other places than /usr/local/mysql, then you # have to do one of the following things for this script to work: # # - Run this script from within the MySQL installation directory # - Create a /etc/my.cnf file with the following information: # [mysqld] # basedir= # - Add the above to any other configuration file (for example ~/.my.ini) # and copy my_print_defaults to /usr/bin # - Add the path to the mysql-installation-directory to the basedir variable
# Default value, in seconds, afterwhich the script should timeout waiting # for server start. # Value here is overriden by value in my.cnf. # 0 means don't wait at all # Negative numbers mean to wait indefinitely service_startup_timeout=900
# Lock directory for RedHat / SuSE. lockdir='/var/lock/subsys' lock_file_path="$lockdir/mysql"