--创建触发器及作用举例 create or replace trigger tri before delete on emp --在删除emp表数据之前需要做的事根据自己的业务去写,before是在之前做的事,after是在之后要做的事 declare t_result number := 10; begin dbms_output.put_line(‘admin‘ || t_result); end tri; --下面是对表某些字段进行更新之后做的操作 create or replace trigger TRI_DISPLAYTABLE after update of datatype,dbcolumnname,name on P#GCFR_T_FACTOR for each row declare errno number; errmsg varchar2(30); begin if updating (‘datatype‘) then update GCFR_T_DISPLAYTABLE t set t.datatype = :new.datatype where t.viewname = :old.dbtablename and t.isvirtualcolumn = 0 and t.columncode = :old.dbcolumnname; end if; if updating (‘dbcolumnname‘) then update GCFR_T_DISPLAYTABLE t set t.datatype = :new.datatype where t.viewname = :old.dbtablename and t.isvirtualcolumn = 0 and t.columncode = :old.dbcolumnname; end if; if updating (‘name‘) then update GCFR_T_DISPLAYTABLE t set t.datatype = :new.datatype where t.viewname = :old.dbtablename and t.isvirtualcolumn = 0 and t.columncode = :old.dbcolumnname; end if; end; --删除触发器 drop trigger tri;