phpexcel的学习建议大家主要看这里:https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel ,然后再结合网上一些资料。
Requirements ------------ The following requirements should be met prior to using PHPExcel: * PHP version 5.2.0 or higher * PHP extension php_zip enabled *) * PHP extension php_xml enabled * PHP extension php_gd2 enabled (if not compiled in) *) php_zip is only needed by PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007, PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007, PHPExcel_Reader_OOCalc. In other words, if you need PHPExcel to handle .xlsx or .ods files you will need the zip extension, but otherwise not. Installation instructions ------------------------- Installation is quite easy: copy the contents of the Classes folder to any location in your application required. Example: If your web root folder is /var/www/ you may want to create a subfolder called /var/www/Classes/ and copy the files into that folder so you end up with files: /var/www/Classes/PHPExcel.php /var/www/Classes/PHPExcel/Calculation.php /var/www/Classes/PHPExcel/Cell.php ... Getting started --------------- A good way to get started is to run some of the tests included in the download. Copy the "Examples" folder next to your "Classes" folder from above so you end up with: /var/www/Examples/01simple.php /var/www/Examples/02types.php ... Start running the test by pointing your browser to the test scripts: http://example.com/Examples/01simple.php http://example.com/Examples/02types.php ... Note: It may be necessary to modify the include/require statements at the beginning of each of the test scripts if your "Classes" folder from above is named differently.