标签:reg jin variable proc nsf 对象 操作 des 方便
Netscaler URL/Cookie domain Transformation 转换在Rewrite策略下先建立Profile,
转换的对象可以是Request、Responde和Cookie Domain,对于前两者可以是URI也可以是完整的URL。
然后建立 URL Transformation Policy
How to Change Destination Hostname of HTTP GET Request Using URL Transformation Feature
CTX128091 Created onMay 07, 2014 Updated onMay 07, 2014
1 found this helpful
Article Topic : Configuration
See Applicable Products
This article provides information on how to change the Destination Hostname of an HTTP GET Request using the URL Transformation feature.
To change the destination hostname of an HTTP GET request using the URL Transformation feature of a NetScaler appliance, complete the following procedure:
Run the following command from the command line interface of the appliance to create a URL Transformation profile:
add transform profile prof_url_change
Run the following command to create a URL ransformation action:
add transform action act_url_change prof_url_change 100
Run the following command to configure a URL Transformation action:
set transform action act_url_change -priority 100 -reqUrlFrom "http://one.example.co.uk/(.)/(.)/" -reqUrlInto "http://$1.one.example.local/$2/" -resUrlFrom "http://(.*).one.example.local/(.*)" -resUrlInto “http://one.example.co.uk/$1/$2”
In the preceding command, the reqUrlFrom section is regex-compliant. Therefore, you can create variables, such as $1, based on word groups. You can use $1 to $5 variables for the reqUrlInto parameter.
Note: The $1 variable refers to the first (.), the $2 variable refers to the second (.), and / is a delimiter.
Run the following command to configure the URL Transformation policy:
add transform policy pol_url_change "HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.GET(1).EQ(\"firstpath\") && HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.EQ(\"one.example.co.uk\")" prof_url_change
Run the following command to bind the policy globally to the appliance:
bind transform global pol_url_change 10
After configuring the appliance with the preceding configuration, if you try to access the http://one.example.co.uk/firstpath/secondpath/test.html URL, the appliance sends the http://firstpath.one.example.co.uk/secondpath/test.html URL to the backend server.
Note: In this article, URL is transformed using the first element of the path. However, you can extend this to the other elements of the URL.
来源: <http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX128091>
Netscaler URL/Cookie domain Transformation 转换
标签:reg jin variable proc nsf 对象 操作 des 方便