标签:name 不成功 com bsp 输入 time and get class
name = input("username:") #在py2里用raw_input输入,同input passwd = input("password:") age = int(input ("age:"))
print(type(age)) #输出变量类型,默认是str print(name,passwd)
info1 = ''' ------------info of --------------- username:%s password:%s age:%d '''%(name,passwd,age) print(info1)
info2 = ''' -----------info of {_name}----------------- username:{_name} password:{_password} age:{_age} '''.format(_name=name, _password=passwd, _age=age, ) print(info2)
import getpass username = "fengxiaoli" password = "123456" name = input("username:") passwd = getpass.getpass("password:") #注getpass模块在pycharm执行不成功,可以在命令行执行测试 if name == username and passwd == password: print("welcome {_username} login".format(_username=name)) else: print("invalid login")
#猜数字1 age = 50 count=0 while count < 3: _age = int(input("age:")) if _age == age : print("you guessed right") break elif _age > age: print("The number is too big") else: print ("The number is too small") count +=1 else : print("You tried too many times")
猜数字2 age = 50 for i in range(3): _age = int(input("age:")) if _age == age : print("you guessed right") break elif _age > age: print("The number is too big") else: print ("The number is too small") else : print("You tried too many times")
猜数字3 age = 50 count=0 while count < 3: _age = int(input("age:")) if _age == age : print("you guessed right") break elif _age > age: print("The number is too big") else: print ("The number is too small") count +=1 if count == 3: continue_confirm=input("do you want continue.....?") if continue_confirm != "n": count = 0
标签:name 不成功 com bsp 输入 time and get class