- (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)
- mb_substr_count — Count the number of substring occurrences
- mb_substr_count — 统计字符串出现的次数
int mb_substr_count (
string $haystack ,
string $needle [,
string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]
//Counts the number of times the needle substring occurs in the haystack string.
//统计子字符串 needle 出现在字符串 haystack 中的次数。
- The string being checked.
- 要检查的字符串。
- The string being found.
- 待查找的字符串。
- The encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used.
- encoding 参数为字符编码。如果省略,则使用内部字符编码。
Return Values
- The number of times the needle substring occurs in the haystack string.
- 子字符串 needle 出现在字符串 haystack 中的次数。
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhangrongxiang
* Date: 2018/1/31
* Time: 下午10:07
echo mb_substr_count( "This is a test", "is" ) . PHP_EOL; // 输出 2
echo mb_substr_count( "This is a test", " " ) . PHP_EOL; // 输出 3
echo mb_substr_count( "hello 中国! 中国 ! 中国! hello", "中国" ) . PHP_EOL; //3
echo mb_substr_count( "hello 中国! 中国 ! 中国! hello", "中国", "gbk" ) . PHP_EOL; //3
echo mb_substr_count( "hello 中国! 中国 ! 中国! hello", "中国", "utf-8" ) . PHP_EOL; //3
echo mb_substr_count( "hello 中国! 中国 ! 中国! hello", "中国", "ascii" ) . PHP_EOL; //3
echo "strlen : " . mb_strlen( "hello 中国! 中国 ! 中国! hello" ) . PHP_EOL; //24
echo "mb_strlen : " . strlen( "hello 中国! 中国 ! 中国! hello" ) . PHP_EOL; //40 = 8*3 + 16
echo substr_count( "hello 中国! 中国 ! 中国! hello", "中国" ) . PHP_EOL; //3
echo substr_count( "hello 中国! 中国 ! 中国! hello", "中国", 2, 10 ) . PHP_EOL; //1