#!/bin/bash # This is a script for test case ASK_COUNT=$1 #从参数获取该变量的值 # if [ -z "$ASK_COUNT" ] #判断ASK_COUNT变量是否为空,为空输出1,不为空输出2 then echo "1" else echo "2" fi echo "ASK_COUNT:$ASK_COUNT" case $ASK_COUNT in 2) echo echo "Please answer the question." echo ;; 3) echo echo "One last try... Please answer the question." echo ;; 4) echo echo "Since you refuse to answer the question..." echo # exit ;; esac # shell 的风格,用倒序的字母单词和 正序的单词配对。比如 if 语句, 结束时用 fi 来配对
[keysystem@localhost 20180202]$ sh 2 2 ASK_COUNT:2 Please answer the question. [keysystem@localhost 20180202]$ sh 3 2 ASK_COUNT:3 One last try... Please answer the question. [keysystem@localhost 20180202]$