1 import socket 2 import time 3 from multiprocessing import Process 4 5 def talk(conn): 6 if type(conn)==socket.socket(): 7 conn.send(b‘connected‘) 8 msg = conn.recv(1024) 9 print(msg) 10 conn.close() 11 12 13 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 14 sk = socket.socket() 15 sk.bind((‘‘,8080)) 16 sk.listen() 17 while True: 18 conn,addr = sk.accept() 19 print(addr,time.ctime()) 20 p = Process(target=talk,args=(conn,)) 21 p.start() 22 23 sk.close()

1 # from multiprocessing import Lock 2 # lock = Lock() 3 # lock.acquire() # 需要锁,拿钥匙 4 # lock.acquire() # 需要锁,阻塞 5 # lock.release() # 释放锁,还钥匙 6 7 # 锁 就是在并发编程中,保证数据安全 8 9 # 多进程 实现并发 10 11 import json 12 import time 13 import random 14 from multiprocessing import Lock 15 from multiprocessing import Process 16 17 # with open(‘ticket‘,‘w‘) as f: 18 # json.dump({‘count‘:20},f) 19 20 21 def search(i): 22 with open(‘ticket‘) as f: 23 print(i,json.load(f)[‘count‘]) 24 def get(i): 25 with open(‘ticket‘) as f: 26 ticket_num = json.load(f)[‘count‘] 27 time.sleep(random.random()) 28 if ticket_num>0: 29 with open(‘ticket‘,‘w‘) as f: 30 json.dump({‘count‘:ticket_num-1},f) 31 print(‘%s买到票了‘%i) 32 else: 33 print(‘%s没票了‘%i) 34 def task(i,lock): 35 search(i) 36 lock.acquire() 37 get(i) 38 lock.release() 39 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 40 pass 41 42 lock = Lock() 43 for i in range(20): 44 p = Process(target=task,args=(i,lock)) 45 p.start()

1 # from multiprocessing import Semaphore 2 # sem = Semaphore(4) 3 # sem.acquire() 4 # print(0) 5 # sem.acquire() 6 # print(1) 7 # sem.acquire() 8 # print(2) 9 # sem.acquire() 10 # print(3) 11 # sem.release() 12 # sem.acquire() 13 # print(4) 14 15 import time 16 import random 17 from multiprocessing import Semaphore 18 from multiprocessing import Process 19 20 def sing(i,sem): 21 sem.acquire() 22 print(‘%s : 进入ktv‘%i) 23 time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) 24 print(‘%s :出ktv‘%i) 25 sem.release() 26 27 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 28 sem = Semaphore(4) 29 for i in range(20): 30 Process(target=sing,args=(i,sem)).start()

1 # start 开启一个进程 2 # join 用join可以让主进程等待子进程结束 3 4 # 守护进程 5 # 守护进程会随着主进程的代码执行结束而结束 6 # 正常的子进程没有执行完的时候主进程要一直等着 7 8 # import time 9 # from multiprocessing import Process 10 # def func(): 11 # print(‘--‘*10) 12 # time.sleep(15) 13 # print(‘--‘*10) 14 # 15 # def cal_time(): 16 # while True: 17 # time.sleep(1) 18 # print(‘过去了1秒‘) 19 # 20 # if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 21 # p = Process(target=cal_time) 22 # p.daemon = True 23 # p.start() 24 # p2 = Process(target=func) 25 # p2.start() 26 # for i in range(100): 27 # time.sleep(0.1) 28 # print(‘*‘*i) 29 # p2.join() 30 # 守护进程的作用: 31 # 会随着主进程的代码执行结束而结束,不会等待其他子进程 32 # 守护进程 要再start之前设置 33 # 守护进程中,不能再开启子进程 34 35 36 # is_alive # 进程是否还活着,True代表进程还在, False代表进程不在了 37 # terminate #结束一个进程,但是这个进程不会立刻被杀死 38 39 # import time 40 # from multiprocessing import Process 41 # def func(): 42 # print(‘wahaha‘) 43 # time.sleep(5) 44 # print(‘qqxing‘) 45 # if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 46 # p = Process(target=func) 47 # p.start() 48 # print(p.is_alive()) 49 # time.sleep(0.1) 50 # p.terminate() 51 # print(p.is_alive()) 52 # time.sleep(1) 53 # print(p.is_alive()) 54 55 # 进程的其他属性 56 # pid 查看这个进程的进程id 57 # name 查看进程的名字,可以修改 58 # import time 59 # from multiprocessing import Process 60 # def func(): 61 # print(‘wahaha‘) 62 # time.sleep(5) 63 # print(‘qqxing‘) 64 # if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 65 # p = Process(target=func) 66 # p.start() 67 # print(, 68 # = ‘WAHAHAHA‘ 69 # print(

1 import time 2 import random 3 from multiprocessing import Process 4 from multiprocessing import Event 5 6 # e = Event() # 实例化一个事件 标志/交通信号灯 7 # e.set() # 将标志变成非阻塞/交通灯变绿 8 # e.wait() # 刚实例化出来的一个事件对象,默认的信号是阻塞信号/默认是红灯 9 # # 执行到wait,要先看灯,绿灯行红灯停,如果在停的过程中灯绿了, 10 # # 就变成非阻塞了 11 # e.clear() # 将标志又变成阻塞/交通灯变红 12 # 13 # e.is_set() # 是否阻塞 True就是绿灯 False就是红灯 14 15 def traffic_light(e): 16 while True: 17 if e.is_set(): # 是否阻塞,True就是绿灯,False就是红灯 18 e.clear() 19 print(‘红灯亮‘) 20 time.sleep(3) 21 else: 22 e.set() 23 print(‘绿灯亮‘) 24 time.sleep(3) 25 26 def car(name,e): 27 e.wait() 28 print(‘%s 通过‘%name) 29 30 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 31 e = Event() 32 Process(target=traffic_light,args=(e,)).start() 33 for i in range(50): 34 if i%random.randint(1,5)==0: 35 time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) 36 p = Process(target=car,args=(i,e)) 37 p.start()