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如何设置 DB Navigator 插件 for PhpStorm

时间:2014-09-19 19:48:06      阅读:316      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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  1. Install DB Navigator Plugin via menubar >> Settings >> Plugins >> Available-Tab

  2. Download MySQL jdbc connector from here >> http://www.pc6.com/softview/SoftView_99415.html

  3. Unpack MySQL jdbc connector to a directory of your choice

  4. Restart PHPStorm / WebStorm

  5. Add a DB via menubar >> DB Navigator >> Settings >> Connection-Tab >> Plus-Button

  6. Enter the parameters for your connection (see below for possible entries for a local MySQL DB)

Possible parameters for a local MySQL DB

  • Name: name of choice (localhost)

  • Description: additional info of choice (dbname)

  • Driver Library: path to the .jar file (that is the directory used in step 3)

  • Driver: your perfered driver (most likely the standard driver will do >> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)

  • URL: connection URL with a jdbc reference (e.g.: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/)

  • UserName: the db username (root)

  • Password: the db password (root)

如何设置 DB Navigator 插件 for PhpStorm

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