create or replace package pro_test as TYPE out_cursor IS REF CURSOR; procedure Alarm_ContentsByTime( p_StartTime varchar2, ----开始时间 p_EndTime varchar2, ----结束时间 io_cursor in OUT out_cursor ); end pro_test;
create or replace package body pro_test is procedure Alarm_ContentsByTime( p_StartTime varchar2, ----开始时间 p_EndTime varchar2, ----结束时间 io_cursor in OUT out_cursor ) is cursor cursor_1 IS --获取 列用于循环。 select DISTINCT t.ps_productorcode code, t.PS_PRODUCTORNAME name,1 type FROM PSINFO_PRODUCTYIELD_SB t union all select DISTINCT f.ps_rawcode code,f.ps_rawname name,2 type from PSINFO_RAWMATERIALS_SB f ORDER BY type,code; V_SQL VARCHAR2(6000); begin V_SQL := ‘select ‘‘市本级‘‘ as c0003_stname, 1 as c0003_stcode‘; FOR V_XCLCK IN cursor_1 LOOP V_SQL := V_SQL || ‘,‘ || ‘min(case when t1.ps_name=‘‘‘ || V_XCLCK.name || ‘‘‘ then t1.ps_name end) as ‘ || V_XCLCK.name||‘mc‘|| ‘,‘ || ‘min(case when t1.ps_name=‘‘‘ || V_XCLCK.name || ‘‘‘ then t1.cl end) as ‘ || V_XCLCK.name||‘cl‘|| ‘,‘ || ‘min(case when t1.ps_name=‘‘‘ || V_XCLCK.name || ‘‘‘ then t1.ps_unit end) as ‘ || V_XCLCK.name||‘dw‘; END LOOP; V_SQL := V_SQL || ‘ from t0003_station t inner join ( select c.c0003_stcode, c.c0003_stname, a.ps_productorname ps_name, a.ps_unit, sum(nvl(a.ps_productoryield,0)) cl from t0003_station c,PSINFO_PRODUCTYIELD_SB a where a.c0003_stcode=c.c0003_stcode and a.ps_month>=to_date(‘‘‘||p_StartTime||‘‘‘,‘‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘‘) and a.ps_month<=to_date(‘‘‘||p_EndTime||‘‘‘,‘‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘‘) group by c.c0003_stcode,c.c0003_stname,a.ps_productorname,a.ps_unit union all select c.c0003_stcode, c.c0003_stname, b.ps_rawname ps_name, b.ps_unit, sum(nvl(b.ps_productoryield,0)) cl from t0003_station c,PSINFO_RAWMATERIALS_SB b where b.c0003_stcode=c.c0003_stcode and b.ps_month>=to_date(‘‘‘||p_StartTime||‘‘‘,‘‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘‘) and b.ps_month<=to_date(‘‘‘||p_EndTime||‘‘‘,‘‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘‘) group by c.c0003_stcode,c.c0003_stname,b.ps_rawname,b.ps_unit ) t1 on t.c0003_stcode=t1.c0003_stcode left join t0070_enterprise t70 on t.c0003_stcode=t70.c0003_stcode and t70.c0003_year=t1.c0003_stcode and t70.c0070_stcode_ctrl=‘‘320100‘‘ group by t.c0003_stname,t.c0003_stcode ‘; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(V_SQL); --V_SQL := ‘CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW RESULT AS ‘|| V_SQL; open io_cursor for V_SQL; end Alarm_ContentsByTime; end pro_test;