习题 19: 函数和变量
1 def cheese_and_crackers(cheese_count, boxes_of_crackers): 2 print("You have %d cheeses!" % cheese_count) 3 print("You have %d boxes of crackers!" % boxes_of_crackers) 4 print("Man that‘s enough for a party!") 5 print("Get a blanket.\n") 6 7 print("We can just give the function numbers directly:") 8 cheese_and_crackers(20,30) 9 10 print("OR,we can use variables from our script:") 11 amount_of_cheese = 10 12 amount_of_crackers = 50 13 14 cheese_and_crackers(amount_of_cheese, amount_of_crackers) 15 16 print("We can even do math inside too:") 17 cheese_and_crackers(10+20, 5+6) 18 19 print("And we can combine the two, variables and math:") 20 cheese_and_crackers(amount_of_cheese + 100, 21 amount_of_crackers + 1000)
We can just give the function numbers directly:
You have 20 cheeses!
You have 30 boxes of crackers!
Man that‘s enough for a party!
Get a blanket.
OR,we can use variables from our script:
You have 10 cheeses!
You have 50 boxes of crackers!
Man that‘s enough for a party!
Get a blanket.
We can even do math inside too:
You have 30 cheeses!
You have 11 boxes of crackers!
Man that‘s enough for a party!
Get a blanket.
And we can combine the two, variables and math:
You have 110 cheeses!
You have 1050 boxes of crackers!
Man that‘s enough for a party!
Get a blanket.
1 def pingfang(x): 2 return x*x 3 4 print(pingfang(5)) 5 6 y=pingfang(6) 7 print(y)
习题 20: 函数和文件
1 from sys import argv 2 3 #脚本名,参数一(导入的文件) 4 script, input_file = argv 5 6 def print_all(f): #定义一个新函数:将文件全打印出来 7 print( 8 9 def rewind(f): #定义新函数:将文件指针移动到最开头 10 11 12 def print_a_line(line_count, f): #定义新函数:打印(行号,这行的内容) 13 print(line_count, f.readline()) 14 15 current_file = open(input_file) #定义变量,打开导入的文件为当前文件 16 17 print("First let‘s print the whole file:\n") 18 19 print_all(current_file) 20 21 print("Now let‘s rewind, kinds of like a tape.") 22 rewind(current_file) 23 24 print("Let‘s print three lines:") 25 26 current_file = 1 27 print_a_line(current_file, current_file) 28 29 current_file = current_file + 1 30 print_a_line(current_file, current_file) 31 32 current_file = current_file + 1 33 print_a_line(current_file, current_file)
习题 21: 函数可以返回东西
1 def add(a, b): 2 print("ADDING %d + %d" % (a, b)) 3 return a + b 4 5 def subtract(a, b): 6 print("SUBTRACTING %d - %d" % (a, b)) 7 return a - b 8 9 def multipy(a, b): 10 print("MULTIPLAYING %d * %d" % (a, b)) 11 return a * b 12 13 def divide(a, b): 14 print("DIVIDING %d / %d" % (a, b)) 15 return a / b 16 17 print("Let‘s do some math with just functions!") 18 19 age = add(30, 5) 20 height = subtract(78,4) 21 weight = multipy(90,2) 22 iq = divide(100,2) 23 24 print("Age: %d, Height: %d, Weight: %d, IQ: %d" % (age, height, weight, iq)) 25 26 #A puzzle for the extra credit, type it in anyway. 27 print("Here is a puzzle.") 28 29 what = add(age, subtract(height, multipy(weight, divide(iq,2)))) 30 31 print("That becomes:\n",what,"\nCan you do it by hand?")
Let‘s do some math with just functions!
ADDING 30 + 5
DIVIDING 100 / 2
Age: 35, Height: 74, Weight: 180, IQ: 50
Here is a puzzle.
ADDING 35 + -4426
That becomes:
Can you do it by hand?
1 def jia(a,b,c,d,e): 2 print("谜题答案,一口气全算对\n %d + (%d - %d * %d / %d)" % (a,b,c,d,e)) 3 return a+(b-c*d/e) 4 5 this=jia(35,74,180,50,2) 6 print(this) 7 print(this==what)
35 + (74 - 180 * 50 / 2)