sources = [r‘E:\目录1‘, r‘E:\目录2\b.txt‘] #例:= [ r‘E:\test\1234.txt‘, r‘E:\test1‘] target_dir = r‘\\\共享\备份‘ #例:= r‘D:\备份‘ 或 = r‘\\\共享目录‘ delete_source_file = False #False/True
如果该目录或者子目录下有一个没有权限,会导致整个目录都不能备份, 日志看到a.txt没有权限.
接下来将脚本程序添加到win的计划任务里,就能实现定时自动备份辣<( ̄︶ ̄)>
把代码文件添加进来,同时也可以在这里添加参数-d, 指明备份完后删除源文件
1 # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- 2 #进行了一场py/etherchannel 3 import os, sys 4 import time 5 import logging 6 7 sources = [r‘E:\视频笔记‘, r‘E:\目录\b.txt‘] #例:= [ r‘E:\test\1234.txt‘, r‘E:\test1‘] 8 target_dir = r‘\\\共享\备份‘ #例:= r‘D:\备份‘ 或 = r‘\\\共享目录‘ 9 delete_source_file = False #False/True 10 11 def Init_Logging(path): 12 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, 13 format=‘%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s‘, 14 filename=path + ‘\\‘ + ‘log.txt‘, 15 filemode=‘a‘, 16 datefmt=‘%Y-%m-%d %X‘) 17 18 def Ctypes(message, title): 19 import ctypes 20 ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0,message.encode(‘gb2312‘), 21 title.encode(‘gb2312‘),0) 22 sys.exit() 23 24 def Check_Dir_Permit(dirs, dirc_permit=True, root=‘‘): 25 for dirc in dirs: 26 dirc = os.path.join(root,dirc) 27 try: 28 os.chdir(dirc) 29 except IOError as e: 30 logging.error("找不到指定文件或没有权限 >>> " + str(e)) 31 dirc_permit = False 32 return dirc_permit 33 34 def Create_Directory(dir): 35 if not os.path.exists(dir): 36 try: 37 os.mkdir(dir) 38 print(‘Successfully created directory‘,dir) 39 except IOError as e: 40 Ctypes(u"target_dir 目录路径不存在 ", u‘ 错误‘) 41 assert Check_Dir_Permit([dir]), Ctypes(u"target_dir 没有权限 ", u‘ 错误‘) 42 return dir 43 44 def Check_File_Permit(files, file_permit=True, root=‘‘): 45 for filename in files: 46 file = os.path.join(root,filename) 47 try: 48 f = open(file) 49 f.close() 50 except IOError as e: 51 logging.error("找不到指定文件或没有权限 >>> " + str(e)) 52 file_permit = False 53 return file_permit 54 55 def Permit_Source(sources): 56 allow_sources = [] 57 disallow_sources = [] 58 for source in sources: 59 file_permit = True 60 dirc_permit = True 61 for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(source): 62 file_permit = Check_File_Permit(files, file_permit,root=root) 63 dirc_permit = Check_Dir_Permit(dirs, dirc_permit,root=root) 64 if os.path.isdir(source) and file_permit and dirc_permit or 65 os.path.isfile(source) and Check_File_Permit([source], file_permit): 66 allow_sources.append(source) 67 else: 68 disallow_sources.append(source) 69 return (allow_sources,disallow_sources) 70 71 def Delete_Files(allow_sources): 72 for source in allow_sources: 73 if os.path.isdir(source): 74 command = ‘del /a/s/f/q ‘ + source #/s:也把子文件夹的文件一并删除 75 if os.system(command) == 0: 76 logging.info(‘del: ‘ + str(source)) 77 else: 78 logging.error(str(source) + ‘ 删除失败‘) 79 else: 80 command = ‘del /a/f/q ‘ + source 81 if os.system(command) == 0: 82 logging.info(‘del: ‘ + str(source)) 83 else: 84 logging.error(str(source) + ‘ 删除失败‘) 85 86 def Compress_Backup(target, source): 87 target = target + ‘\\‘ + time.strftime(‘%Y%m%d%H%M%S‘) + ‘.rar‘ 88 if os.path.exists(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"): 89 rar_command = r‘"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" A %s %s‘ % (target,‘ ‘.join(source)) #WinRAR.exe" A %s %s -r‘加上-r是作用到子文件夹中同名的文件 90 else: 91 rar_command = ‘WinRAR‘ + ‘ A %s %s‘ % (target,‘ ‘.join(source)) 92 if os.system(rar_command) == 0: 93 print(‘Successful backup to‘, target) 94 logging.info(str(source) + ‘ 备份到 ‘ + str(target) + ‘ 成功‘) 95 try: 96 if delete_source_file or sys.argv[1] == ‘-d‘: 97 Delete_Files(source) 98 except IndexError: 99 pass 100 else: 101 logging.error("备份失败:WinRAR出错,确认路径 或 压缩被中断") 102 Ctypes(u"备份失败:WinRAR出错,确认路径 或 压缩被中断", u‘ 错误‘) 103 104 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 105 target_dir = Create_Directory(target_dir) 106 Init_Logging(target_dir) 107 logging.info(‘=‘ * 80) 108 allow_sources, disallow_sources = Permit_Source(sources) 109 if allow_sources: 110 Compress_Backup(target_dir, allow_sources) 111 if disallow_sources: 112 print(disallow_sources, ‘ 备份失败‘) 113 logging.error(str(disallow_sources) + ‘ 备份失败‘)