grep [OPTIONS]
-i 不区分大小写
-v 排除内容,即取反
-n 对匹配到的内容打印相应行号
-E 使用扩展正则表达式(相当于egrep)
-r 递归读取目录下的文件(即包括子目录下文件)
-c 对匹配到的行进行计数
-o 只显示匹配到的内容
-A (after)匹配输出内容行并输出内容行后的指定行
-B (before)匹配输出内容行并输出内容行前的指定行
-C (context)匹配输出内容行并输出内容行的前后指定行
--color 过滤的内容显示颜色
echo “alias grep=‘grep --color‘” >> /etc/profile //配置别名 source /etc/profile //重读文件使别名生效
[root@vm1 test]# grep ".*" /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin
① grep -ivnEoc… “匹配内容” 文件名
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "root" /etc/passwd 1:root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash 11:operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin
② grep -r “匹配内容” 文件目录/*
[root@vm1 ~]# grep -r "www" test/* test/Caiyun.txt:My blog is http://www.cnblogs.com/Caiyundo/ test/dudu/3.txt:www.cnblog.com/caiyun
③ grep “匹配内容” -A 指定行 文件名
[root@vm1 ~]# grep "root:x" -nA 5 /etc/passwd 1:root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash 2-bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin 3-daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin 4-adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin 5-lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin 6-sync:x:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync
④ 命令 | grep “匹配内容”
[root@vm1 ~]# ps -ef |grep "sshd" root 1261 1 0 Dec12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd

cat >>text.txt<<EOF My name is Caiyun. I like badminton, snooker, running Maybe I‘m not a smart person, but I‘m working hard. My blog is http://www.cnblogs.com/Caiyundo/ Welcome to my blog! CAIYUN My qq is 791111890 My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com. EOF
一、 基础正则表达式
^ 表示以...字符开头,^word
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "^My" text.txt 1:My name is Caiyun. 5:My blog is http://www.cnblogs.com/Caiyundo/ 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
$ 表示以...字符结尾,word$
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "\.$" text.txt 1:My name is Caiyun. 4:Maybe I‘m not a smart person, but I‘m working hard. 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
^$ 表示空字符,即可理解为空行
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "^$" text.txt 3: 7:
. 表示匹配任意单个字符
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "b." text.txt 2:I like badminton, snooker, running 4:Maybe I‘m not a smart person, but I‘m working hard. 5:My blog is http://www.cnblogs.com/Caiyundo/ 6:Welcome to my blog! CAIYUN
\ 表示转义符
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "\.$" text.txt 1:My name is Caiyun. 4:Maybe I‘m not a smart person, but I‘m working hard. 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
* 表示重复前面0个或1个以上字符
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "bl*" text.txt 2:I like badminton, snooker, running 4:Maybe I‘m not a smart person, but I‘m working hard. 5:My blog is http://www.cnblogs.com/Caiyundo/ 6:Welcome to my blog! CAIYUN
.* 表示匹配所有
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n ".*" text.txt 1:My name is Caiyun. 2:I like badminton, snooker, running 3: 4:Maybe I‘m not a smart person, but I‘m working hard. 5:My blog is http://www.cnblogs.com/Caiyundo/ 6:Welcome to my blog! CAIYUN 7: 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
[] 表示匹配"[]"里面任意单个字符
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "[791]" text.txt 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
[^] 表示取反"[^]"里面的任意单个字符
[root@vm1 test]# echo Caiyun >> test2.txt [root@vm1 test]# echo 791111890 >> test2.txt [root@vm1 test]# grep -n "[^0-9]" test2.txt 1:Caiyun
[-] 表示匹配"[-]"里一段字符的任意单个字符,如[0-9]即0到9
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "[0-9]" text.txt 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
1\{4\} 表示匹配字符 "1" 重复4次
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "1\{4\}" text.txt 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
1\{5,\} 表示匹配字符 "1" 重复5次或5次以上
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "1\{5,\}" text.txt 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
1\{,6\} 表示匹配字符 "1" 重复6次和6次以内
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "1\{,6\}" text.txt 1:My name is Caiyun. 2:I like badminton, snooker, running 3: 4:Maybe I‘m not a smart person, but I‘m working hard. 5:My blog is http://www.cnblogs.com/Caiyundo/ 6:Welcome to my blog! CAIYUN 7: 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
1\{3,5\} 表示匹配字符 "1" 重复3-5次
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "1\{3,5\}" text.txt 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
+ 表示重复 "一个或一个以上" 前面的所有字符("*"是0个)
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "11111*" text.txt 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com. [root@vm1 test]# grep -n "11111\+" text.txt 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
? 表示重复 "0个或一个" 前面的字符("."是有且只有1个)
[root@vm1 test]# grep -n "11111." text.txt 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com. [root@vm1 test]# grep -n "11111\?" text.txt 8:My qq is 791111890 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
| 表示过滤多个字符串
[root@vm1 test]# grep -nE "CAIYUN|mail" text.txt 6:Welcome to my blog! CAIYUN 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com. [root@vm1 test]# grep -n "CAIYUN\|mai" text.txt 6:Welcome to my blog! CAIYUN 9:My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com.
一般情况下,当我们需要用到扩展正则表达式匹配符时,使用grep要加参数 ”-E” 或用 “\” 转译符转义匹配符
\b 边界字符,单词边界
[root@vm1 test]# grep ‘Caiyun‘ text.txt My name is Caiyun. My blog is http://www.cnblogs.com/Caiyundo/ My mail is Caiyun111111@gmail.com. [root@vm1 test]# grep ‘Caiyun\b‘ text.txt My name is Caiyun.