Circular view path [home]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/home] again. Check your ViewResolver setup!
(Hint: This may be the result of an unspecified view, due to default view name generation.)
1. 问题的现象
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter { //配置JSP视图解析器 @Bean public ViewResolver viewResolver() { InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver(); resolver.setPrefix("WEB-INF/views/"); resolver.setSuffix(".jsp"); resolver.setExposeContextBeansAsAttributes(true); return resolver; }
然后定义了一个controller,URL路径为"/home", 它返回名字叫home的view
@Controller public class HomeController { @RequestMapping(value = "/home", method=GET) public ModelAndView home() { String message = "Hello"; return new ModelAndView("home", "home", message); } }
public class HomeControllerTest { @Test public void testHomePage() throws Exception { HomeController controller = new HomeController(); MockMvc mockMvc = standaloneSetup(controller).build(); mockMvc.perform(get("/home")).andExpect(view().name("home")); } }
Circular view path [home]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/home] again. Check your ViewResolver setup!
(Hint: This may be the result of an unspecified view, due to default view name generation.)
2. 首先,首先说下原因:
当没有声明ViewResolver时,spring会给你注册一个默认的ViewResolver,就是JstlView的实例, 该对象继承自InternalResoureView。
JstlView用来封装JSP或者同一Web应用中的其他资源,它将model对象作为request请求的属性值暴露出来, 并将该请求通过javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher转发到指定的URL.
Spring认为, 这个view的URL是可以用来指定同一web应用中特定资源的,是可以被RequestDispatcher转发的。
if (path.startsWith("/") ? uri.equals(path) : uri.equals(StringUtils.applyRelativePath(uri, path))) { throw new ServletException("Circular view path [" + path + "]: would dispatch back " + "to the current handler URL [" + uri + "] again. Check your ViewResolver setup! " + "(Hint: This may be the result of an unspecified view, due to default view name generation.)"); }
从这段代码可以看出,如果你的view name和你的path是相同的字符串,根据Spring的转发规则,就等于让自己转发给自己,会陷入死循环。所以Spring会检查到这种情况,于是抛出Circular view path异常。
3. 其次,如何解决?
通过原因分析,造成问题有两个因素:1). 缺省转发, 2). view和path同名
3.1 解决办法一: 消除缺省转发
虽然在controller中已经定义了view, 但在使用Spring Test时却仍然无效,这个不知道什么原因,也许是Spring Test的Bug, 有待探究。既然无效,那就在Test中重新定义一下view
, 这样虽然麻烦点,但毕竟消除了缺省转发,所以可以解决问题。示例代码如下:
public class TestJavaConfig { private MockMvc mockMvc; @InjectMocks private StudentController studentController; @Mock private StudentService studentService; @Before public void setUp(){ MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver(); //在test中重新配置视图解析器 resolver.setPrefix("/WEB_INF/views"); resolver.setSuffix(".jsp"); mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(studentController).setViewResolvers(resolver).build(); } @Test public void testList()throws Exception{ mockMvc.perform(get("/home")).andExpect(view().name("home")); }
3.2 解决办法二: 修改view和path,让他们不同名
这个方法最简单,建议用这种办法,比如上面的home视图, 只要我们的path不是"/home"就可以,可以改view名字(比如改成homepage),或者修改/path(比如/root).