export ORAENV_ASK=NO export ORACLE_SID=cdb3 . oraenv export ORAENV_ASK=YES sqlplus / as sysdba
alter session set container=pdb5; create user remote_clone_user identified by remote_clone_user; grant create session,create pluggable database to remote_clone_user;
--3.在remote端的PDB中打开read only模式
conn / as sysdba alter pluggable database pdb5 close; alter pluggable database pdb5 open read only; exit;
export ORAENV_ASK=NO export ORACLE_SID=cdb1 . oraenv export ORAENV_ASK=YES sqlplus / as sysdba
drop database link clone_link; create database link clone_link connect to remote_clone_user identified by remote_clone_user using 'pdb5';
desc user_tables@clone_link;
create pluggable database pdb5new from pdb5@clone_link;
select name,open_mode from v$pdbS where name='PDB5NEW';
alter pluggable database pdb5new open; select name,open_mode from v$pdbs where name ='PDB5NEW';
**--2.3 克隆Non-CDB**
export ORAENV_ASK=NO export ORACLE_SID=db12c . oraenv export ORAENV_ASK=YES sqlplus / as sysdba
create user remote_clone_user identified by remote_clone_user; grant create session,create pluggable database to remote_clone_user;
--3.在remote端的PDB中打开read only模式
shutdown immediate; startup mount; alter database read only; exit;
export ORAENV_ASK=NO export ORACLE_SID=cdb1 . oraenv export ORAENV_ASK=YES sqlplus / as sysdba
drop database link clone_link; create database link clone_link connect to remote_clone_user identified by remote_clone_user using 'db12c';
desc user_tables@clone_link;
create pluggable database db12cpdb from pdb5@clone_link;
select name,open_mode from v$pdbS where name='DB12CPDB';
alter session set container=db12cpdb; @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql
ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE db12cpdb OPEN; select name,open_mode from v$pdbs where name ='DB12CPDB';
**--2.4 将non-cdb数据库迁移到位PDB**
export ORACLE_SID=db12c sqlplus / as sysdba shutdown immediate; startup open read only;
begin dbms_pdb.describe( pdb_descr_file =>'/tmp/db12c.xml'); end;
exprot ORACLE_SID=db12c sqlplus / as sysdba
shutdown immediate;
export ORACLE_SID=cdb1 sqlplus / as sysdba
craete pluggable database pdb6 using '/tmp/db12c.xml' copy file_name_convert =('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/db12c/', '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/cdb1/pdb6/');
alter session set container = pdb6; @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql
alter session set container =pdb6; alter pluggable database open ;
select name,open_mode from v$pdbs;
**--2.5 数据迁移**
--方案一:使用 data dump (expdp/impdp)
--使用 data dump (expdp/impdp)从non-cdb迁移到新创建的PDB数据库中。如果non-cdb是11.2.0.3以上的版本以下的版本,expdp使用"FULL=Y TRANSPORTABLE=ALWAYS VERSION=12"参数。如果在不同的平台进行转换需要使用RMAN的convert命令,或者DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER包。
**--2.6 补丁考虑**
多租户:在Oracle12.2中 从Non-CDB迁移到PDB,从PDB迁移另一个CDB中