- (PHP 5, PHP 7)
- str_split — Convert a string to an array
- str_split — 将字符串转换为数组
array str_split ( string $string [, int $split_length = 1 ] )
//Converts a string to an array.
- Maximum length of the chunk.
- 每一段的长度。
Return Values
- If the optional split_length parameter is specified, the returned array will be broken down into chunks with each being split_length in length, otherwise each chunk will be one character in length.
- 如果指定了可选的 split_length 参数,返回数组中的每个元素均为一个长度为 split_length 的字符块,否则每个字符块为单个字符。
- FALSE is returned if split_length is less than 1. If the split_length length exceeds the length of string, the entire string is returned as the first (and only) array element.
- 如果 split_length 小于 1,返回 FALSE。如果 split_length 参数超过了 string 超过了字符串 string 的长度,整个字符串将作为数组仅有的一个元素返回。
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhangrongxiang
* Date: 2018/3/7
* Time: 下午10:24
$str = "hello world";
//[0] => h;[1] => e;[2] => l;[3] => l;[4] => o;[5] => ;[6] => w;[7] => o;[8] => r;[9] => l;[10] => d
print_r( str_split( $str ) );
* [0] => he
* [1] => ll
* [2] => o
* [3] => wo
* [4] => rl
* [5] => d
print_r( str_split( $str, 2 ) );
* [0] => hello
* [1] => worl
* [2] => d
print_r( str_split( $str, 5 ) );
//PHP Warning: str_split(): The length of each segment must be greater than zero in file on line 28
function str_split_unicode( $str, $l = 0 ) {
if ( $l > 0 ) {
$ret = array();
$len = mb_strlen( $str, "UTF-8" );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i += $l ) {
$ret[] = mb_substr( $str, $i, $l, "UTF-8" );
return $ret;
return preg_split( "//u", $str, - 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
//[0] => 一
//[1] => 切
//[2] => 皆
//[3] => 文
//[4] => 件
print_r( str_split_unicode( "一切皆文件" ) );
//[0] => 一切皆
//[1] => 文件
print_r( str_split_unicode( "一切皆文件", 3 ) );
//[0] => 一?
//[1] => ???
//[2] => ?文
//[3] => 件
print_r( str_split( "一切皆文件", 4 ) );
$spl1 = str_split( "Long" );
echo count( $spl1 ) . PHP_EOL; // 4
//[0] => L
//[1] => o
//[2] => n
//[3] => g
print_r( $spl1 );
$spl2 = str_split( "X" );//1
echo count( $spl2 ) . PHP_EOL;
//[0] => X
print_r( $spl2 );
$spl3 = str_split( "" );
echo count( $spl3 ) . PHP_EOL;//1
//[0] =>
print_r( $spl3 );
$spl4 = str_split( 23 );
echo count( $spl4 ) . PHP_EOL;//2
//[0] => 2
//[1] => 3
print_r( $spl4 );
$spl5 = str_split( 2.3 );
echo count( $spl5 ) . PHP_EOL;//3
//[0] => 2
//[1] => .
//[2] => 3
print_r( $spl5 );
$spl6 = str_split( true );
echo count( $spl6 ) . PHP_EOL;//1
//[0] => 1
print_r( $spl6 );
$spl7 = str_split( null );
echo count( $spl7 ) . PHP_EOL;//1
//[0] =>
print_r( $spl7 );
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