标签:http io os ar for 文件 数据 div sp
EmpId Lastname Firstname Salary
1 Smith Joe 40000
2 Jones Mary 50000
3 Johnson Cathy 44000
这个简单的表包括员工代码(EmpId), 姓名字段(Lastname and Firstname)及工资(Salary).
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <time.h> #include <map> #define MAXINT RAND_MAX #define MAXROWS 1000000 #define MINVAL 1 #define MAXVAL 150000000 using namespace std; /*计时器*/ class Timer { public : //构造函数 Timer (); //析构函数 ~Timer (); //开始计时 void begin(); //计时结束 void end(); //获取时间,ms double get_time(); private : clock_t start, finish; double time; }; Timer::Timer () { start = 0; finish = 0; } Timer::~Timer () { start = 0; finish = 0; } void Timer::begin () { start = clock(); } void Timer::end () { finish = clock(); } double Timer::get_time() { time = (double)(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000; return time; } //计时器 Timer timer; /*记录各种结构表的空间占用*/ struct Size { struct { struct { int _static; int _dynamic; } col,row; } mem,file; } size; /*记录各种结构表的文件指针*/ struct File { struct { struct { fstream _static; fstream _dynamic; } table,index; } col,row; } file; /*静态行式表结构*/ struct StaticRowTable { int id; char name[255]; int num; double score; bool flag; } * static_row_table; /*静态行式表索引*/ struct StaticRowTableIndex { multimap<int,int> id; multimap<char*,int> name; multimap<int,int> num; multimap<double,int> score; multimap<bool,int> flag; } static_row_table_index; /*静态列式表结构*/ struct StaticColTable { int* id; char (*name)[255]; int* num; double* score; bool* flag; } static_col_table; /*动态行式表结构*/ struct DynamicRowTable { int id; int char_len; char *name; int num; double score; bool flag; } * dynamic_row_table; /*动态行式表索引*/ struct DynamicRowTableIndex { multimap<int,int> id; multimap<char*,int> name; multimap<int,int> num; multimap<double,int> score; multimap<bool,int> flag; } dynamic_row_table_index; /*动态列式表结构*/ struct DynamicColTable { int* id; int* char_len; char** name; int* num; double* score; bool* flag; } * dynamic_col_table; /*随机字符*/ char randChar() { return rand()%26+‘A‘; } /*随机字符串*/ void randString(char col[], int len) { for(int i=0; i<len; ++i) { col[i] = randChar(); } } /*初始化表数据*/ void init_StaticTable() { double time; cout << "+-----静态数据-----+" << endl; //分配空间 cout << "分配空间中......" << endl; timer.begin(); static_row_table = new StaticRowTable[MAXROWS]; static_col_table.id = new int[MAXROWS]; static_col_table.name = new char[MAXROWS][255]; static_col_table.num = new int[MAXROWS]; static_col_table.score = new double[MAXROWS]; static_col_table.flag = new bool[MAXROWS]; timer.end(); time = timer.get_time(); cout << "空间分配完毕!" << endl << "分配空间耗时: " << time << "ms" << endl; //产生随机数据和索引 cout << "生成数据中......" << endl; timer.begin(); for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { static_col_table.id[i] = static_row_table[i].id = i; static_row_table_index.id.insert(pair<int,int>(static_row_table[i].id,i)); randString(static_row_table[i].name, rand()%20+1); strcpy(static_col_table.name[i],static_row_table[i].name); static_row_table_index.name.insert(pair<char*,int>(static_col_table.name[i],i)); static_col_table.num[i] = static_row_table[i].num = rand(); static_row_table_index.num.insert(pair<int,int>(static_row_table[i].num,i)); static_col_table.score[i] = static_row_table[i].score = rand()/rand(); static_row_table_index.score.insert(pair<double,int>(static_row_table[i].score,i)); static_col_table.flag[i] = static_row_table[i].flag = rand()%2; static_row_table_index.flag.insert(pair<bool,int>(static_row_table[i].flag,i)); } timer.end(); time = timer.get_time(); cout << "数据生成完毕!" << endl; cout << "生成数据耗时: " << time << "ms" << endl; //初始化文件指针 timer.begin(); file.row.table._static.open("row_table_static.dat", ios::binary | ios::out); file.row.index._static.open("row_index_static.dat", ios::binary | ios::out); file.col.table._static.open("col_table_static.dat", ios::binary | ios::out); if( !file.row.table._static || !file.row.index._static || !file.col.table._static) { cout << "打开文件失败" << endl; } cout << "正在将数据写入文件......" << endl; for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { file.row.table._static.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&static_row_table[i]), sizeof(StaticRowTable)); } file.row.table._static.close(); for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { file.row.index._static.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&static_row_table_index), sizeof(StaticRowTableIndex)); } file.row.index._static.close(); for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { file.col.table._static.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&static_col_table.id[i]), sizeof(int)); } for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { file.col.table._static.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(static_col_table.name[i]), sizeof(char[255])); } for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { file.col.table._static.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&static_col_table.num[i]), sizeof(int)); } for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { file.col.table._static.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&static_col_table.score[i]), sizeof(double)); } for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { file.col.table._static.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&static_col_table.flag[i]), sizeof(bool)); } file.col.table._static.close(); timer.end(); time = timer.get_time(); cout << "数据写入完毕!" << endl; cout << "写入数据耗时: " << time << "ms" << endl; //计算总占用空间 size.mem.row._static = sizeof(*static_row_table)*MAXROWS +sizeof(static_row_table_index)*MAXROWS; size.mem.col._static = (sizeof(int)*2+sizeof(double) +sizeof(bool) +sizeof(char)*255)*MAXROWS; cout << "静态行式存储耗费空间: " << size.mem.row._static/1024/1024 << "M" << endl; cout << "静态列式存储耗费空间: " << size.mem.col._static/1024/1024 << "M" << endl; } void init_DynamicTable() { double time; cout << "+-----动态数据-----+" << endl; } void init() { double time1, time2; srand(time(0)); cout << "======生成数据======" << endl; init_StaticTable(); init_DynamicTable(); } /* SELECT name FROM table WHERE num BETWEEN MINVAL AND MAXVAL; */ /*测试内存中静态行存储*/ int Mem_Static_testRow() { double time; int count = 0; int id; multimap<int,int>::iterator it,itlow,itup; cout << "正在测试内存中读取行式静态表......" << endl; timer.begin(); itlow = static_row_table_index.num.lower_bound (MINVAL); itup = static_row_table_index.num.upper_bound (MAXVAL); for (it=itlow; it!=itup; ++it) { id = (*it).second; StaticRowTable row = static_row_table[id]; //结果 //cout << row.id; /*cout << ‘\t‘ << */row.name; //cout << ‘\t‘ << row.num; //cout << endl; //计数 ++count; } timer.end(); time = timer.get_time(); cout << "内存中行式静态表读取测试完毕!" << endl; cout << "读取耗时:" << time << " ms" << endl; return count; } /*测试磁盘中静态行存储*/ int File_Static_testRow() { double time; int count = 0; int id; char *name; int num; int pos; StaticRowTable row; multimap<int,int>::iterator it,itlow,itup; //初始化文件指针 cout << "正在测试磁盘中读取行式静态表......" << endl; timer.begin(); file.row.table._static.open("row_table_static.dat", ios::binary | ios::in); //file.row.index._static.open("row_index_static.dat", ios::binary | ios::in); if(!file.row.table._static) { cout << "打开文件失败" << endl; } //假设索引在内存中 itlow = static_row_table_index.num.lower_bound (MINVAL); itup = static_row_table_index.num.upper_bound (MAXVAL); for (it=itlow; it!=itup; ++it) { id = (*it).second; pos = sizeof(StaticRowTable)*id; file.row.table._static.seekg(pos); file.row.table._static.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&row), sizeof(StaticRowTable)); //结果 //cout << row.id; /*cout << ‘\t‘ << */row.name; //cout << ‘\t‘ << row.num; //cout << endl; //计数 ++count; } file.row.table._static.close(); //file.row.index._static.close(); timer.end(); time = timer.get_time(); cout << "磁盘中行式静态表读取测试完毕!" << endl; cout << "读取耗时:" << time << " ms" << endl; return count; } /*测试磁盘中静态列存储*/ int Mem_Static_testCol() { double time; int count = 0; int id; int num; char *name; cout << "正在测试内存中列式静态表读取......" << endl; timer.begin(); for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { int num = static_col_table.num[i]; if(num>MINVAL and num<MAXVAL) { //结果 //cout << i; /*cout << ‘\t‘ << */static_col_table.name[i]; //cout << ‘\t‘ << static_col_table.num[i]; //cout << endl; //计数 ++count; } } timer.end(); time = timer.get_time(); cout << "内存中列式静态存储表读取测试完毕!" << endl; cout << "读取耗时:" << time << " ms" << endl; return count; } /*测试磁盘中静态列存储*/ int File_Static_testCol() { double time; int count = 0; int id; int num; char *name = new char[255]; int pos_num; int pos_name; int pos; cout << "正在测试磁盘中列式静态表读取......" << endl; timer.begin(); file.col.table._static.open("col_table_static.dat", ios::binary | ios::in); fstream tmpfile("col_table_static.dat", ios::binary | ios::in); if(!file.col.table._static || !tmpfile) { cout << "打开文件失败" << endl; } pos_name = sizeof(int)*MAXROWS; pos_num = (sizeof(int) +sizeof(char[255]))*MAXROWS; file.col.table._static.seekg(pos_num); for(int i=0; i<MAXROWS; ++i) { file.col.table._static.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num), sizeof(int)); if(num>MINVAL and num<MAXVAL) { //结果 id = i; //cout << id; pos = pos_name+sizeof(char[255])*id; tmpfile.seekg(pos); tmpfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(name), sizeof(char[255])); /*cout << ‘\t‘ << */name; //cout << ‘\t‘ << num; //cout << endl; //计数 ++count; } } file.col.table._static.close(); timer.end(); time = timer.get_time(); cout << "磁盘中列式静态存储表读取测试完毕!" << endl; cout << "读取耗时:" << time << " ms" << endl; return count; } void test() { int count1, count2, count3, count4; cout << "=====内存存取测试=====" << endl; cout << "+----静态表测试中----+" << endl; cout << "*行式存储*" << endl; //内存中静态行式存储表 count1 = Mem_Static_testRow(); //内存中静态列式存储表 count2 = Mem_Static_testCol(); cout << "*列式存储*" << endl; //磁盘中静态行式存储表 count3 = File_Static_testRow(); //磁盘中静态行式存储表 count4 = File_Static_testCol(); if (count1==count2 and count2==count3 and count3==count4) { cout << "共匹配:" << count1 << " 行" << endl; } else { cout << "错误:每次匹配行数不同" << endl; } } int main() { init(); test(); cout << "All OK!" << endl; return 0; } |
分配空间耗时: 0ms
生成数据耗时: 4180ms
写入数据耗时: 2480ms
静态行式存储耗费空间: 495M
静态列式存储耗费空间: 259M
读取耗时:10 ms
读取耗时:0 ms
读取耗时:190 ms
读取耗时:210 ms
共匹配:69650 行
All OK!
标签:http io os ar for 文件 数据 div sp