标签:efault ram and 连接 roo 属性 实例化 def wpa
<?php class mysql_pdo { private $_host; private $_user; private $_pwd; private $_dbname; private $_pdo; private $_fields; private $_values; private $_array; private $curr_page = 1; private $count_page; private $each_page = 10; private $field_page = ‘*‘; private static $connection = null; private function __construct () { // 防止实例化 } /* @@ 入口方法 parameter null */ public static function _interance () { // 由于本地$pwd为空所有不判断$pwd; if (is_null(self::$connection)) self::$connection = new mysql_pdo(); return self::$connection; } /* @@ 设置连接属性 parameter $host, $user root, $pwd null, $dbname eatble. */ public function _setdata ($host, $user, $pwd, $dbname) { $this->_host = $host; $this->_user = $user; $this->_pwd = $pwd; $this->_dbname = $dbname; $this->_connect(); } /* @@ connection db parameter null. */ public function _connect () { try { $_pdo = new PDO(‘mysql:host=‘. $this->_host .‘;dbname=‘ .$this->_dbname, $this->_user, $this->_pwd); $_pdo->exec("SET NAMES utf8"); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("Connection fail:" . $e->getMessage()); } // 把$_pdo这个句柄放在静态属性,方便以下方法调用 self::$connection = $_pdo; } /* @@ update data @@param $table 表格 @@param $fields 字段名 关联数组 @@param $where 条件 return 受影响的行数 */ public function _update ($table, $fields, $where = null) { $fields_key = implode(array_keys($fields)); $fields_value = implode(array_values($fields)); $sql = "update {$table} set {$fields_key} = ‘{$fields_value}‘ " . ($where==null?null: "where " .$where); return self::$connection->exec($sql); } /* @@ insert data @@param $table 表格 @@param $array 关联数组 */ public function _insert ($table, array $array) { $this->_array = $array; $this->foreachstr(); $sql = "insert into {$table} ($this->_fields) values (‘{$this->_values}‘)"; return self::$connection->exec($sql); } /* @@ select data @param $table 表格 @param $field string field,field2,field3, @param $where array 一维关联数组 default null; @result_type PDO::FETCH_BOTH 关联加索引 PDO::FETCH_NUM 索引 default PDO::FETCH_ASSOC 关联 */ public function _select ($table, $fields = ‘*‘, $where = null, $result_type = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { if ($fields == ‘*‘ and $where == null) { $sql = "select {$fields} from {$table} " . ($where==null?null:"where ".$where); $stmt = self::$connection->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch($result_type)) { $rows[] = $row; } return $rows; } if ($where != null) { if (!is_array($where)) return false; // 赋值给定义的属性交给以下foreacharray处理,返回的是一个字符串 $this->_array = $where; $where = $this->foreacharray(); if ($where) { $sql = "select {$fields} from {$table} ". ($where==null?null:"where ".$where); $stmt = self::$connection->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch($result_type)) { $rows[] = $row; } } return $rows; } } /* @查询表格中数据的条数 @param $table 表格 @param $where 关联数组 @return 查询到的数量 number */ public function _selectnum ($table, $where = null) { $sql = ‘‘; if (is_null($where)) { $sql .= "select count(*) from {$table}"; } else { $this->_array = $where; $where = $this->foreacharray(); $sql .= "select count(*) from {$table} " .($where==null?null:"where ".$where); } $stmt = self::$connection->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $row_count = $stmt->fetch(); return $row_count[0]; } /* @@ delte data @$table 表格 @$where array default null @return 受影响的行数 */ public function _delete ($table, $where = null) { if (is_null($where)) return false; // 防止误删表 if (!is_array($where)) return array(); $this->_array = $where; $where = $this->foreacharray(); $sql = "delete from {$table} " . ($where==null?null:"where " . $where); return self::$connection->exec($sql); } /* @@ 分割数组为字符串 @@param $array 一维关联数组 @$this->_fields field1, field2, field3. @$this->_values ‘values1‘, ‘values2‘, ‘values3‘; */ protected function foreachstr () { if (!is_array($this->_array)) return false; $fields = ‘‘; $values = ‘‘; foreach ($this->_array as $key => $val) { $fields .= $key.‘,‘; $values .= $val.‘,‘; } $this->_fields = rtrim($fields, ‘,‘); $this->_values = str_replace(‘,‘, ‘\‘,\‘‘, rtrim($values, ‘,‘)); } /* @@ 将关联数组转换为带有and的字符串 @@param $array 关联数组 */ protected function foreacharray () { if (!is_array($this->_array)) return false; $str = ‘‘; foreach ($this->_array as $key => $val) { if ($key == $val) return false; // 防止sql注入 $str .= $key .‘ = ‘. "‘$val‘".‘ and ‘; } return substr($str, 0, strrpos($str, ‘and‘)); } /* @@ 每页显示的数据 @param $table 表格 @param $field 要查询的字段 string field1, fiedl2, field3, default * @param $curr_page 当前页码 @param $each_page 自定义每页数据 default 10 @param $where 条件 @return $page array 关联数组 */ public function _showpage ($table, $field_page = null, $curr_page = null, $each_page = null, $where = null) { if (is_null($field_page)) $field_page = $this->field_page; $this->count_page = $this->_selectnum($table); // 直接调用 _selectnum 拿到总条数 if (is_null($each_page)) $each_page = $this->each_page; // 如果$each_page 为空则使用默认的$each_page default 10 // 防止输入错误的当前页导致当前页参数无效 if (is_null($curr_page) || $curr_page > ceil($this->count_page/$each_page) || $curr_page <= 0) $curr_page = $this->curr_page; if (!is_null($where)) { $this->_array = $where; $where = $this->foreacharray(); } $curr_page = ($curr_page-1)*$each_page; $count_page = ceil($this->count_page/$each_page); $sql = "select {$field_page} from {$table} " .($where==null?null:"where ". $where). " limit {$curr_page}, {$each_page}"; // sql注入会让这里多一个where $stmt = self::$connection->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $pages = []; while ($page = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $pages[] = $page; } $this->count_page = $count_page; if ($pages == null) return false; return $pages; } /* @下一页 @param $table 表格 @param $field_page 要查询的字段 @param $curr_page 条件不符合时调用的是第一页的数据 @return array 二维关联数组 */ public function _nextpage ($table, $field_page, $curr_page = null) { $curr_page<$this->count_page?$this->curr_page+=1:$this->curr_page=1; $result = $this->_showpage($table, $field_page, $curr_page); return $result; } /* @上一页 @param $table 表格 @param $field_page 要查询的字段 @param $curr_page 默认为空时调用的是第一页的数据 @return array 二维关联数组 */ public function _prevpage ($table, $field_page, $curr_page = null) { $result = $this->_showpage($table, $field_page, $curr_page); $curr_page>=0?$this->curr_page-=1:$this->curr_page=$this->count_page; return $result; } /* @总页数 @ param $table 表格 @ return 总页数 */ public function _showcount ($table) { $this->_showpage($table); return $this->count_page; } }
标签:efault ram and 连接 roo 属性 实例化 def wpa