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-- Create the user 

create user FASPPT_150005 identified by 1

default tablespace EFMIS

temporary tablespace TEMP

profile DEFAULT;

-- Grant/Revoke role privileges 

grant connect to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant dba to FASPPT_150005;

grant exp_full_database to FASPPT_150005;

grant imp_full_database to FASPPT_150005;

grant javasyspriv to FASPPT_150005;

grant java_admin to FASPPT_150005;

grant resource to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

-- Grant/Revoke system privileges 

grant administer database trigger to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant alter any procedure to FASPPT_150005;

grant alter any table to FASPPT_150005;

grant comment any table to FASPPT_150005;

grant create any materialized view to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant create any procedure to FASPPT_150005;

grant create any sequence to FASPPT_150005;

grant create any synonym to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant create any table to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant create any trigger to FASPPT_150005;

grant create any view to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant create database link to FASPPT_150005;

grant create job to FASPPT_150005;

grant create materialized view to FASPPT_150005;

grant create procedure to FASPPT_150005;

grant create sequence to FASPPT_150005;

grant create session to FASPPT_150005;

grant create synonym to FASPPT_150005;

grant create table to FASPPT_150005;

grant create trigger to FASPPT_150005;

grant create type to FASPPT_150005;

grant create view to FASPPT_150005;

grant debug any procedure to FASPPT_150005;

grant debug connect session to FASPPT_150005;

grant delete any table to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant drop any materialized view to FASPPT_150005;

grant drop any synonym to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant drop any table to FASPPT_150005;

grant drop any view to FASPPT_150005;

grant insert any table to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant select any dictionary to FASPPT_150005;

grant select any table to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant unlimited tablespace to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;

grant update any table to FASPPT_150005 with admin option;




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