标签:exe oss insert -- data- 数据 作用 div 表示
1 BEGIN TRANSACTION--开始事务 2 update tblUser set [Password] = ‘00000‘ where id = 1 3 --等待1分钟 4 WAITFOR DELAY ‘00:1‘;
1 select * from tblUser where id = 1
1 select 2 request_session_id spid, 3 OBJECT_NAME(resource_associated_entity_id) tableName 4 from 5 sys.dm_tran_locks 6 where 7 resource_type=‘OBJECT‘
1 kill 55
1 select t1.spid as ‘等待的进程id‘, 2 OBJECT_NAME(t2.resource_associated_entity_id) as ‘等待进程-表‘ , 3 t1.blocked as ‘阻塞的进程id‘, 4 OBJECT_NAME(t3.resource_associated_entity_id) as ‘阻塞进程-表‘, 5 tt1.hostname as ‘阻塞进程-hostname‘, 6 tt1.nt_domain as ‘阻塞进程-nt_domain‘, 7 tt1.nt_username as ‘阻塞进程-nt_username‘, 8 tt1.loginame as ‘阻塞进程-loginame‘ 9 from ( 10 select 0 as spid ,blocked 11 from ( 12 select * from master..sysprocesses where blocked > 0 13 ) a 14 where not exists ( 15 select * from (select * from master..sysprocesses where blocked > 0 ) b 16 where a.blocked=spid 17 ) 18 union 19 select spid,blocked from master..sysprocesses where blocked > 0 20 ) t1 21 inner join master..sysprocesses tt1 on t1.blocked = tt1.spid 22 left join sys.dm_tran_locks t2 on t1.spid = t2.request_session_id and t2.resource_type = ‘OBJECT‘ 23 left join sys.dm_tran_locks t3 on t1.blocked = t3.request_session_id and t3.resource_type = ‘OBJECT‘
1 select t1.blocked as ‘阻塞的进程id‘, 2 OBJECT_NAME(t2.resource_associated_entity_id) as ‘阻塞的表‘, 3 t3.hostname as ‘阻塞进程-hostname‘, 4 t3.nt_domain as ‘阻塞进程-nt_domain‘, 5 t3.nt_username as ‘阻塞进程-nt_username‘, 6 t3.loginame as ‘阻塞进程-loginame‘ 7 from master..sysprocesses t1 8 inner join sys.dm_tran_locks t2 on t1.blocked = t2.request_session_id and t2.resource_type = ‘OBJECT‘ 9 inner join master..sysprocesses t3 on t1.blocked = t3.spid 10 where t1.blocked > 0
1 SELECT 2 WT.session_id AS ‘等待的进程‘, 3 DB_NAME(TL.resource_database_id) AS ‘数据库名‘, 4 (select OBJECT_NAME(resource_associated_entity_id) 5 from sys.dm_tran_locks 6 where request_session_id = WT.blocking_session_id 7 and resource_type = ‘OBJECT‘) as ‘表名‘, 8 WT.wait_duration_ms, 9 TL.request_mode, 10 (SELECT SUBSTRING(ST.text, (ER.statement_start_offset/2) + 1, 11 ((CASE ER.statement_end_offset 12 WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(ST.text) 13 ELSE ER.statement_end_offset 14 END - ER.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) 15 FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS ER 16 CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ER.sql_handle) AS ST 17 WHERE ER.session_id = TL.request_session_id) 18 AS ‘等待执行的sql‘, 19 WT.blocking_session_id as ‘阻塞的进程‘, 20 WT.resource_description AS blocking_resource_description, 21 CASE WHEN WT.blocking_session_id > 0 THEN 22 (SELECT ST2.text FROM sys.sysprocesses AS SP 23 CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(SP.sql_handle) AS ST2 24 WHERE SP.spid = WT.blocking_session_id) 25 ELSE NULL 26 END AS ‘阻塞进程执行的sql‘, 27 SPP.hostname as ‘阻塞进程-hostname‘, 28 SPP.nt_domain as ‘阻塞进程-nt_domain‘, 29 SPP.nt_username as ‘阻塞进程-nt_username‘, 30 SPP.loginame as ‘阻塞进程-loginame‘ 31 FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS WT 32 JOIN sys.dm_tran_locks AS TL 33 ON WT.resource_address = TL.lock_owner_address 34 inner join sys.sysprocesses as SPP on WT.blocking_session_id = SPP.spid 35 WHERE WT.wait_duration_ms > 5000--等待5s以上的 36 AND WT.session_id > 50;
1 USE [master] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_who_lock] Script Date: 2018/4/14 22:26:36 ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 7 GO 8 create procedure [dbo].[sp_who_lock] 9 as 10 begin 11 declare @spid int,@bl int, 12 @intTransactionCountOnEntry int, 13 @intRowcount int, 14 @intCountProperties int, 15 @intCounter int 16 17 create table #tmp_lock_who ( 18 id int identity(1,1), 19 spid smallint, 20 bl smallint) 21 22 IF @@ERROR<>0 RETURN @@ERROR 23 24 insert into #tmp_lock_who(spid,bl) select 0 ,blocked 25 from (select * from sysprocesses where blocked>0 ) a 26 where not exists(select * from (select * from sysprocesses where blocked>0 ) b 27 where a.blocked=spid) 28 union select spid,blocked from sysprocesses where blocked>0 29 30 IF @@ERROR<>0 RETURN @@ERROR 31 32 -- 找到临时表的记录数 33 select @intCountProperties = Count(*),@intCounter = 1 34 from #tmp_lock_who 35 36 IF @@ERROR<>0 RETURN @@ERROR 37 38 if @intCountProperties=0 39 select ‘现在没有阻塞和死锁信息‘ as message 40 41 -- 循环开始 42 while @intCounter <= @intCountProperties 43 begin 44 -- 取第一条记录 45 select @spid = spid,@bl = bl 46 from #tmp_lock_who where Id = @intCounter 47 begin 48 if @spid =0 49 select ‘引起数据库死锁的是: ‘+ CAST(@bl AS VARCHAR(10)) + ‘进程号,其执行的SQL语法如下‘ 50 else 51 select ‘进程号SPID:‘+ CAST(@spid AS VARCHAR(10))+ ‘被‘ + ‘进程号SPID:‘+ CAST(@bl AS VARCHAR(10)) +‘阻塞,其当前进程执行的SQL语法如下‘ 52 DBCC INPUTBUFFER (@bl ) 53 end 54 55 -- 循环指针下移 56 set @intCounter = @intCounter + 1 57 end 58 59 drop table #tmp_lock_who 60 61 return 0 62 end
1 USE [master] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_killspid] Script Date: 2018/4/14 22:18:31 ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 7 GO 8 9 create proc [dbo].[p_killspid] 10 @dbname varchar(200) --要关闭进程的数据库名 11 as 12 declare @sql nvarchar(500) 13 declare @spid nvarchar(20) 14 15 declare #tb cursor for 16 --select spid=cast(spid as varchar(20)) from master..sysprocesses where dbid=db_id(@dbname) --杀所有当前阻塞在数据库中的进程 17 select spid=cast(blocked as varchar(20)) from master..sysprocesses where dbid=db_id(@dbname) and blocked > 0 --只杀阻塞其他进程的进程 18 open #tb 19 fetch next from #tb into @spid 20 while @@fetch_status=0 21 begin 22 exec(‘kill ‘+@spid) 23 fetch next from #tb into @spid 24 end 25 close #tb 26 deallocate #tb
标签:exe oss insert -- data- 数据 作用 div 表示