标签:outbound sre immediate 日期时间 use sys ber ini system
select distinct TaskNumber, no, h.WarehouseKeeperId from LRP_WMTx_H h join lrp_wmtx_l l on h.oid = l.soid where h. TxTypeCode = ‘302‘ and h.WarehouseKeeperId = (select oid from lrp_warehousekeeper where code = ‘HB05‘) and h.status = 200; select h.WarehouseKeeperId,l.tasknumber,l.status,l.*,h.rowid from LRP_WMTx_H h join lrp_wmtx_l l on h.oid = l.soid where 1=1 and h.WarehouseKeeperId =3705875; (select oid from lrp_warehousekeeper where code = ‘LYB‘); select WarehouseKeeperId, t.*,rowid from LRP_WMTx_H t where WarehouseKeeperId = 3705875; select t.string3, t.* from lrp_warehousekeeper t where code = ‘LYB‘; ---数据闪回 --alter table lrp_wmtx_l enable row movement; --flashback table lrp_wmtx_l to timestamp to_timestamp(‘2018-03-21 12:01:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘); t_jde_saleinpack sp --包装 select t.* from t_jde_direction t ; --起送量中间表 t_jde_batch ---批次表;物料 select t.* from t_jde_batch t where t.wmlotn like ‘%201705020028%‘ ; select t.* from t_jde_saleinpack T where T.WMITM = 4029; select t.* from LRP_LocType t select t.* from lrp_location t where t.loctypeid=219695; select t.* from lrp_materialloctype t; select t.abctype, count(*) from lrp_materialstrategy t group by t.abctype; select count(*), count(distinct t.soid) from lrp_material t, lrp_materialstrategy t1 where t.soid = t1.soid; select * from v$process where program=‘ORACLE.EXE(SHAD)‘; --当前的数据库连接数 select value from v$parameter where name =‘processes‘;--数据库允许的最大连接数 --alter system set processes = 300 scope = spfile;--修改最大连接数: /*将ABC分类共享存储区换成E类*/ --Update Lrp_Location Set Abctype=‘E‘ Where Abctype Is Null; /*还原*/ --update LRP_Location set ABCType =‘‘ where ABCType=‘E‘; /*清空PDA操作员数据 上架*/ UPDATE LRP_WarehouseKeeper SET STRING3=‘‘ where Code=‘SD25‘; commit; select Code,t.* from LRP_WarehouseKeeper t where Code=‘SD25‘; /*清空PDA操作员数据 拣货*/ --update LRP_WMTx_H set WarehouseKeeperId = ? where soid in (select soid from LRP_WMTx_L where TaskNumber=?); commit; select OID, SOID, POID, VERID, DVERID, WAREHOUSEKEEPERID, WarehouseCenterId, t.rowid from LRP_WMTx_H t where t.oid in (‘3901717‘,‘3901719‘,‘3901721‘,‘3901723‘,‘3901725‘,‘3901727‘,‘3901729‘,‘3901731‘,‘3901733‘); where no = ‘OU20180123000054‘ and (WarehouseCenterId = 11285); select t.tasknumber,printmark, t.*,rowid from LRP_WMTx_l t where t.soid = 3890454; select t.* from LRP_WMTx_H t where t.oid in (‘3901717‘,‘3901719‘,‘3901721‘,‘3901723‘,‘3901725‘,‘3901727‘,‘3901729‘,‘3901731‘,‘3901733‘); select t.tasknumber,t.materialid,printmark, t.*,rowid from LRP_WMTx_l t where t.tasknumber = ‘201801240001‘ and t.materialid =665281; select t.* from lrp_material t where code =100260; ---‘5707‘; 补货 --上架单的托盘号字段在明细是DestStrUserDef3,报工序列号在表头是LOCN select DestStrUserDef3,t.* from (select *--count(onhandqty) onhandqty from lrp_quant q join (select distinct DestStrUserDef3 from LRP_WMTx_H h --按订单拣货 left join LRP_WMTx_L l on h.oid = l.soid /*where h.locn= ?*/ ) d on q.StrUserDef3 = d.DestStrUserDef3) t where onhandqty > 0; --维表 select t.*, t.rowid from tb_constant t; --客户 select t.* from BK_Customer t where t.code =30200257; --客户头 select DeliveryDIorection,IsVilidArea, t.* from BK_Customer_L t where t.soid =3016837; --客户明细 select DeliveryDIorection,IsVilidArea, t.* from BK_Customer_L t where t.warehousecenterid = 11285; --客户明细 select count(*) ,count(distinct t.soid) from bk_customer_l t where t.warehousecenterid = 11285; --客户明细 select DeliveryDIorection ,IsVilidArea, t.* from BK_Customer_L t where t.soid =3016837 IsVilidArea is not null ; --客户明细 --物流公司就城市 select IsModeTransPortation ,t.* from Lrp_City t where t.code =‘1218668‘ SOID = 30100435 order by Name; --城市 select * from LRP_District where SOID = 100094; --城市字典 select * from authority t where t.menu_name like ‘%物流管理%‘ ; select * from SYS_Operator t where t.soid in (‘24668‘,‘2719006‘); t.code like ‘%lyb%‘ ; select t.* from SYS_OperatorRole t where t.soid =2719006; --角色表 select t.* from SYS_SESSIONLOG t where t.OPERATOR =2719006; --登陆日志 SELECT * FROM LRP_WarehouseCenter WHERE Enable = 1 AND OID = 11283; --仓库 select * from lrp_storeroom t; --仓间 select t.* from LRP_DispatchOrg t; select t.* from LRP_DispatchOrg_Op t; select t.* from SYS_Operator t; select t.* from SYS_OperatorRole t; select t.* from SYS_Role t; and s.isrecvarea = 0 and s.isshiparea = 0 and s.issampletestarea = 0 and s.iskittingarea = 1) a) --s.IsRecvArea 是否收货区, s.IsShipArea 是否发货区, s.IsSampleTestArea 是否检验区, s.IsKittingArea 是否加工区 select s.IsRecvArea, s.IsShipArea, s.IsSampleTestArea, s.IsKittingArea ,s.* from lrp_storearea s; --库区 select t.warehousecenterid, t.storeroomid, t.storeareaid, t.code, t.name,t.* from lrp_location t ; --储位 select t.* from lrp_MATERIAL t ; --物料维表 select t.* from LRP_LocType t; --储位类型 select * from user_indexes where UPPER(table_name) =‘C##TM‘; select * from user_tables where UPPER(table_name)=‘BK_COSTCENTERGROUP_OR‘; select * from user_TAB_COLUMNS where UPPER(table_name) =‘BK_COSTCENTERGROUP_OR‘; -- PROCESSTYPE =‘Y‘ select t.PROCESSTYPE from LRP_OutboundNotice_L t; --这个标识为 PROCESSTYPE =‘Y‘ select t.*,rowid from LRP_LogisticsOrder_H t where t.no = ‘LO20180314000003‘; -- 物流订单头 select * from LRP_LogisticsOrderMat_L t; --物流订单物料明细 select * from LRP_LogisticsOrderStep_L t; --物流订单步骤明细 select * from LRP_OutboundNotice_H t; --出库订单头 select t.* from LRP_OutboundNotice_L t;--出库订单明细 select t.* from LRP_InboundNotice_H t; --入库通知单头 select t.* from LRP_InboundNotic_L t; --入库通知单明细 select t.* from LRP_WarehouseKeeper t; --仓管员 select * from LRP_Division t;--分部 ---发运单 LRP_ShipmentOrder_H LRP_ShipmentOrder_L select t.* from LRP_WMTx_H t; --库存事务单头 select t.* from LRP_WMTx_L t; --库存事务单明细 select t.* from LRP_WMTxSerial_L t ;--库存事务单序列号明细 select t.* from LRP_WMTxPerson_L t ;--包装人明细 --调度单 LRP_TransportDispatch_H LRP_TransportDJ_L select t.no, t.ownerid, --货主 t.ownerno, --货主单号 t.warehousekeeperid,--仓管员ID t.numbertrailers,--每拖箱数 t.modetransportation,--备货规则 t.salesordernumber,--销售出库单号 t.salescompany,--销售出货公司 t.salesordertype,--销售出货类型 t.putawaytype,--上架方式 t.palletno,--托盘编号 t.employee,--报工员 t.storeroomid,--仓间 t.storeareaid,--库区 t.noticeno, --退货通知单号 t.txdatetime, --事务日期时间 t.* from LRP_WMTx_H t; -- 1271038 1271039 OU20180108000033 内销出库订单头 OU20180111000029 2855456 OU20180105000034 2766406 select t.status, t.*,rowid from LRP_OutboundNotice_L t where oid = 3886852; where t.no =‘LO20171107000022‘ ;-- 内销出库订明细 --update LRP_OutboundNotice_H t set status= 200 where no in (‘OU20180308000001‘); commit; --下面判断下推是否生成拣货单 select t.SRCREFSOID, t.* from lrp_wmtx_l t --库存事务单明细 where t.srcrefsoid in (select t.oid from LRP_OutboundNotice_H t--出库订单头 where t.oid in (‘2710821‘, ‘2679592‘, ‘2663248‘)); select SrcSOID,BasicQty,SrcOID,MapKey,t.* from LRP_WMTx_L t where SrcSOID = 2794351 ;--库存事务单 --按通知收货单序事薄 库存事务单 按订单拣货 select t.oid, t.soid, Vendor, -- 供应商 OrderFrom, -- 订单来源 OrderNumber, -- 订单号 OrderType, -- 订单类型 Status, -- 状态 NoticeNo, -- 入库通知单号 OwnerId, -- 货主 DeliveryDate, -- 送货日期 ExpectedArrival, --预计到货时间 5 from LRP_WMTx_H t where t.NoticeNo = ‘IN20180121000002‘; select t.oid, t.soid, t.boxno, t.deststruserdef3, --托盘号 t.destbatchno, --批号 t.materialid, t.boxno, t.boxunitnum, t.boxunitnum_cf, DestStoreroomId, --"收货仓间" DestStoreareaId, --"收货库区" DestLocationId, --"收货储位" DestStrUserDef4, --规格 DestStrUserDef1, --"第二项目号" InterfaceReturn, -- "接口反馈" BasicQty, --基本单位量 Qty, --数量 1 from LRP_WMTx_L t where t.soid = 2940901; --onhandqty, --在库量, expectinqty, --待入库量, expectreplenishqty, --待补货量 expectoutqty, --待出货量 --create table lyb_lrp_quant as --select t.*,rowid from lrp_quant t where t.materialid = 663996; select t.warehousecenterid, t.storeroomid, t.storeareaid, t.code, t.name,t.* from lrp_location t ; --储位 select onhandqty, --在库 expectinqty, ----待入 expectreplenishqty, --- expectoutqty, --待出 t.storeroomid, --仓间 t.storeareaid, --仓区 t.batchno, t1.code, --物料CODE t4.code, --分布 t.dictuserdef1, --分布 t3.code, --库区 t3.name, t.locationid, --储位 t2.code, --储位 t2.name, t.numuserdef1, ----箱包装量 onhandqty, --库存量 expectoutqty, --待出货量 expectinqty, --待入库量 expectreplenishqty, --待补货量 t1.code, materialid, --(onhandqty + expectinqty + expectreplenishqty + expectoutqty) aaaa, --在库量,待入库量,待补货量,待出货量 --t.*, t2.LocTypeId, --储位类型 t5.code, t5.name, t.warehousecenterid, t6.code, t6.name, t.rowid from lrp_quant t, --库存 lrp_MATERIAL t1, --物料维表 lrp_location t2, --储位 lrp_storearea t3, --库区 lrp_division t4, --分布 LRP_LocType t5, --储位类型 LRP_WarehouseCenter t6, --仓间 t_jde_saleinpack sp --包装 where t.materialid = t1.oid(+) and t.locationid = t2.soid(+) and t.storeareaid = t3.soid(+) and t.dictuserdef1 = t4.soid(+) and t2.loctypeid = t5.oid(+) and t.warehousecenterid = t6.oid(+) and sp.wmitm = t1.code(+) --and sp.wmwm not in (‘BX‘, ‘SB‘) and t1.CODE =4503; --and t.onhandqty <0 -- and t.locationid =3393406 --and t.warehousecenterid <> 11287 --and t4.soid = 17182 --and t2.code like ‘HB%‘ --and (t2.code like ‘%C05-0107%‘ or t2.code like ‘%07-2705%‘) -- and (onhandqty + expectinqty + expectreplenishqty + expectoutqty) >0 --and t2.code = ‘1‘ ; select t.* from lrp_location t where code =‘C05-4904‘; select t.* from lrp_location t where code =‘1‘; ---修改库存量 select t.oid, t.materialid, t.batchno, onhandqty, expectinqty, expectreplenishqty, expectoutqty, rowid from lrp_quant t where t.oid = 3858509; -- and t.materialid in (‘17769‘,‘660648‘) and t.locationid =247068; select t.warehousecenterid, t.storeroomid, t.storeareaid, t.code, t.name,t.* from lrp_location t ; --储位 -- and t.locationid in (‘760218‘, ‘760219‘); --wms create table lrp_quant_bak_20180121 as select t.* from lrp_quant t create table lyb_lrp_quant as select t.*,rowid from lrp_quant t where t.materialid = 663996; --物料 select t.* from lrp_MATERIAL t where t.code = 1064; select t.* from lrp_location t where t.code = ‘0104‘;--储位 <Item Caption="已输入" Key="prepared" Value=" 100"/> <Item Caption="已确认" Key="confirmed" Value="200"/> <Item Caption="处理中" Key="handled" Value=" 500"/> <Item Caption="已完成" Key="finished" Value=" 900"/> --销售订单类型 SO S6 --发往分公司 S1 ST SY --外销 SJ --外销 select SalesOrderType from LRP_OutboundNotice_H where salesordertype <> ‘SY‘ and salesordertype <> ‘SJ‘ group by SalesOrderType; select * from LRP_OutboundNotice_H; onhandqty, --在库量, expectinqty, --待入库量, expectreplenishqty, --待补货量 expectoutqty, --待出货量 t.storeroomid "仓间", --仓间 t.storeareaid "仓区", --仓区 t.locationid "储位", --储位 ------------20180305 bak----- create table LRP_ReprenishStrategy_H_bak as select t.* from LRP_ReprenishStrategy_H t where warehousecenterid = 11287; --补货策略 create table LRP_ReplenishStrategy_QM_L_bak as select t.* from LRP_ReplenishStrategy_QM_L t; --补货策略库存匹配明细 select t.* from LRP_ReplenishStrategy_QS_L t; --补货策略库存排序明细 create table LRP_ReplenishStrategy_PM_L_bak as select t.* from LRP_ReplenishStrategy_PM_L t; --补货策略拣货位匹配明细 select t.* from LRP_ReplenishStrategy_PS_L t; --补货策略拣货位排序明细 select t.* from LRP_NoticePickStrategy_H t; --订单拣货策略头 select t.* from LRP_NoticePickStrategy_CM_L t; --订单拣货策略条件匹配明细 select t.* from LRP_NoticePickStrategy_QM_L t; --订单拣货策略库存匹配明细 select t.* from LRP_NoticePickStrategy_QS_L t; --订单拣货策略库存排序明细 select t.* from LRP_NoticePickStrategy_PQM_L t; --订单拣货策略整件库存匹配明细 select t.* from LRP_NoticePickStrategy_PQS_L t; --订单拣货策略整件库存排序明细 select t.* from LRP_NoticePickStrategy_SM_L t; --订单拣货策略发货区匹配明细 select t.* from LRP_NoticePickStrategy_SS_L t; --订单拣货策略发货区排序明细 select t.* from LRP_PutawayStrategy_H t; --上架策略 select t.* from LRP_PutawayStrategy_CM_L t; --上架策略条件匹配明细 select t.* from LRP_PutawayStrategy_NoMix_L t; --上架策略不可混放明细 select t.* from LRP_PutawayStrategy_Loc_L t; --上架策略储位匹配明细 select t.* from LRP_PutawayStrategy_LS_L t; --上架策略储位排序明细 select t.* from LRP_QuantUserDefFields t;--库存预留字段 select t.*,rowid from lrp_materialloctype t where t.soid = 665279; --物料-储位类型关系表 select t.* from lrp_materialstrategy t where t.soid =665279; --仓储策略明细 select t.*,rowid from lrp_material t where t.code =100440; ----------------------------------- truncate table test; declare aa varchar2(140); wa number; leng number; begin wa := 0; while wa <= 4 loop aa := wa; leng := length(aa); while leng <= 9 loop aa := ‘0‘ || aa; leng := leng + 1; if leng = 10 then insert into test (aa) values (aa); commit; end if; end loop; wa := wa + 1; end loop; end; --物料仓储策略明细 delete from lrp_materialstrategy t where t.oid in ( select oid from ( select t.oid, row_number() over(partition by poid || soid || verid || dverid || status || enable || nodetype || parentid || tleft || tright || code || name || creator || createtime || modifier || modifytime || strategytype || strategyid || sortorder || warehousecenterid || replenishwarningqty || maxwaitqty || mapcount || slock || abctype order by oid) rn from lrp_materialstrategy t )t where rn >1); select t.* from lrp_material t where t.oid in ( select oid from ( select t.oid, row_number() over(partition by t.soid||t.code order by soid) rn from lrp_material t )t where rn >1); select t.* from test t ; ------------------------------ 1, sqlplus 2, sys as sysdba 用户名 3,tongming 密码 4,select count(*) from v$process //查询连接数 5,select value from v$parameter where name = ‘processes‘ 查询默认允许最大连接数 6,alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile; 修改链接数 7,alter system set sessions=335 scope=spfile; 修改会话 8,重启数据库: shutdown immediate; startup; ------------- ---查找物料绑定的空储位 select l.oid, l.storeareaid, l.storeroomid, l.CargoCapacity, l.sortorder, t.PalletQtyLimit, sum(coalesce(q.onhandqty, 0)), sum( coalesce(q.expectoutqty, 0)) from lrp_location l left join lrp_quant q on q.locationid = l.oid left join LRP_LocType t on t.oid = l.loctypeid where l.specifymaterialid = 273329 --指定物料 select t.* from lrp_material t where t.oid =273329; and l.WAREHOUSECENTERID = 11283 --仓库 and l.oid in (select L.OID from LRP_Location L join LRP_Storearea A on L.StoreareaId = A.OID join LRP_Storeroom R on L.StoreroomId = R.OID join LRP_LocType T on L.LocTypeId = T.OID where L.LocTypeId = 219695) ---盒区储位类型 group by l.oid, l.storeareaid, l.storeroomid, l.WAREHOUSECENTERID, l.sortorder, l.CargoCapacity, t.PalletQtyLimit having sum(coalesce(q.onhandqty, 0) - coalesce(q.expectoutqty, 0)) = 0 ----------------=============== /* 4、散件补货还可以在虚拟库补货 */ select l.oid,l.warehousecenterid, l.storeroomid, l.storeareaid, l.CargoCapacity, l.sortorder, t.PalletQtyLimit from lrp_location l join LRP_LocType t on t.oid = l.loctypeid join LRP_Storearea a on L.StoreareaId = A.OID where a.code like ‘%LHXNKQ%‘ and l.warehousecenterid =11283; -- ? ----散件拣货 select Q.* from LRP_Quant Q join LRP_Location L on Q.LocationId = L.OID join LRP_Storearea A on L.StoreareaId = A.OID join LRP_Storeroom R on L.StoreroomId = R.OID join LRP_LocType T on L.LocTypeId = T.OID join LRP_WarehouseCenter W on Q.WarehouseCenterId = W.OID where Q.MaterialId = 664093 and A.IsRecvArea = 0 and A.IsShipArea = 0 and A.IsSampleTestArea = 0 and A.IsKittingArea = 0 and Q.WarehouseCenterId = 11283 and Q.OwnerID = 11292 and Q.OnhandQty - Q.ExpectOutQty > 0 AND R.Code like ‘%LHK%‘ and Q.NumUserDef1 = 270000 and Q.DictUserDef1 = 17182 order by l.SortOrder desc; ---紧急补货 begin --根据物料 拣货方式 找补货策略 select oid from LRP_ReprenishStrategy_H where StrategyTypeFor = ‘IP‘ and materialid =665908 --? and WarehouseCenterId =11283 --? and pickingway =‘FCL‘ --? #0 :665908; #1 :11283; #2 :FCL; --根据物料ABC类型找补货策略 select oid StrategyId from LRP_ReprenishStrategy_H where StrategyTypeFor = ‘IP‘ and pickingway = ‘FCL‘ --? and materialtype like ‘%B%‘ -- ? and WarehouseCenterId = 11283 --? #0 :FCL; #1 :%B%; #2 :11283; ---紧急补货 end ---整件 散件 缺货补货 找源储位 select l.code, L.ABCType ,Q.* from LRP_Quant Q join LRP_Location L on Q.LocationId = L.OID join LRP_Storearea A on L.StoreareaId = A.OID join LRP_Storeroom R on L.StoreroomId = R.OID join LRP_LocType T on L.LocTypeId = T.OID join LRP_Division d on q.DictUserDef1 = d.OID where Q.OnhandQty - Q.ExpectOutQty > 0 and Q.MaterialId = 665908 and Q.OID in (select Q.OID from LRP_Quant Q join LRP_Location L on Q.LocationId = L.OID join LRP_Storearea A on L.StoreareaId = A.OID join LRP_Storeroom R on L.StoreroomId = R.OID join LRP_LocType T on L.LocTypeId = T.OID join LRP_Division D on Q.DictUserDef1 = D.OID where ((A.Code = ‘JHQ‘) or (A.Code = ‘LTK‘) or (A.Code = ‘CCQ‘)) -- and ((L.ABCType <> ‘C‘) or (L.ABCType <> ‘D‘)) ) and Q.WarehouseCenterId = 11283 and q.NumUserDef1 = 480 and d.code = ‘PT‘ Order by L.SortOrder ASC ; ---整件补货上架 查找目标储位 select l.oid, l.storeareaid, l.storeroomid, l.CargoCapacity, l.sortorder, t.PalletQtyLimit from lrp_location l left join lrp_quant q on q.locationid = l.oid left join LRP_LocType t on t.oid = l.loctypeid where l.islocked = 0 and l.specifymaterialid = ? and l.WAREHOUSECENTERID = ? and l.oid in (select L.OID from LRP_Location L join LRP_Storearea A on L.StoreareaId = A.OID join LRP_Storeroom R on L.StoreroomId = R.OID join LRP_LocType T on L.LocTypeId = T.OID where ((A.Code = ‘CCQ‘) or (A.Code = ‘JHQ‘))) group by l.oid, l.storeareaid, l.storeroomid, l.WAREHOUSECENTERID, l.sortorder, l.CargoCapacity, t.PalletQtyLimit having sum(coalesce(q.onhandqty, 0) - coalesce(q.expectoutqty, 0)) = 0 Order by L.SortOrder ASC#0 :665908; #1 :11283; ---------------- select floor(onhandqty / nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) || ‘箱‘ || floor(mod(onhandqty, nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) / nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘盒‘ || mod(onhandqty, nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘支‘ onhandqty, --在库 floor(expectinqty / nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) || ‘箱‘ || floor(mod(expectinqty, nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) / nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘盒‘ || mod(expectinqty, nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘支‘ expectinqty,----待入 floor(expectreplenishqty / nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) || ‘箱‘ || floor(mod(expectreplenishqty, nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) / nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘盒‘ || mod(expectreplenishqty, nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘支‘ expectreplenishqty,--- floor(expectoutqty / nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) || ‘箱‘ || floor(mod(expectoutqty, nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) / nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘盒‘ || mod(expectoutqty, nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘支‘ expectoutqty, --待出 t.storeroomid, --仓间 t.storeareaid, --仓区 t.batchno, t1.code, --物料CODE t4.code, --分布 t.dictuserdef1, --分布 t3.code, --库区 t3.name, t.locationid, --储位 t2.code, --储位 t2.name, t.numuserdef1, ----箱包装量 onhandqty, --库存量 expectoutqty, --待出货量 expectinqty, --待入库量 expectreplenishqty, --待补货量 t1.code, materialid, --(onhandqty + expectinqty + expectreplenishqty + expectoutqty) aaaa, --在库量,待入库量,待补货量,待出货量 --t.*, t2.LocTypeId, --储位类型 t5.code, t5.name, t.warehousecenterid, t6.code, t6.name, t.rowid from lrp_quant t, --库存 lrp_MATERIAL t1, --物料维表 lrp_location t2, --储位 lrp_storearea t3, --库区 lrp_division t4, --分布 LRP_LocType t5, --储位类型 LRP_WarehouseCenter t6, --仓间 t_jde_saleinpack sp --包装 where t.materialid = t1.oid(+) and t.locationid = t2.soid(+) and t.storeareaid = t3.soid(+) and t.dictuserdef1 = t4.soid(+) and t2.loctypeid = t5.oid(+) and t.warehousecenterid = t6.oid(+) and sp.wmitm = t1.code --and sp.wmwm not in (‘BX‘, ‘SB‘) --and t2.CODE like ‘%010106%‘ --and t.onhandqty <0 -- and t.locationid =3393406 and t.warehousecenterid <> 11287 --and t4.soid = 17182 and t2.code like ‘HB%‘ --and (t2.code like ‘%C05-0107%‘ or t2.code like ‘%07-2705%‘) -- and (onhandqty + expectinqty + expectreplenishqty + expectoutqty) >0 --and t2.code = ‘1‘ ; select floor(onhandqty / nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) || ‘箱‘ || floor(mod(onhandqty, nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) / nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘盒‘ || mod(onhandqty, nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘支‘ onhandqty, --在库 floor(expectinqty / nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) || ‘箱‘ || floor(mod(expectinqty, nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) / nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘盒‘ || mod(expectinqty, nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘支‘ expectinqty,----待入 floor(expectreplenishqty / nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) || ‘箱‘ || floor(mod(expectreplenishqty, nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) / nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘盒‘ || mod(expectreplenishqty, nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘支‘ expectreplenishqty,--- floor(expectoutqty / nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) || ‘箱‘ || floor(mod(expectoutqty, nvl(numuserdef1, 1)) / nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘盒‘ || mod(expectoutqty, nvl(wmconv, 1)) || ‘支‘ expectoutqty, --待出 t.storeroomid, --仓间 t.storeareaid, --仓区 t.batchno, t1.code, --物料CODE t4.code, --分布 t.dictuserdef1, --分布 t3.code, --库区 t3.name, t.locationid, --储位 t2.code, --储位 t2.name, t.numuserdef1, ----箱包装量 onhandqty, --库存量 expectoutqty, --待出货量 expectinqty, --待入库量 expectreplenishqty, --待补货量 t1.code, materialid, --(onhandqty + expectinqty + expectreplenishqty + expectoutqty) aaaa, --在库量,待入库量,待补货量,待出货量 --t.*, t2.LocTypeId, --储位类型 t5.code, t5.name, t.warehousecenterid, t6.code, t6.name, t.rowid from lrp_quant t, --库存 lrp_MATERIAL t1, --物料维表 lrp_location t2, --储位 lrp_storearea t3, --库区 lrp_division t4, --分布 LRP_LocType t5, --储位类型 LRP_WarehouseCenter t6, --仓间 t_jde_saleinpack sp --包装 where t.materialid = t1.oid(+) and t.locationid = t2.soid(+) and t.storeareaid = t3.soid(+) and t.dictuserdef1 = t4.soid(+) and t2.loctypeid = t5.oid(+) and t.warehousecenterid = t6.oid(+) and sp.wmitm = t1.code --and sp.wmwm not in (‘BX‘, ‘SB‘) --and t2.CODE like ‘%010106%‘ --and t.onhandqty <0 -- and t.locationid =3393406 and t.warehousecenterid <> 11287 --and t4.soid = 17182 and t2.code like ‘HB%‘ --and (t2.code like ‘%C05-0107%‘ or t2.code like ‘%07-2705%‘) -- and (onhandqty + expectinqty + expectreplenishqty + expectoutqty) >0 --and t2.code = ‘1‘ ;
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