标签:symbol bottom com show 分享 get one image clu
void graph::draw() { int i,j; for(i=1;i<=size;i++) { for(j=1;j<=size-i;j++) { cout<<" "; } for(j=1;j<=2*i-1;j++) { cout<<symbol; } for(j=1;j<=size-i;j++) { cout<<" "; } cout<<endl; }
程序运行环境: DevC++5.10
class Fraction{ public: Fraction(); Fraction(int a); Fraction(int a,int b); void show(); void add(Fraction &f); void sub(Fraction &f); void mul(Fraction &f); void div(Fraction &f); int compare(Fraction &f); private: int top; int bottom; };
#include<iostream> #include"fraction.h" using namespace std; Fraction::Fraction() { top=0; bottom=1; } Fraction::Fraction(int a) { top=a; bottom=1; } Fraction::Fraction(int a,int b) { top=a; bottom=b; } void Fraction::add(Fraction &f) { top=f.top*bottom+top*f.bottom; bottom=bottom*f.bottom; show(); } void Fraction::sub(Fraction &f) { top=top*f.bottom-f.top*bottom; bottom=bottom*f.bottom; show(); } void Fraction::mul(Fraction &f) { top=top*f.top; bottom=bottom*f.bottom; show(); } void Fraction::div(Fraction &f) { top=top*f.bottom; bottom=bottom*f.top; show(); } int Fraction::compare(Fraction &f) { int a,b; a=top*f.bottom-f.top*bottom; if(a>0) { b=1; } else if(a=0) { b=2; } else { b=3; } switch(b) { case 1: cout<<top<<"/"<<bottom<<">"<<f.top<<"/"<<f.bottom; break; case 2: cout<<top<<"/"<<bottom<<"="<<f.top<<"/"<<f.bottom; break; case 3: cout<<top<<"/"<<bottom<<"<"<<f.top<<"/"<<f.bottom; break; default: cout<<"number of b is wrong"; } } void Fraction::show() { cout<<top<<"/"<<bottom<<endl; }
#include <iostream> #include"fraction.h" /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ int main() { Fraction a; Fraction b1(3,4); Fraction c(5); Fraction d(5,6); Fraction b2(3,4); Fraction b3(3,4); Fraction b4(3,4); Fraction b5(3,4); a.show(); b1.show(); c.show(); b1.add(d); b2.sub(d); b3.mul(d); b4.div(d); b5.compare(d); return 0; }
程序运行环境: DevC++5.10
标签:symbol bottom com show 分享 get one image clu