标签:struct ase pac new director let iris name code
有很多的时候 会出现没有用的优盘路径 如果代码中写的是绝对路径 就有可能读不到优盘的内容 ,以下代码就是可以解决这样的问题 我已经封装成一个类
#ifndef UPANPATH_H #define UPANPATH_H #include <dirent.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; class UPanPath { public: UPanPath(string file_name,string UPan_name,string target_file_name); ~UPanPath(); string fileName; string UPanName; string targetFileName; vector<string> getFoldernames( const string dir_name, const string filter1); bool dirIsExit( const string dir_name ); string getFilePath(); }; #define NOROBOT "no find ROBOT file" #define NOEFFECTIVE "no find effective file" #endif // UPANPATH_H
#include "upanpath.h" UPanPath::UPanPath(string file_name,string UPan_name,string target_file_name) { this->fileName = file_name ; this->UPanName = UPan_name; this->targetFileName = target_file_name; } /* Get all the files in the folder dir_name , do not show the directories ! */ bool UPanPath::dirIsExit(const string dir_name) { // check the parameter ! if( "" == dir_name ) { cout<<" dir_name is null ! "<<endl; return false; } // check if dir_name is a valid dir struct stat s; lstat( dir_name.c_str() , &s ); if( ! S_ISDIR( s.st_mode ) ) { cout<<dir_name << " is not a valid directory !"<<endl; return false; } return true; } /* Get all the files in the folder dir_name , do not show the directories ! * 此函数可以得到指定目录下的所有文件和文件夹名,可以对其进行筛选,只要文件,然后再根据两个过滤器依次进行筛选,得到指定的文件。 */ vector<string> UPanPath::getFoldernames( const string dir_name, const string filter) { vector<string> dirs; // check the parameter ! if( "" == dir_name ) { cout<<" dir_name is null ! "<<endl; return dirs; } // check if dir_name is a valid dir struct stat s; lstat( dir_name.c_str() , &s ); if( ! S_ISDIR( s.st_mode ) ) { cout<<dir_name << " is not a valid directory !"<<endl; return dirs; } struct dirent * filename; // return value for readdir() DIR * dir; // return value for opendir() dir = opendir( dir_name.c_str() ); if( NULL == dir ) { cout<<"Can not open directory "<<dir_name<<endl; return dirs; } cout<<"Open the directory successfully!"<<endl; string path; if( dir_name.substr(dir_name.length()-1, 1) != "/" ) path = dir_name + "/"; else path = dir_name; struct stat s_buf; string dir_tmp; /* read all the files in the dir ~ */ while( ( filename = readdir(dir) ) != NULL ) { dir_tmp = filename ->d_name; // get rid of "." and ".." if( "." == dir_tmp || ".." == dir_tmp ) continue; /*获取文件信息,把信息放到s_buf中*/ stat( (path + dir_tmp).c_str(), &s_buf ); /*判断是否目录*/ if( !S_ISDIR(s_buf.st_mode) ) continue; if("" != filter) { if((int)dir_tmp.find(filter) >= 0) dirs.push_back(dir_tmp); } else dirs.push_back(dir_tmp); } return dirs; } string UPanPath::getFilePath() { vector<string> dir_f = UPanPath::getFoldernames(UPanPath::fileName,UPanPath::UPanName); cout << "文件的个数:"<<dir_f.size() << endl; string faces_dir = ""; vector<string> upan_name ; for(int i=0; i< dir_f.size(); i++) { cout << "dir_f[" << i << "]: " << dir_f[i] << endl; string dir_tmp = UPanPath::fileName; //+"/"+ dir_f[i]; dir_tmp += "/"; dir_tmp += dir_f[i]; dir_tmp += "/"; dir_tmp += UPanPath::targetFileName; cout << dir_tmp <<endl; if( 0 != system( ("cd " + dir_tmp).c_str() ) ) { if( 0 == system( ("sudo rm -rf " + dir_tmp).c_str() ) ) cout << "Delet invalid Upan folder [ " << dir_tmp << " ] successfully..." << endl; else cout << "Failed to delete invalid Upan folder [ " << dir_tmp << " ] ..." << endl; } else upan_name.push_back(dir_f[i]); } int len = upan_name.size(); if ( 0 == len ) { cout << "Don‘t find the Upan [ ROBOT ], please insert the Upan first ..." << endl; return NOROBOT; } else { for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { string dir_tmp = UPanPath::fileName; dir_tmp += "/"; dir_tmp += upan_name[i]; dir_tmp += "/"; dir_tmp += UPanPath::targetFileName; cout << dir_tmp <<endl; if(UPanPath::dirIsExit(dir_tmp)) { faces_dir = dir_tmp; break; } } if("" == faces_dir) { cout << "Don‘t find the folder [ faces ] in the Upan ..." << endl; return NOEFFECTIVE; } else { cout << "Find the Upan faces folder [ " << faces_dir << " ] ..." << endl; return faces_dir; } } } UPanPath::~UPanPath() { cout << "析构函数"<< endl; }
#include <QCoreApplication> #include "upanpath.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); UPanPath *P = new UPanPath("/media/alvin","ROBOT","faces"); string FilePath = P->getFilePath(); cout << "effective file path :" << FilePath << endl; return a.exec(); }
可以根据函数的返回值的 不同确定什么原因导致读取失败。
标签:struct ase pac new director let iris name code