标签:operation creat lse having ram UI 文档 类型 inf
Testing Static Content
Testing Links
Function Tests
Testing Dynamic Elements
Ajax Tests
assert 和verify的区别:assert如果wrong,就会停止执行后面的内容;verify如果wrong,会记录下来,然后继续执行后面的内容。
selenium.click(elementLocator); selenium.waitForPageToLoad(waitPeriod);
/** * Clicks and Waits for page to load. * * param elementLocator * param waitPeriod */ public void clickAndWait(String elementLocator, String waitPeriod) { selenium.click(elementLocator); selenium.waitForPageToLoad(waitPeriod); }
* Selenium-WebDriver -- Clicks on an element only if it is available on a page.
* param elementLocator
public void safeClick(String elementLocator) {
WebElement webElement = getDriver().findElement(By.XXXX(elementLocator));
if(webElement != null) {
} else {
// Using the TestNG API for logging
Reporter.log("Element: " + elementLocator + ", is not available on a page - "
+ getDriver().getUrl());
/** * Selenium-WebDriver -- Clicks on an element only if it is available on a page. * * param elementLocator */ public void safeClick(String elementLocator) { WebElement webElement = getDriver().findElement(By.XXXX(elementLocator)); if(webElement != null) { selenium.click(webElement); } else { // Using the TestNG API for logging Reporter.log("Element: " + elementLocator + ", is not available on a page - " + getDriver().getUrl()); } }
To summarize, a UI Map has two significant advantages
public void testNew() throws Exception { selenium.open("http://www.test.com"); selenium.type("loginForm:tbUsername", "xxxxxxxx"); selenium.click("loginForm:btnLogin"); selenium.click("adminHomeForm:_activitynew"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click("addEditEventForm:_IDcancel"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click("adminHomeForm:_activityold"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); }
public void testNew() throws Exception { selenium.open("http://www.test.com"); selenium.type(admin.username, "xxxxxxxx"); selenium.click(admin.loginbutton); selenium.click(admin.events.createnewevent); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click(admin.events.cancel); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.click(admin.events.viewoldevents); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); }
admin.username = loginForm:tbUsername admin.loginbutton = loginForm:btnLogin admin.events.createnewevent = adminHomeForm:_activitynew admin.events.cancel = addEditEventForm:_IDcancel admin.events.viewoldevents = adminHomeForm:_activityold
↑ 这种方法,一般在java中的实现,我看到的,都是用class,不是用prop.properties
The Page Object Design Pattern provides the following advantages
1. 分离测试代码和页面代码,比如定位和布局;
2. 把页面的服务或者操作存在一个简单的仓库里面,而不是散乱的在测试用例中;
We encourage the reader who wishes to know more to search the internet for blogs on this subject.
之前其实在一些讨论里面看到过page object设计模式,不过具体实现的话,以前曾经做过登录页面的一点点,没有全部页面应用。感觉可以优化一下现有代码。
/*** * Tests login feature */ public class Login { public void testLogin() { selenium.type("inputBox", "testUser"); selenium.type("password", "my supersecret password"); selenium.click("sign-in"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("PageWaitPeriod"); Assert.assertTrue(selenium.isElementPresent("compose button"), "Login was unsuccessful"); } }
There are two problems with this approach.
/** * Page Object encapsulates the Sign-in page. */ public class SignInPage { private Selenium selenium; public SignInPage(Selenium selenium) { this.selenium = selenium; if(!selenium.getTitle().equals("Sign in page")) { throw new IllegalStateException("This is not sign in page, current page is: " +selenium.getLocation()); } } /** * Login as valid user * * @param userName * @param password * @return HomePage object */ public HomePage loginValidUser(String userName, String password) { selenium.type("usernamefield", userName); selenium.type("passwordfield", password); selenium.click("sign-in"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("waitPeriod"); return new HomePage(selenium); } }
/** * Page Object encapsulates the Home Page */ public class HomePage { private Selenium selenium; public HomePage(Selenium selenium) { if (!selenium.getTitle().equals("Home Page of logged in user")) { throw new IllegalStateException("This is not Home Page of logged in user, current page" + "is: " +selenium.getLocation()); } } public HomePage manageProfile() { // Page encapsulation to manage profile functionality return new HomePage(selenium); } /*More methods offering the services represented by Home Page of Logged User. These methods in turn might return more Page Objects for example click on Compose mail button could return ComposeMail class object*/ }
/*** * Tests login feature */ public class TestLogin { public void testLogin() { SignInPage signInPage = new SignInPage(selenium); HomePage homePage = signInPage.loginValidUser("userName", "password"); Assert.assertTrue(selenium.isElementPresent("compose button"), "Login was unsuccessful"); } }
a few basic rules:
1.Page objects themselves should never make verifications or assertions.
页面对象不做校验和断言。校验和断言属于测试用例,必须在测试代码中实现,而不是在页面对象中。页面对象只包含页面表达, 和服务于页面的方法,和要测试的代码无关。
2.There is one, single, verification which can, and should, be within the page object and that is to verify that the page, and possibly critical elements on the page, were loaded correctly.
selenium-网站demo学习-test Design-优化自动化代码
标签:operation creat lse having ram UI 文档 类型 inf