标签:android style color io java strong for sp on
修改DefaultCallLogInsertionHelper.java (alps\packages\providers\contactsprovider\src\com\android\providers\contacts)
public void addComputedValues(ContentValues values) {
// Insert the current country code, so we know the country the number belongs to.
String countryIso = getCurrentCountryIso();
/// M: @{
Log.d(TAG, "addComputedValues() countryIso == [" + countryIso +"]");
Log.d(TAG, "addComputedValues() geocoded == [" + getGeocodedLocationFor(values.getAsString(Calls.NUMBER), countryIso) +"]");
/// @}
values.put(Calls.COUNTRY_ISO, countryIso);
// Insert the geocoded location, so that we do not need to compute it on the fly.
//mtk add
String name = values.getAsString(Calls.NAME);
if(name == null || name.equals("")){
//mtk add end
getGeocodedLocationFor(values.getAsString(Calls.NUMBER), countryIso));
标签:android style color io java strong for sp on