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标签:mysql   Python脚本   

#!/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os,sys,re,getopt import MySQLdb host = ‘‘ user = ‘‘ password = ‘‘ port = 3306 start_datetime = ‘1971-01-01 00:00:00‘ stop_datetime = ‘2037-01-01 00:00:00‘ start_position = ‘4‘ stop_position = ‘18446744073709551615‘ database = ‘‘ mysqlbinlog_bin = ‘mysqlbinlog -v‘ binlog = ‘‘ fileContent = ‘‘ output=‘rollback.sql‘ only_primary = 0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 功能:获取参数,生成相应的binlog解析文件 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getopts_parse_binlog(): global host global user global password global port global fileContent global output global binlog global start_datetime global stop_datetime global start_position global stop_position global database global only_primary try: options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:o:h:u:p:P:d:", ["help","binlog=","output=","host=","user=","password=","port=","start-datetime=", "stop-datetime=","start-position=","stop-position=","database=","only-primary="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "参数输入有误!!!!!" options = [] if options == [] or options[0][0] in ("--help"): usage() sys.exit() print "正在获取参数....." for name, value in options: if name == "-f" or name == "--binlog": binlog = value if name == "-o" or name == "--output": output = value if name == "-h" or name == "--host": host = value if name == "-u" or name == "--user": user = value if name == "-p" or name == "--password": password = value if name == "-P" or name == "--port": port = value if name == "--start-datetime": start_datetime = value if name == "--stop-datetime": stop_datetime = value if name == "--start-position": start_position = value if name == "--stop-position": stop_position = value if name == "-d" or name == "--database": database = value if name == "--only-primary" : only_primary = value if binlog == ‘‘ : print "错误:请指定binlog文件名!" usage() if user == ‘‘ : print "错误:请指定用户名!" usage() if password == ‘‘ : print "错误:请指定密码!" usage() if database <> ‘‘ : condition_database = "--database=" + "‘" + database + "‘" else: condition_database = ‘‘ print "正在解析binlog....." fileContent=os.popen("%s %s --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --start-datetime=‘%s‘ --stop-datetime=‘%s‘ --start-position=‘%s‘ --stop-position=‘%s‘ %s |grep ‘###‘ -B 2|sed -e ‘s/### //g‘ -e ‘s/^INSERT/##INSERT/g‘ -e ‘s/^UPDATE/##UPDATE/g‘ -e ‘s/^DELETE/##DELETE/g‘ " %(mysqlbinlog_bin,binlog,start_datetime,stop_datetime,start_position,stop_position,condition_database)).read() #print fileContent # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 功能:初始化binlog里的所有表名和列名,用全局字典result_dict来储存每个表有哪些列 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_col_name(): global result_dict global pri_dict global fileContent result_dict = {} pri_dict = {} table_list = re.findall(‘`.*`\\.`.*`‘,fileContent) table_list = list(set(table_list)) #table_list 为所有在这段binlog里出现过的表 print "正在初始化列名....." for table in table_list: sname = table.split(‘.‘)[0].replace(‘`‘,‘‘) tname = table.split(‘.‘)[1].replace(‘`‘,‘‘) #连接数据库获取列和列id try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=host,user=user,passwd=password,port=int(port)) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select ordinal_position,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=‘%s‘ and table_name=‘%s‘ " %(sname,tname)) result=cursor.fetchall() if result == () : print ‘Warning:‘+sname+‘.‘+tname+‘已删除‘ #sys.exit() result_dict[sname+‘.‘+tname]=result cursor.execute("select ordinal_position,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=‘%s‘ and table_name=‘%s‘ and column_key=‘PRI‘ " %(sname,tname)) pri=cursor.fetchall() #print pri pri_dict[sname+‘.‘+tname]=pri cursor.close() conn.close() except MySQLdb.Error, e: try: print "Error %d:%s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) except IndexError: print "MySQL Error:%s" % str(e) sys.exit() #print result_dict #print pri_dict # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 功能:拼凑回滚sql,逆序 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gen_rollback_sql(): global only_primary fileOutput = open(output, ‘w‘) #先将文件根据‘--‘分块,每块代表一个sql area_list=fileContent.split(‘--\n‘) #逆序读取分块 print "正在开始拼凑sql....." for area in area_list[::-1]: #由于一条sql可能影响多行,每个sql又可以分成多个逐条执行的sql sql_list = area.split(‘##‘) #先将pos点和timestamp传入输出文件中 for sql_head in sql_list[0].splitlines(): sql_head = ‘#‘+sql_head+‘\n‘ fileOutput.write(sql_head) #逐条sql进行替换更新,逆序 for sql in sql_list[::-1][0:-1]: try: if sql.split()[0] == ‘INSERT‘: rollback_sql = re.sub(‘^INSERT INTO‘, ‘DELETE FROM‘, sql, 1) rollback_sql = re.sub(‘SET\n‘, ‘WHERE\n‘, rollback_sql, 1) tablename_pos = 2 table_name = rollback_sql.split()[tablename_pos].replace(‘`‘, ‘‘) # 获取该sql中的所有列 col_list = sorted(list(set(re.findall(‘@\d+‘, rollback_sql)))) # 因为第一个列前面没有逗号或者and,所以单独替换 rollback_sql = rollback_sql.replace(‘@1=‘, result_dict[table_name][0][1]+‘=‘) for col in col_list[1:]: i = int(col[1:]) - 1 rollback_sql = rollback_sql.replace(col+‘=‘, ‘AND ‘ + result_dict[table_name][i][1]+‘=‘,1) # 如果only_primary开启且存在主键,where条件里就只列出主键字段 if int(only_primary) == 1 and pri_dict[table_name] <> (): sub_where = ‘‘ for primary in pri_dict[table_name]: primary_name = primary[1] for condition in rollback_sql.split(‘WHERE‘, 1)[1].splitlines(): if re.compile(‘^\s*‘+primary_name).match(condition) or re.compile(‘^\s*AND\s*‘+primary_name).match(condition): sub_where = sub_where + condition + ‘\n‘ sub_where = re.sub(‘^\s*AND‘, ‘‘, sub_where, 1) rollback_sql = rollback_sql.split(‘WHERE‘, 1)[0] + ‘WHERE\n‘ + sub_where if sql.split()[0] == ‘UPDATE‘: rollback_sql = re.sub(‘SET\n‘, ‘#SET#\n‘, sql, 1) rollback_sql = re.sub(‘WHERE\n‘, ‘SET\n‘, rollback_sql, 1) rollback_sql = re.sub(‘#SET#\n‘, ‘WHERE\n‘, rollback_sql, 1) tablename_pos = 1 table_name = rollback_sql.split()[tablename_pos].replace(‘`‘, ‘‘) # 获取该sql中的所有列 col_list = sorted(list(set(re.findall(‘@\d+‘, rollback_sql)))) # 因为第一个列前面没有逗号或者and,所以单独替换 rollback_sql = rollback_sql.replace(‘@1=‘, result_dict[table_name][0][1] + ‘=‘) for col in col_list[1:]: i = int(col[1:]) - 1 rollback_sql = rollback_sql.replace(col+‘=‘, ‘,‘ + result_dict[table_name][i][1]+‘=‘, 1).replace(col+‘=‘,‘AND ‘ +result_dict[table_name][i][1]+‘=‘) # 如果only_primary开启且存在主键,where条件里就只列出主键字段 if int(only_primary) == 1 and pri_dict[table_name] <> (): sub_where = ‘‘ for primary in pri_dict[table_name]: primary_name = primary[1] for condition in rollback_sql.split(‘WHERE‘, 1)[1].splitlines(): if re.compile(‘^\s*‘ + primary_name).match(condition) or re.compile(‘^\s*AND\s*‘+primary_name).match(condition): sub_where = sub_where + condition + ‘\n‘ sub_where = re.sub(‘^\s*AND‘, ‘‘, sub_where, 1) rollback_sql = rollback_sql.split(‘WHERE‘, 1)[0] + ‘WHERE\n‘ + sub_where if sql.split()[0] == ‘DELETE‘: rollback_sql = re.sub(‘^DELETE FROM‘, ‘INSERT INTO‘, sql, 1) rollback_sql = re.sub(‘WHERE\n‘, ‘SET\n‘, rollback_sql, 1) tablename_pos = 2 table_name = rollback_sql.split()[tablename_pos].replace(‘`‘, ‘‘) # 获取该sql中的所有列 col_list = sorted(list(set(re.findall(‘@\d+‘, rollback_sql)))) # 因为第一个列前面没有逗号或者and,所以单独替换 rollback_sql = rollback_sql.replace(‘@1=‘, result_dict[table_name][0][1] + ‘=‘) for col in col_list[1:]: i = int(col[1:]) - 1 rollback_sql = rollback_sql.replace(col+‘=‘, ‘,‘ + result_dict[table_name][i][1]+‘=‘,1) rollback_sql = re.sub(‘\n$‘,‘;\n‘,rollback_sql) #print rollback_sql fileOutput.write(rollback_sql) except IndexError,e: print "Error:%s" % str(e) sys.exit() print "done!" def usage(): help_info="""========================================================================================== Command line options : --help # OUT : print help info -f, --binlog # IN : binlog file. (required) -o, --outfile # OUT : output rollback sql file. (default ‘rollback.sql‘) -h, --host # IN : host. (default ‘‘) -u, --user # IN : user. (required) -p, --password # IN : password. (required) -P, --port # IN : port. (default 3306) --start-datetime # IN : start datetime. (default ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00‘) --stop-datetime # IN : stop datetime. default ‘2070-01-01 00:00:00‘ --start-position # IN : start position. (default ‘4‘) --stop-position # IN : stop position. (default ‘18446744073709551615‘) -d, --database # IN : List entries for just this database (No default value). --only-primary # IN : Only list primary key in where condition (default 0) Sample : shell> python binlog_rollback.py -f ‘mysql-bin.000001‘ -o ‘/tmp/rollback.sql‘ -h -u ‘user‘ -p ‘pwd‘ -P 3307 -d dbname ==========================================================================================""" print help_info sys.exit() if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: getopts_parse_binlog() init_col_name() gen_rollback_sql()


标签:mysql   Python脚本   


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