cmd:adb tcpip 5555 //可以断开USB线,此时会发现usb充电无显示,连接数据线已无效。 //连接wifi cmd:adb connect android设备IP地址(如:adb connect //断开wifi cmd:adb disconnect
cmd:adb usb //此时USB数据线可以正常使用。
//需要取得超级管理员权限执行su,再执行 setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555 stop adbd start adbd //连接wifi cmd:adb connect android设备IP地址(如:adb connect
//需要取得超级管理员权限执行su,再执行 setprop service.adb.tcp.port -1 stop adbd start adbd
#!/bin/bash #Modify this with your IP range MY_IP_RANGE="192\.168\.43" #You usually wouldn't have to modify this PORT_BASE=5555 #List the devices on the screen for your viewing pleasure adb devices echo #Find USB devices only (no emulators, genymotion or connected devices declare -a deviceArray=(`adb devices -l | grep -v emulator | grep -v vbox | grep -v "${MY_IP_RANGE}" | grep " device " | awk '{print $1}'`) echo "found ${#deviceArray[@]} device(s)" echo for index in ${!deviceArray[*]} do echo "finding IP address for device ${deviceArray[index]}" IP_ADDRESS=$(adb -s ${deviceArray[index]} shell ifconfig wlan0 | awk '{print $3}') echo "IP address found : $IP_ADDRESS " echo "Connecting..." adb -s ${deviceArray[index]} tcpip $(($PORT_BASE + $index)) adb -s ${deviceArray[index]} connect "$IP_ADDRESS:$(($PORT_BASE + $index))" echo echo done adb devices -l #exit//以上脚本文件,mac或者Linux直接可以运行,windows上需要安装一些如msysgit或者Cygwin才可运行以上Linux shell //前提需要usb连接adb,待执行玩命令后,可以拔掉usb数据线,此时手机切换至wifi连接,待连接上wifi后,如切回至usb,使用adb usb或者重启设备即可 sh adbTowifi.sh