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标签:字符   必须   false   none   式表   判断   dict   end   命令行   



  ? 整形魔法(int)

  def bit_length(self):求当前字符串以二进制形式表示时,至少需要用几位表示,例如:  

1 num = 256
2 n1 = num.bit_length()
3 print(n1)
4 9

  ? 字符串魔法(str_1)

  def capitalize(self):将首字母设置为大写形式,例如:  

1 str1 = alex
2 s1 = str1.ca
3 print(s1)   
4 Alex

  def casefold(self):将字符串中的所有字母转换成小写形式,例如:  

1 str1 = ale
2 s2 = str1.c
3 print(s2)  
4 alex

  def lower(self):和casefold()功能一样,不过lower()只针对英文字母有作用,对于法语、德语等其他语言的大小写转换如意产生错误,例如:  

1 str1 = ale
2 s2 = str1.c
3 print(s2)  
4 alex

  def center(self, width, fillchar=None):设置字符串长度,并将字符串居中显示,fillchar是指定字符串中空缺处的填充值,默认为空格,也可以人为设置,例如:

1 str1 = alex
2 s3 = str1.center(30, #)
3 print(s3) 
4 #############alex#############
1 str1 = alex
2 s3 = str1.center(30, $)
3 print(s3) 
4 $$$$$$$$$$$$$alex$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  def count(self, sub, start=None, end=None):在当前字符串中差找某个子字符串出现的次数,start是查找范围的起始位置,默认值是0,end是查找范围的截止为止,默认值是整个 字符串,例如:

1 str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou!
2 v1 = str2.count(a)                   
3 print(v1)       
4 2                       

  def endswith(self, suffix, start=None, end=None):判断字符串是否以某个子字符串开始,返回布尔值True或者False。例如:

1 str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou!
2 v2 = str2.startswith("He")             
3 print(v2)                              
4 True
str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou!
v2 = str2.startswith("he")             

  def startswith(self, suffix, start=None, end=None):判断字符串是否以某个子字符串结束,返回布尔值True或者False。例如:

1 str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou! 
2 v3 = str2.endswith("ou!")               
3 print(v3)                      
4 True         
1 str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou! 
2 v3 = str2.endswith("ou")               
3 print(v3)
4 False                               

  def find(self, sub, start=None, end=None):在字符串中查找子字符串,并返回子字符串的位置,当子字符串不存在时,返回-1。例如:

1 str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou!
2 v4 = str2.find(a)                    
3 print(v4) 
4 10                             
str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou!
v4 = str2.find(z)                    

  def index(self, sub, start=None, end=None):在字符串中查找子字符串,并返回子字符串的位置,当子字符串不存在时,代码直接报错。例如:

1 str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou!
2 v4 = str2.index(n)                   
3 print(v4)        
4 9                      
1 str2 = Hello,my name is Charles Zhou!
2 v4 = str2.index(z)                   
3 print(v4)                              
4 ValueError: substring not found

  def format(self, *args, **kwargs):将字符串中的占位符换成指定的值。例如:

1 str3 = Hello,I\‘m {name},I\‘m {age}!   
2 v5 = str3.format(name = "Alex", age = 26)
3 print(v5) 
4 Hello,Im Alex,Im 26!                            
1 str4 = Hello,I\‘m {0},I\‘m {1}!
2 v5 = str4.format( "Alex",26)     
3 print(v5)                        
4 Hello,Im Alex,Im 26!


1 str4 = Hello,I\‘m {1},I\‘m {2}!
2 v5 = str4.format( "Alex",26)
3 print(v5)
5 IndexError: tuple index out of range
6 Process finished with exit code 1

  def format_map(self, mapping):以索引(字典)的形式,为字符串中的占位符赋值。例如:

1 test = I am {name},age {a}
2 v4 = test.format_map({"name":df,"a":26})
3 print(v4)
4 I am df,age 26




标签:字符   必须   false   none   式表   判断   dict   end   命令行   


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