标签:格式 新建 objects xxx 北京 mysql lin with open 否则
class BlackMedium: feture=‘Ugly‘ def __init__(self,name,addr): self.name=name self.addr=addr def sell_hourse(self): print(‘【%s】正在卖房子,傻逼才买呢‘ %self.name) def rent_hourse(self): print(‘【%s】正在租房子,傻逼才租呢‘ %self.name) b1=BlackMedium(‘黑中介‘,‘北京‘) print(hasattr(b1,‘name‘)) print(hasattr(b1,‘sell_hourse‘)) """ True True """
(2)getattr(object, name, default=None),获取属性。
class BlackMedium: feture=‘Ugly‘ def __init__(self,name,addr): self.name=name self.addr=addr def sell_hourse(self): print(‘【%s】正在卖房子,傻逼才买呢‘ %self.name) def rent_hourse(self): print(‘【%s】正在租房子,傻逼才租呢‘ %self.name) b1=BlackMedium(‘黑中介‘,‘北京‘) print(getattr(b1,‘name‘)) print(getattr(b1,‘rent_hourse‘)) fun=getattr(b1,‘rent_hourse‘) fun() # print(getattr(b1,‘aaaaa‘)) # 没有aaaaa这个属性则报错 print(getattr(b1,‘aaaaa‘,‘没有这个属性‘)) # 没有aaaaa这个属性则输出“没有这个属性” """ 黑中介 <bound method BlackMedium.rent_hourse of <__main__.BlackMedium object at 0x101d3fba8>> 【黑中介】正在租房子,傻逼才租呢 没有这个属性 """
(3)setattr(x, y, v),设置属性。
class BlackMedium: feture=‘Ugly‘ def __init__(self,name,addr): self.name=name self.addr=addr def sell_hourse(self): print(‘【%s】正在卖房子,傻逼才买呢‘ %self.name) def rent_hourse(self): print(‘【%s】正在租房子,傻逼才租呢‘ %self.name) b1=BlackMedium(‘黑中介‘,‘北京‘) setattr(b1,‘sb‘,True) # b1.sb=True setattr(b1,‘sb1‘,123) # b1.sb=True print(b1.__dict__) """ {‘name‘: ‘黑中介‘, ‘addr‘: ‘北京‘, ‘sb‘: True, ‘sb1‘: 123} """
(4)delattr(x, y),删除属性。
class BlackMedium: feture=‘Ugly‘ def __init__(self,name,addr): self.name=name self.addr=addr def sell_hourse(self): print(‘【%s】正在卖房子,傻逼才买呢‘ %self.name) def rent_hourse(self): print(‘【%s】正在租房子,傻逼才租呢‘ %self.name) b1=BlackMedium(‘黑中介‘,‘北京‘) setattr(b1,‘sb‘,True) # b1.sb=True setattr(b1,‘sb1‘,123) # b1.sb=True delattr(b1,‘sb‘) # del b1.sb delattr(b1,‘sb1‘) # del b1.sb1 print(b1.__dict__) """ {‘name‘: ‘黑中介‘, ‘addr‘: ‘北京‘} """
class Foo: x=1 def __init__(self,y): self.y=y def __getattr__(self, item): print(‘你要找的属性不存在‘) f1=Foo(10) print(f1.y) f1.aaaaaa """ 10 你要找的属性不存在 """
class Foo: x=1 def __init__(self,y): self.y=y def __delattr__(self, item): self.__dict__.pop(item) print(‘删除操作‘) f1=Foo(10) f1.__dict__[‘z‘]=3 print(f1.__dict__) del f1.y print(f1.__dict__) """ {‘y‘: 10, ‘z‘: 3} 删除操作 {‘z‘: 3} """
class Foo: x=1 def __init__(self,y): self.y=y def __setattr__(self, key, value): print(‘__setattr__执行‘) # self.key=value # 这样就会无限递归了 self.__dict__[key]=value # 直接修改底层字典 f1=Foo(10) print(f1.__dict__) f1.z=2 print(f1.__dict__) """ __setattr__执行 {‘y‘: 10} __setattr__执行 {‘y‘: 10, ‘z‘: 2} """
class Foo: def __init__(self,name): self.name=name def __getattr__(self, item): print(‘你找的属性【%s】不存在‘ %item) f1=Foo(‘lionel‘) print(f1.name) print(f1.age) print(f1.sex) """ lionel 你找的属性【age】不存在 None 你找的属性【sex】不存在 None """
class List(list): # 继承list所有的属性,也可以派生出自己新的,比如append和pop def append(self, p_object): ‘派生自己的append:加上类型检查‘ if type(p_object) is str: super().append(p_object) else: print(‘只能添加字符串类型‘) l1=list(‘hello world‘) print(l1,type(l1)) """ [‘h‘, ‘e‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘o‘, ‘ ‘, ‘w‘, ‘o‘, ‘r‘, ‘l‘, ‘d‘] <class ‘list‘> """ l2=List(‘hello world‘) print(l2,type(l2)) """ [‘h‘, ‘e‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘o‘, ‘ ‘, ‘w‘, ‘o‘, ‘r‘, ‘l‘, ‘d‘] <class ‘__main__.List‘> """ l2.append(‘aaaaa‘) print(l2) """ [‘h‘, ‘e‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘o‘, ‘ ‘, ‘w‘, ‘o‘, ‘r‘, ‘l‘, ‘d‘, ‘aaaaa‘] """ l2.append(123123123) print(l2) """ 只能添加字符串类型 [‘h‘, ‘e‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘o‘, ‘ ‘, ‘w‘, ‘o‘, ‘r‘, ‘l‘, ‘d‘, ‘aaaaa‘] """
import time class FileHandle: def __init__(self,filename,mode=‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘): # self.filename=filename self.file=open(filename,mode,encoding=encoding) self.mode=mode self.encoding=encoding def write(self,line): t=time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %X‘) self.file.write(‘%s %s‘ %(t,line)) def __getattr__(self, item): # print(item) return getattr(self.file,item) while True: info=input(‘>>: ‘) f1.write(‘%s\n‘ %info) # a.txt文件内容 """ 2018-04-20 18:06:15 cpu负载过高 2018-04-20 18:06:15 内存剩余不足 2018-04-20 18:06:15 硬盘剩余不足 2018-04-20 18:06:38 mysql集群宕机 2018-04-20 18:06:48 kvm虚拟机故障 2018-04-20 18:07:17 数据库被删除 """
class Foo: pass f1=Foo() print(isinstance(f1,Foo)) """ True """
class Bar(Foo): pass print(issubclass(Bar,Foo)) """ True """
class Foo: def __init__(self,x): self.x=x def __getattr__(self, item): print(‘执行的是__getattr‘) # return self.__dict__[item] f1=Foo(10) print(f1.x) f1.xxxxxx """ 10 执行的是__getattr """
class Foo: def __init__(self,x): self.x=x # 不管找不找得到属性,都会触发__getattribute__ def __getattribute__(self, item): print(‘执行的是__getattribute__‘) raise AttributeError(‘抛出异常‘) f1=Foo(10) f1.x f1.xxxxxx
class Foo: def __init__(self,x): self.x=x def __getattr__(self, item): print(‘执行的是__getattr__‘) # return self.__dict__[item] # 不管找不找得到属性,都会触发__getattribute__ def __getattribute__(self, item): print(‘执行的是__getattribute__‘) raise AttributeError(‘抛出异常‘) f1=Foo(10) f1.x f1.xxxxxx """ 执行的是__getattribute__ 执行的是__getattr__ 执行的是__getattribute__ 执行的是__getattr__ """
# 中括号形式调用就是*item方法,点的形式调用就是*attr方法 class Foo: def __getitem__(self, item): print(‘getitem‘,item) return self.__dict__[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): print(‘setitem‘) self.__dict__[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): print(‘delitem‘) self.__dict__.pop(key) f1=Foo() f1[‘name‘] = ‘lionel‘ f1[‘age‘] = ‘18‘ print(f1.__dict__) """ setitem setitem {‘name‘: ‘lionel‘, ‘age‘: ‘18‘} """ del f1[‘name‘] print(f1.__dict__) """ delitem {‘age‘: ‘18‘} """ print(f1[‘age‘]) """ getitem age 18 """
改变对象的字符串显示__str__,__repr__ 。 __str__在print时触发,__repr__在解释器中触发。
class Foo: def __init__(self,name,age): self.name=name self.age=age def __str__(self): return ‘名字是%s 年龄是%s‘ %(self.name,self.age) f1=Foo(‘lionel‘,18) print(f1) # str(f1) ---> f1.__str__() """ 名字是lionel 年龄是18 """
class Foo: def __init__(self,name,age): self.name=name self.age=age def __str__(self): return ‘这是str‘ def __repr__(self): return ‘名字是%s 年龄是%s‘ %(self.name,self.age) f1=Foo(‘lionel‘,20) print(f1) # str(f1) ---> f1.__str__() ,如果找不到str就会找repr repr(f1) ---> f1.__repr__() """ 这是str """ ‘‘‘ str函数或者print函数--->obj.__str__() repr或者交互式解释器--->obj.__repr__() 如果__str__没有被定义,那么就会使用__repr__来代替输出 注意:这俩方法的返回值必须是字符串,否则抛出异常 ‘‘‘
format_dic={ ‘ymd‘:‘{0.year}{0.mon}{0.day}‘, ‘y-m-d‘:‘{0.year}-{0.mon}-{0.day}‘, ‘y:m:d‘:‘{0.year}:{0.mon}:{0.day}‘, ‘default‘:‘{0.year}_{0.mon}_{0.day}‘ } class Date: def __init__(self,year,mon,day): self.year=year self.mon=mon self.day=day def __format__(self, format_spec): print(‘我执行啦‘) if not format_spec or format_spec not in format_dic: format_spec=‘default‘ fm=format_dic[format_spec] return fm.format(self) d1=Date(2018,4,21) print(format(d1,‘ymd‘)) # 2018421 print(format(d1,‘y-m-d‘)) # 2018-4-21 print(format(d1,‘y:m:d‘)) # 2018:4:21 print(format(d1)) # 2018_4_21 print(format(d1,‘asd‘)) # 2018_4_21 """ 我执行啦 2018421 我执行啦 2018-4-21 我执行啦 2018:4:21 我执行啦 2018_4_21 我执行啦 2018_4_21 """
class Range: def __init__(self,n,stop,step): self.n=n self.stop=stop self.step=step def __next__(self): if self.n >= self.stop: raise StopIteration x=self.n self.n+=self.step return x def __iter__(self): return self for i in Range(1,7,3): print(i) """ /usr/local/bin/python3 /Users/wangzhiwei/python/day7/13_迭代器协议.py 1 4 """
class Fib: def __init__(self): self._a=1 self._b=1 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._a > 100: raise StopIteration(‘终止了‘) self._a,self._b = self._b,self._a + self._b return self._a f1=Fib() for i in f1: print(i) """ 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 """
class Foo: def __get__(self, instance, owner): print(‘===>get方法‘) def __set__(self, instance, value): print(‘===>set方法‘) def __delete__(self, instance): print(‘===>delete方法‘) class Bar: x=Foo() b1=Bar() b1.x """ ===>get方法 """ # __get__():调用一个属性时,触发 # __set__():为一个属性赋值时,触发 # __delete__():采用del删除属性时,触发
class Open: def __init__(self,name): self.name=name def __enter__(self): print(‘执行enter‘) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): print(‘执行exit‘) with Open(‘a.txt‘) as f: print(‘=====>‘) print(f) print(f.name) print(‘00000000000‘) """ 执行enter =====> <__main__.Open object at 0x10353f9b0> a.txt 执行exit 00000000000 """ # with obj as f: # ‘代码块‘ # 1、with obj --->触发obj.__enter__(),拿到返回值 # 2、as f ---->f=返回值 # 3、with obj as f 等同于 f = obj.__enter__() # 4、执行代码块 # 一:没有异常的情况下,整个代码块运行完毕后去触发__exit__,它的三个参数都为None # 二:有异常的情况下,从异常出现的位置直接触发__exit__ # a:如果__exit__的返回值为True,代表吞掉了异常 # b:如果__exit__的返回值不为True,代表吐出了异常 # c:__exit__的运行完毕就代表了整个with语句的执行完毕
def deco(obj): print(‘=======‘) return obj @deco def test(): print(‘test函数运行‘) test() """ ======= test函数运行 """ def deco(obj): print(‘=======‘) obj.x=1 obj.y=2 obj.z=3 return obj @deco class Foo(): pass f1=Foo() print(Foo.__dict__) print(f1.x) """ ======= {‘__module__‘: ‘__main__‘, ‘__dict__‘: <attribute ‘__dict__‘ of ‘Foo‘ objects>, ‘__weakref__‘: <attribute ‘__weakref__‘ of ‘Foo‘ objects>, ‘__doc__‘: None, ‘x‘: 1, ‘y‘: 2, ‘z‘: 3} 1 """
def Typed(**kwargs): def deco(obj): for key,val in kwargs.items(): setattr(obj,key,val) return obj print(‘===>‘,kwargs) return deco @Typed(x=1,y=2,z=3) class Foo(): pass print(Foo.__dict__) @Typed(name=‘lionel‘) class Bar: pass b1=Bar() print(b1.name) """ ===> {‘x‘: 1, ‘y‘: 2, ‘z‘: 3} {‘__module__‘: ‘__main__‘, ‘__dict__‘: <attribute ‘__dict__‘ of ‘Foo‘ objects>, ‘__weakref__‘: <attribute ‘__weakref__‘ of ‘Foo‘ objects>, ‘__doc__‘: None, ‘x‘: 1, ‘y‘: 2, ‘z‘: 3} ===> {‘name‘: ‘lionel‘} lionel """
标签:格式 新建 objects xxx 北京 mysql lin with open 否则