标签:随机数 col 天花板 导入 interval 成绩 %s space tab
create table areas( id int primary key, atitle varchar(20), pid int, foreign key(pid) references areas(id) );
source areas.sql;
select city.* from areas as city inner join areas as province on city.pid=province.id where province.atitle=‘山西省‘;
select dis.*,dis2.* from areas as dis inner join areas as city on city.id=dis.pid left join areas as dis2 on dis.id=dis2.pid where city.atitle=‘广州市‘;
select sname, (select sco.score from scores sco inner join subjects sub on sco.subid=sub.id where sub.stitle=‘语文‘ and stuid=stu.id) as 语文, (select sco.score from scores sco inner join subjects sub on sco.subid=sub.id where sub.stitle=‘数学‘ and stuid=stu.id) as 数学, (select sco.score from scores sco inner join subjects sub on sco.subid=sub.id where sub.stitle=‘英语‘ and stuid=stu.id) as 英语 from students stu;
select ascii(‘a‘);
select char(97);
select concat(12,34,‘ab‘);
select length(‘abc‘);
select substring(‘abc123‘,2,3);
select trim(‘ bar ‘);
select trim(leading ‘x‘ FROM ‘xxxbarxxx‘);
select trim(both ‘x‘ FROM ‘xxxbarxxx‘);
select trim(trailing ‘x‘ FROM ‘xxxbarxxx‘);
select space(10);
select replace(‘abc123‘,‘123‘,‘def‘);
select lower(‘aBcD‘);
select abs(-32);
select mod(10,3);
select 10%3;
select floor(2.3);
select ceiling(2.3);
select round(1.6);
select pow(2,3);
select PI();
select rand();
select year(‘2016-12-21‘);
select ‘2016-12-21‘+interval 1 day;
* 获取年%y,返回2位的整数
* 获取月%m,值为1-12的整数
* 获取时%H,值为0-23的整数
* 获取时%h,值为1-12的整数
* 获取分%i,值为0-59的整数
* 获取秒%s,值为0-59的整数
select date_format(‘2016-12-21‘,‘%Y %m %d‘);
select current_date();
select current_time();
select now();
标签:随机数 col 天花板 导入 interval 成绩 %s space tab