标签:主机不可达 subprocess queue zabbix trapper
#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import re import subprocess import threading from queue import Queue from queue import Empty def is_reachable(ip): '''根据ping命令的返回值,判断IP是否可以ping通。如果返回值不是0,说明不通,输出该IP''' if subprocess.getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {0}'.format(ip))[0] != 0: print(ip,end=',') def unreachable_ip(ip_queue): '''不用等待,从IP队列中取出IP,调用is_reachable函数,直到队列中的内容为空''' try: while True: ip = ip_queue.get_nowait() is_reachable(ip) except Empty: pass def get_unreachable_ip(filename, ip_queue, threads): '''从iplist文件中获取IP,加入到队列中。创建5个线程调用unreachable_ip函数''' with open(filename, 'rt') as fin: for line in fin: if line and not re.match('#', line): ip_queue.put(line.split('\n')[0]) for i in range(5): thr = threading.Thread(target=unreachable_ip, args=(ip_queue,)) thr.start() threads.append(thr) for thr in threads: thr.join() if __name__ == '__main__': filename = '/etc/zabbix/scripts/iplist.txt' ip_queue = Queue() threads = [] get_unreachable_ip(filename, ip_queue, threads)
标签:主机不可达 subprocess queue zabbix trapper