标签:red bms 方法 ber sel ica userinfo res cut
--无参procedure create or replace procedure pro_no_param is begin dbms_output.put_line(‘the procedure without params‘); end pro_no_param; --调用 --one: 无参的procedure名字后面必须要(); call pro_no_param(); --two:procedure名称后面可以没有(); begin pro_no_param(); end;
--有参procedure 只有IN类型 create or replace procedure pro_in_param( v_1 in number, v_2 in varchar2, v_3 in date ) is begin dbms_output.put_line(‘v1: ‘ || v_1 || ‘ v2: ‘ || v_2 || ‘ v2: ‘|| (to_char(v_3, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘))); end pro_in_param; begin pro_in_param(1, ‘chy‘, sysdate); end;
--有参procedure 只有OUT类型 create or replace procedure pro_out_param( v1 out number, v2 out char ) is begin v1 := 2; v2 := ‘andyChen‘; end pro_out_param; --记得声明用于存放procedure的out值的变量 --语句结束了一定记得结尾的 —— ; declare v_1 number; v_2 varchar2(200); begin pro_out_param(v_1, v_2); dbms_output.put_line(‘v1: ‘ || v_1 || ‘ v2: ‘ || v_2); end;
--同时为INOUT参数的procedure --用同一变量接收传入的值然后将这个变量当作输出的值赋给执行时声明的变量 create or replace procedure pro_in_out_param( in_out_param in out varchar2 ) is begin in_out_param := ‘in_out_param and ‘ || in_out_param; end pro_in_out_param; declare in_out_param varchar2(222) := ‘detail param‘; begin pro_in_out_param(in_out_param); dbms_output.put_line(in_out_param); end;
CREATE TABLE user_info ( id VARCHAR2(4) not null primary key, name VARCHAR2(15), pwd VARCHAR2(15), address VARCHAR2(30) ); --创建一个添加用户的stored_procedure; create or replace procedure pro_addUser( n_id user_info.id%type, n_name user_info.name%type, n_pwd user_info.pwd%TYPE, n_address user_info.address%TYPE ) as begin --插入数据 insert into user_info(id,name,pwd,address) values(n_id, n_name, n_pwd, n_address); end pro_addUser; --调用、有变量需要声明的时候才有declare、没有就直接begin begin pro_addUser(‘1‘, ‘chy‘, ‘admin‘, ‘nanjin‘); if SQL%found then dbms_output.put_line(‘add successed‘); end if; end; --根据id查询用户名和密码 create or replace procedure pro_getUserInfo( n_id user_info.id%type, n_name out user_info.name%type, n_pwd out user_info.pwd%type ) as begin select user_info.name, user_info.pwd into n_name, n_pwd from user_info where user_info.id=n_id; end pro_getUserInfo; --调用 declare v_id user_info.id%type := ‘1‘; v_name user_info.name%type; v_pwd user_info.pwd%type; begin pro_getUserInfo(v_id, v_name, v_pwd); dbms_output.put_line(‘name: ‘ || v_name || ‘ pwd: ‘ || v_pwd); end; -- 打印九九乘法表 create or replace procedure pro_multiplication_table is i integer; j integer; begin for i in 1..9 loop for j in 1..9 loop if i>=j then DBMS_output.put(To_Char(j)||‘*‘||to_char(i)||‘=‘||to_char(i*j)||‘ ‘); end if; end loop; DBMS_output.put_line(‘‘); end loop; end pro_multiplication_table; --调用 call pro_multiplication_table(); --使用自定义游标、根据工作and薪水查询员工姓名 create or replace procedure pro_getName( n_sal emp.sal%type, n_ename out emp.ename%type, n_job in out emp.job%type ) is n_count number; cursor cur is select ename from emp where emp.sal > n_sal and emp.job=n_job; n_row cur%rowtype; begin select count(*) into n_count from emp where emp.sal > n_sal and emp.job=n_job; if n_count > 1 then for n_row in cur loop DBMS_output.put_line(‘职工姓名为:‘||n_row.ename||‘ 工作为:‘||n_job); end loop; else DBMS_output.put_line(‘未查到符合条件的记录!‘); end if; end pro_getName; -- 调用 declare v_sal emp.sal%type := 2000; v_job emp.job%type :=‘MANAGER‘; v_ename emp.ename%type; begin pro_getName(v_sal, v_ename, v_job); end; --ref cursor的使用 --创建存放弱引用和强引用的cursor的包 create or replace package refcursor_pkg as type weak_ref_cursor is ref cursor; type strong_ref_cursor is ref cursor return emp%rowtype; end refcursor_pkg; --将弱引用的cursor作为结果返回 create or replace procedure test( p_deptno in number, p_cursor out refcursor_pkg.weak_ref_cursor ) is begin open p_cursor for select * from emp where deptno=p_deptno; end test; /**或者不用包直接使用下面这种定义 create or replace procedure test_1( p_deptno IN number, p_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) is begin open p_cursor FOR select *from emp where deptno = p_deptno; end test_1; */ declare v_deptno number := 20; v_cursor refcursor_pkg.weak_ref_cursor; r_emp emp%rowtype; begin test(v_deptno, v_cursor); loop fetch v_cursor into r_emp; exit when v_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(‘empno: ‘ || r_emp.empno || ‘ ename: ‘ || r_emp.ename || ‘ job: ‘ || r_emp.job); end loop; close v_cursor; end; /** //java中使用ref cursor public void method() throws SQLException{ Connection conn = getConnection(); CallableStatement cstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; int deptno = 10; Object temp; try{ cstmt = conn.prepareCall("begin test(?,?); end;"); cstmt.setInt(1, deptno); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.CURSOR); cstmt.execute(); rs = (ResultSet) cstmt.getObject(2); ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData(); int columnCount = rsm.getColumnCount(); while (rs.next()){ for (int j=0;j< columnCount;j++){ temp = rs.getObject(j+1); } } } finally { if (!rs==null){ rs.close(); } if (!stmt==null){ stmt.close(); } if (!conn==null){ conn.close(); } } } */
标签:red bms 方法 ber sel ica userinfo res cut