标签:code block line use acl employee sele word last
三、Spool输出xml/ html格式内容
>select ‘Drop table ‘||owner||‘.‘||table_name||‘;‘ from dba_tables where owner=‘HR‘
and table_name not in(‘EMPLOYEES‘,‘DEPARTMENTS‘); ‘DROPTABLE‘||OWNER||‘.‘||TABLE_NAME ---------------------------------------------------- Drop table HR.LOCATIONS;
1.2连接符‘s 特殊用法
>select ‘department name ‘||department_name||q‘[‘s sal is]‘||salary||‘;‘ from hr.employees e,hr.departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID=d.DEPARTMENT_ID; department name Administration‘s sal is4400; department name Marketing‘s sal is13000;
2,1 Spool内容
set heading off 设置显示列名:查询的显示字段名称取消 set feedback off 设置显示“ 已选择行”:最后显示的查询行结果取消
spool /home/oracle/drop_hr_table.sql select ‘Drop table ‘||owner||‘.‘||table_name||‘;‘ from dba_tables where owner=‘HR‘ and table_name not in(‘EMPLOYEES‘,‘DEPARTMENTS‘); >spool off
More Spool
[oracle@sh ~]$ more drop_hr_table.sql 01:20:39 SYS@env >select ‘Drop table ‘||owner||‘.‘||table_name||‘;‘ from dba_tables where owner=‘HR‘ 01:20:41 2 and table_name not in(‘EMPLOYEES‘,‘DEPARTMENTS‘); Drop table HR.LOCATIONS; Drop table HR.JOBS; #有一个缺陷:如上查询有执行的sql语句
2.2 Spool 输出xml/hrml格式内容 --采用盖国强老师书籍学习
参数: linesize 行长度200 term 是否显示输出内容 verify 输出变量内容 feedback 返回的记录行数量 markup html 输出html格式内容 main.sql 设置环境,调用具体执行脚本 set linesize 200 set term off verify off feedback off pagesize 999 set markup html on entmap on spool on preformat off spool tables.xls @get_tables.sql spool off exit get_tables.sql具体执行脚本 select owner,table_name,tablespace_name,blocks,last_analyzed from all_tables order by 1,2; 执行: sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @main
$ cp main.sql main.html $ vi main.html spool tables.html #执行 sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @main.html
SQL> set colsep | SQL> select username,password,default_tablespace from dba_users USERNAME |PASSWORD |DEFAULT_TABLESPACE ----------|----------|------------------------------ PERFSTAT | |STATSPACK
标签:code block line use acl employee sele word last