标签:stringbu cte from 通用 更改 初始 ros 保护 java语言
在实际编程过程中,我们常常要遇到这种情况:有一个对象object1,在某一时刻object1中已经包含了一些有效值,此时可能会需要一个和object1完全相同新对象object2,并且此后对object2任何改动都不会影响到object1中的值,也就是说,object1与object2是两个独立的对象,但object2的初始值是由object1对象确定的。在Java语言中,用简单的赋值语句是不能满足这种需 求的。要满足这种需求虽然有很多途径,但实现clone()方法是其中最简单,也是最高效的手段。
/** * Class Object is the root of the class hierarchy. Every class has Object as a superclass. * All objects, including arrays, implement the methods of this class. */ public class Object { /** * Creates and returns a copy of this object. The precise meaning of "copy" may depend on the class of the object. * The general intent is that, for any object {@code x}, the expression: x.clone() != x will be true, * and that the expression: x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass() will be true, but these are not absolute requirements. * While it is typically the case that: x.clone().equals(x) will be true, this is not an absolute requirement. */ protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException; }
从上面对clone方法的注解可知clone方法的通用约定:对于任意一个对象x,表达式①x.clone != x将会是true;表达式②x.clone().getClass()==x.getClass()将会是true,但不是绝对的;表达式③x.clone().equals(x)将会是true,但是这也不是绝对的。
/** * A class implements the Cloneable interface to indicate to the {@link java.lang.Object#clone()} method that * it is legal for that method to make a field-for-field copy of instances of that class. */ public interface Cloneable { }
package com.kevin.clone; /** * 创建一个简单实例演示clone方法 * @author Kevin * */ public class Student implements Cloneable { private String name; private String gender; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getGender() { return gender; } public void setGender(String gender) { this.gender = gender; } @Override protected Student clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return (Student)super.clone(); } @Override public String toString() { return " [name=" + name + ", gender=" + gender + "]"; } }
package com.kevin.clone; /** * 测试clone方法 * @author Kevin * */ public class test_clone { public static void main(String[] args){ Student student1 = new Student(); student1.setName("Kevin"); student1.setGender("Male"); System.out.println("student1"+student1); try{ Student student2 = student1.clone(); System.out.println("Clone student2 from student1..."); System.out.println("student2"+student2);
System.out.println(student1.equals(student2)); System.out.println("Alter student2..."); student2.setName("Alice"); student2.setGender("Female"); System.out.println("student1"+student1); System.out.println("student2"+student2); }catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }
student1 [name=Kevin, gender=Male] Clone student2 from student1... student2 [name=Kevin, gender=Male]
false Alter student2... student1 [name=Kevin, gender=Male] student2 [name=Alice, gender=Female]
● 一是希望能实现clone功能的CloneClass类实现了Cloneable接口,这个接口属于java.lang包, java.lang包已经被缺省的导入类中,所以不需要写成java.lang.Cloneable。
● 二是重载了clone()方法。最 后在clone()方法中调用了super.clone(),这也意味着无论clone类的继承结构是什么样的,super.clone()直接或间接调 用了java.lang.Object类的clone()方法。下面再详细的解释一下这几点。
● 最后仔细观察一下Object类的clone()一个native方法,native方法的效率一般来说都是远高于java中的非 native方法。这也解释了为什么要用Object中clone()方法而不是先new一个类,然后把原始对象中的信息赋到新对象中,虽然这也实现了 clone功能。对于第二点,也要观察Object类中的clone()还是一个protected属性的方法。这也意味着如果要应用clone()方 法,必须继承Object类,在Java中所有的类是缺省继承Object类的,也就不用关心这点了。然后重载clone()方法。还有一点要考虑的是为 了让其它类能调用这个clone类的clone()方法,重载之后要把clone()方法的属性设置为public。
那么clone类为什么还要实现Cloneable接口呢?需要注意的是,Cloneable接口是不包含任何方法的,其实这个接口仅仅是一个标志,而且 这个标志也仅仅是针对Object类中clone()方法的,如果clone类没有实现Cloneable接口,并调用了Object的clone()方 法(也就是调用了super.Clone()方法),那么Object的clone()方法就会抛出 CloneNotSupportedException异常。
package com.kevin.clone; /** * 测试影子克隆方法 * @author Kevin * */ public class Teacher implements Cloneable{ private String name; private Integer age; private Course course; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public Integer getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(Integer age) { this.age = age; } public Course getCourse() { return course; } public void setCourse(Course course) { this.course = course; } @Override protected Teacher clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return (Teacher) super.clone(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Teacher [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + ", course=" + course + "]"; } }
package com.kevin.clone; public class Course { private String name; private Integer id; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } @Override public String toString() { return "Course [name=" + name + ", id=" + id + "]"; } }
package com.kevin.clone; public class Course { private String name; private Integer id; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } @Override public String toString() { return "Course [name=" + name + ", id=" + id + "]"; } }
teacher1 [name=Kevin, age=22, course=Course [name=Math, id=66]] Clone teacher2 from teacher1... teacher2 [name=Kevin, age=22, course=Course [name=Math, id=66]] Alter teacher2... teacher1 [name=Kevin, age=22, course=Course [name=English, id=88]] teacher2 [name=Ryan, age=18, course=Course [name=English, id=88]]
package com.kevin.clone; /** * 测试影子克隆方法 * @author Kevin * */ public class Teacher implements Cloneable{ private String name; private Integer age; private Course course; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public Integer getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(Integer age) { this.age = age; } public Course getCourse() { return course; } public void setCourse(Course course) { this.course = course; } @Override protected Teacher clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Teacher teacher = (Teacher)super.clone(); teacher.course = course.clone(); return teacher; } @Override public String toString() { return " [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + ", course=" + course + "]"; } }
package com.kevin.clone; public class Course implements Cloneable{ private String name; private Integer id; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } protected Course clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{ return (Course)super.clone(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Course [name=" + name + ", id=" + id + "]"; } }
package com.kevin.clone; /** * 测试clone方法 * @author Kevin * */ public class test_clone2 { public static void main(String[] args){ Teacher t1 = new Teacher(); t1.setName("Kevin"); t1.setAge(22); Course c1 = new Course(); c1.setName("Math"); c1.setId(66); t1.setCourse(c1); System.out.println("teacher1"+t1); try{ Teacher t2 = t1.clone(); System.out.println("Clone teacher2 from teacher1..."); System.out.println("teacher2"+t2); System.out.println("Alter teacher2..."); t2.setName("Ryan"); t2.setAge(18); //修改courese属性 t2.getCourse().setName("English"); t2.getCourse().setId(88); System.out.println("teacher1"+t1); System.out.println("teacher2"+t2); }catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }
teacher1 [name=Kevin, age=22, course=Course [name=Math, id=66]] Clone teacher2 from teacher1... teacher2 [name=Kevin, age=22, course=Course [name=Math, id=66]] Alter teacher2... teacher1 [name=Kevin, age=22, course=Course [name=Math, id=66]] teacher2 [name=Ryan, age=18, course=Course [name=English, id=88]]
答案是否定的,例如,StringBuffer,看一下 JDK API中关于StringBuffer的说明,StringBuffer没有重载clone()方法,更为严重的是StringBuffer还是一个 final类,这也是说我们也不能用继承的办法间接实现StringBuffer的clone。如果一个类中包含有StringBuffer类型对象或和 StringBuffer相似类的对象,我们有两种选择:要么只能实现影子clone,要么自己重新生成对象: new StringBuffer(oldValue.toString()); 进行赋值。
package com.kevin.clone; public class Book implements Cloneable{ public String name; public StringBuffer author; protected Book clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{ return (Book)super.clone(); } }
package com.kevin.clone; /** * 测试clone方法 * @author Kevin * */ public class test_clone3 { public static void main(String[] args){ Book book = new Book(); book.name = new String("Think in Java"); book.author = new StringBuffer("Kevin"); System.out.println("Before clone book.name :"+book.name); System.out.println("Before clone book.author :"+book.author); Book book_clone = null; try{ book_clone = (Book)book.clone(); }catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } book_clone.name = book_clone.name.substring(0,5); book_clone.author = book_clone.author.append(" Zhang"); System.out.println("\nAfter clone book.name :"+book.name); System.out.println("After clone book.author :"+book.author); System.out.println("\nAfter clone book_clone.name :"+book_clone.name); System.out.println("After clone book_clone.author :"+book_clone.author); } }
Before clone book.name :Think in Java
Before clone book.author :Kevin
After clone book.name :Think in Java
After clone book.author :Kevin Zhang
After clone book_clone.name :Think
After clone book_clone.author :Kevin Zhang
分析:有上述结果可知,String类型的变量看起来好像实现了深度clone,因为对book_clone.name的改动并没有影响到book.name。实质上,在clone的时候book_clone.name与book.name仍然是引用,而且都指向了同一个 String对象。但在执行book_clone.name = book_clone.name.substring(0,5)的时候,生成了一个新的String类型,然后又赋回给book_clone.name。这是因为String被 Sun公司的工程师写成了一个不可更改的类(immutable class),在所有String类中的函数都不能更改自身的值。类似的,String类中的其它方法也是如此,都是生成一个新的对象返回。当然StringBuffer还是原来的对象。
需要知道的是在Java中所有的基本数据类型都有一个相对应的类,例如Integer类对应int类型,Double类对应double类型等等,这些类也 与String类相同,都是不可以改变的类。也就是说,这些的类中的所有方法都是不能改变其自身的值的。这也让我们在编clone类的时候有了一个更多的 选择。同时我们也可以把自己的类编成不可更改的类。
标签:stringbu cte from 通用 更改 初始 ros 保护 java语言