标签:题意 ret code line bsp challenge http 代码 turn
Implement int sqrt(int x)
Compute and return the square root of x.
sqrt(3) = 1
sqrt(4) = 2
sqrt(5) = 2
sqrt(10) = 3
public class Solution { /** * @param x: An integer * @return: The sqrt of x */ public int sqrt(int x) { // write your code here //牛顿迭代法求平方根 double p=2.0; double pre=0; while(Math.abs(p-pre)>1e-6){ pre=p; p=(p+x/p)/2.0; } return (int)p; } }
关于牛顿迭代法在平方根上的应用原理,参阅博客: http://www.matrix67.com/blog/archives/361
141. Sqrt(x)【牛顿迭代法求平方根 by java】
标签:题意 ret code line bsp challenge http 代码 turn