标签:解决办法 for ref value TE lower each ons cli
1 <input type=‘hidden‘ name=‘info[你的字段名]‘ id=‘你的字段名‘ value=‘{FIELD_VALUE}‘ style=‘50‘ > 2 <ul class="list-dot" id="你的字段名_text"></ul> 3 <div> 4 <input type=‘button‘ value="添加相关" onclick="omnipotent(‘selectid‘,‘?m=content&c=content&a=public_relationlist&modelid=目标模型ID&modelname=你的字段名‘,‘添加相关文章‘,1)" class="button" style="width:66px;"> 5 <span class="edit_content"> 6 <input type=‘button‘ value="显示已有" onclick="show_myrelation(当前模型ID,目标模型ID,{ID},‘你的字段名‘)" class="button" style="width:66px;"> 7 </span> 8 </div>
1 function remove_relation(sid, id, modelname) { 2 var relation_ids = $(‘#‘ + modelname).val(); 3 if (relation_ids != ‘‘) { 4 $(‘#‘ + sid).remove(); 5 var r_arr = relation_ids.split(‘|‘); 6 var newrelation_ids = ‘‘; 7 $.each(r_arr, function(i, n) { 8 if (n != id) { 9 if (i == 0) { 10 newrelation_ids = n; 11 } else { 12 newrelation_ids = newrelation_ids + ‘|‘ + n; 13 } 14 } 15 }); 16 $(‘#‘ + modelname).val(newrelation_ids); 17 } 18 }
1 function show_relation(modelid, id, fieldname) { 2 $.getJSON("?m=content&c=content&a=public_getjson_ids&modelid=" + modelid + "&id=" + id, function(json) { 3 var newrelation_ids = ‘‘; 4 if (json == null) { 5 alert(‘没有添加相关文章‘); 6 return false; 7 } 8 $.each(json, function(i, n) { 9 newrelation_ids += "<li id=‘" + n.sid + "‘>·<span>" + n.title + "</span><a href=‘javascript:;‘ class=‘close‘ onclick=\"remove_relation(‘" + n.sid + "‘," + n.id + ",‘" + fieldname + "‘)\"></a></li>"; 10 }); 11 $(‘#relation_text‘).html(newrelation_ids); 12 }); 13 }
1 function show_myrelation(modelid, modelid2, id, fieldname) { 2 $.getJSON("?m=content&c=content&a=public_getjson_ids2&modelid=" + modelid + "&modelid2=" + modelid2 + "&id=" + id + "&fieldname=" + fieldname, function(json) { 3 var newrelation_ids = ‘‘; 4 if (json == null) { 5 alert(‘没有添加相关文章‘); 6 return false; 7 } 8 $.each(json, function(i, n) { 9 newrelation_ids += "<li id=‘" + n.sid + "‘>·<span>" + n.title + "</span><a href=‘javascript:;‘ class=‘close‘ onclick=\"remove_relation(‘" + n.sid + "‘," + n.id + ",‘" + fieldname + "‘)\"></a></li>"; 10 }); 11 $(‘#‘ + fieldname + ‘_text‘).html(newrelation_ids); 12 }); 13 }
1 public function public_relationlist() { 2 $modelname=$_GET[‘modelname‘]; 3 pc_base::load_sys_class(‘format‘,‘‘,0); 4 $show_header = ‘‘; 5 $model_cache = getcache(‘model‘,‘commons‘); 6 if(!isset($_GET[‘modelid‘])) { 7 showmessage(L(‘please_select_modelid‘)); 8 } else { 9 $page = intval($_GET[‘page‘]); 10 11 $modelid = intval($_GET[‘modelid‘]); 12 $this->db->set_model($modelid); 13 $where = ‘‘; 14 if($_GET[‘catid‘]) { 15 $catid = intval($_GET[‘catid‘]); 16 $where .= "catid=‘$catid‘"; 17 } 18 $where .= $where ? ‘ AND status=99‘ : ‘status=99‘; 19 20 if(isset($_GET[‘keywords‘])) { 21 $keywords = trim($_GET[‘keywords‘]); 22 $field = $_GET[‘field‘]; 23 if(in_array($field, array(‘id‘,‘title‘,‘keywords‘,‘description‘))) { 24 if($field==‘id‘) { 25 $where .= " AND `id` =‘$keywords‘"; 26 } else { 27 $where .= " AND `$field` like ‘%$keywords%‘"; 28 } 29 } 30 } 31 32 $infos = $this->db->listinfo($where,‘‘,$page,12); 33 $pages = $this->db->pages; 34 include $this->admin_tpl(‘relationlist‘); 35 } 36 }
1 public function public_getjson_ids2() { 2 $modelid = intval($_GET[‘modelid‘]); 3 $modelid2 = intval($_GET[‘modelid2‘]); 4 $fieldname = $_GET[‘fieldname‘]; 5 $id = intval($_GET[‘id‘]); 6 $this->db->set_model($modelid); 7 $tablename = $this->db->table_name; 8 $this->db->table_name = $tablename.‘_data‘; 9 $r = $this->db->get_one(array(‘id‘=>$id),$fieldname); 10 if($r["{$fieldname}"]) { $myrelation = str_replace(‘|‘, ‘,‘, $r["{$fieldname}"]); 11 $myrelation = trim($myrelation,‘,‘); $where = "id IN($myrelation)"; $infos = array(); 12 $this->db->set_model($modelid2); 13 $this->model = getcache(‘model‘, ‘commons‘); 14 $this->db->table_name = $this->db->db_tablepre.$this->model[$modelid2][‘tablename‘]; 15 $datas = $this->db->select($where,‘id,title‘); 16 foreach($datas as $_v) { $_v[‘sid‘] = ‘v‘.$_v[‘id‘]; 17 if(strtolower(CHARSET)==‘gbk‘) $_v[‘title‘] = iconv(‘gbk‘, ‘utf-8‘, $_v[‘title‘]); $infos[] = $_v; 18 } 19 echo json_encode($infos); 20 } 21 }
<input type="hidden" value="public_relationlist" name="a">/*在下面增加*/
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo($modelname)?>" name="modelname">
<?php foreach($infos as $r) {?> <tr onclick="select_list(this,‘<?php echo safe_replace($r[‘title‘]);?>‘,<?php echo $r[‘id‘];?>,‘<?php echo $Mname;?>‘)" class="cu" title="<?php echo L(‘click_to_select‘);?>"> <td align=‘left‘ ><?php echo $r[‘title‘];?></td> <td align=‘center‘><?php echo $this->categorys[$r[‘catid‘]][‘catname‘];?></td> <td align=‘center‘><?php echo format::date($r[‘inputtime‘]);?></td> </tr> <?php }?>
1 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" > 2 < !-- 3 function select_list(obj, title, id, modelname) { 4 var relation_ids = window.top.$(‘#‘ + modelname).val(); 5 var sid = ‘v<?php echo $modelid;?>‘ + id; 6 if ($(obj).attr(‘class‘) == ‘line_ff9966‘ || $(obj).attr(‘class‘) == null) { 7 $(obj).attr(‘class‘, ‘line_fbffe4‘); 8 window.top.$(‘#‘ + sid).remove(); 9 if (relation_ids != ‘‘) { 10 var r_arr = relation_ids.split(‘|‘); 11 var newrelation_ids = ‘‘; 12 $.each(r_arr, function (i, n) { 13 if (n != id) { 14 if (i == 0) { 15 newrelation_ids = n; 16 } else { 17 newrelation_ids = newrelation_ids + ‘|‘ + n; 18 } 19 } 20 }); 21 window.top.$(‘#‘ + modelname).val(newrelation_ids); 22 } 23 } else { 24 $(obj).attr(‘class‘, ‘line_ff9966‘); 25 var str = "<li id=‘" + sid + "‘><span>" + title + "</span><a href=‘javascript:;‘ class=‘close‘ onclick=\"remove_relation(‘" + sid + "‘," + id + ",‘<?php echo $modelname;?>‘)\"></a></li>"; 26 window.top.$(‘#‘ + modelname + ‘_text‘).append(str); 27 if (relation_ids == ‘‘) { 28 window.top.$(‘#‘ + modelname).val(id); 29 } else { 30 relation_ids = relation_ids + ‘|‘ + id; 31 window.top.$(‘#‘ + modelname).val(relation_ids); 32 } 33 } 34 } 35 //--> 36 < /SCRIPT>
1 <div class="card-body"> 2 {if $relationC!=‘‘} 3 {php $rel = explode(‘|‘,$relationC);} 4 {loop $rel $picture_id} 5 {pc:get sql="select * from lvv9_news where id=$picture_id"} 6 {loop $data $r} 7 <div> 8 <a href="{$r[url]}" title="{$r[alt]}"><img class="img-fluid" src="{thumb($r[thumb],200,150,0)}" alt="{$r[title]}"/></a> 9 <p><a href="{$r[url]}" title="{$r[title]}">{$r[title]}</a></p> 10 </div> 11 12 {/loop} 13 {/pc} 14 {/loop} 15 {/if} 16 </div>
感谢https://www.eqifei.net/post-268.html#comments 这个地址的文章
PHPCMS V9 relation 后台添加文章 选择“相关文章” 可调用其它模型文章 的解决办法
标签:解决办法 for ref value TE lower each ons cli