标签:子进程 rom 设置 基于 multi bre break erp sha
1 Threads share the address space of the process that created it; processes have their own address space.
2 Threads have direct access to the data segment of its process; processes have their own copy of the data segment of the parent process.
3 Threads can directly communicate with other threads of its process; processes must use interprocess communication to communicate with sibling processes.
4 New threads are easily created; new processes require duplication of the parent process.
5 Threads can exercise considerable control over threads of the same process; processes can only exercise control over child processes.
6 Changes to the main thread (cancellation, priority change, etc.) may affect the behavior of the other threads of the process; changes to the parent process does not affect child processes.
方式一 from threading import Thread import time def sayhi(name): time.sleep(2) print(‘%s say hello‘ %name) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: t=Thread(target=sayhi,args=(‘harry‘,)) t.start() print(‘主线程‘) 方式二 from threading import Thread import time class Sayhi(Thread): def __init__(self,name): super().__init__() self.name=name def run(self): time.sleep(2) print(‘%s say hello‘ % self.name) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: t = Sayhi(‘harry‘) t.start()
1 import socket 2 from multiprocessing import Process 3 from threading import Thread 4 5 def create_socket(): 6 server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 7 server.bind((‘‘, 8080)) 8 server.listen(5) 9 return server 10 11 def talk(conn): 12 13 while True: 14 try: 15 data = conn.recv(1024) 16 if data is None:break 17 conn.send(data.upper()) 18 except ConnectionError: 19 break 20 conn.close() 21 22 def communication(server): 23 24 while True: 25 conn,add = server.accept() 26 t = Thread(target=talk, args=(conn,)) 27 t.start() 28 29 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 30 server = create_socket() 31 p1 = Process(target=communication, args=(server,)) 32 p2 = Process(target=communication, args=(server,)) 33 p1.start() 34 p2.start()
1 from threading import Thread 2 msg_l = [] 3 format_l = [] 4 5 def user_input(): 6 while True: 7 text = input(‘请输入内容:‘) 8 if text is None:continue 9 msg_l.append(text) 10 11 12 def format_text(): 13 while True: 14 if msg_l: 15 reg = msg_l.pop() 16 format_l.append(reg.upper()) 17 18 def save(): 19 while True: 20 if format_l: 21 with open(‘db1.txt‘,‘a‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: 22 res = format_l.pop() 23 f.write(‘%s\n‘ %res) 24 f.flush() 25 26 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 27 28 t1 = Thread(target=user_input) 29 t2 = Thread(target=format_text) 30 t3 = Thread(target=save) 31 32 t1.start() 33 t2.start() 34 t3.start()
Thread实例对象的方法 # isAlive(): 返回线程是否活动的。 # getName(): 返回线程名。 # setName(): 设置线程名。
threading模块提供的一些方法: # threading.currentThread(): 返回当前的线程变量。 # threading.enumerate(): 返回一个包含正在运行的线程的list。正在运行指线程启动后、结束前,不包括启动前和终止后的线程。 # threading.activeCount(): 返回正在运行的线程数量,与len(threading.enumerate())有相同的结果。
from threading import Thread import time def foo(): print(123) time.sleep(1) print("end123") def bar(): print(456) time.sleep(3) print("end456") if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: t1=Thread(target=foo) t2=Thread(target=bar) t1.daemon=True t1.start() t2.start() print("main-------") 以上代码首先会输出 123,456,main, 随后会输出end123,end456。因为t1守护的是主进程,让主进程执行完print("main-------")线程2已经在运行了所以主进程并没有结束,等到子线程运行完毕才会回收子进程的资源进程才会结束
标签:子进程 rom 设置 基于 multi bre break erp sha