标签:代码量 normal func create ogg bsp float 分享 方法
type CacheItem struct { sync.RWMutex // The item‘s key. key interface{} // The item‘s data. data interface{} // How long will the item live in the cache when not being accessed/kept alive.【不被访问后存活时间】 lifeSpan time.Duration // Creation timestamp. createdOn time.Time // Last access timestamp. accessedOn time.Time // How often the item was accessed. accessCount int64 // Callback method triggered right before removing the item from the cache【被删除时触发的回调方法】 aboutToExpire func(key interface{}) }
type CacheTable struct { sync.RWMutex // The table‘s name. name string // All cached items.【一个表中的所有条目都存在这个map里,map的key是任意类型,值是CacheItem指针类型】 items map[interface{}]*CacheItem // Timer responsible for triggering cleanup.【负责触发清除操作的计时器】 cleanupTimer *time.Timer // Current timer duration.【清除操作触发的时间间隔】 cleanupInterval time.Duration // The logger used for this table. logger *log.Logger // Callback method triggered when trying to load a non-existing key.【需要提取一个不存在的key时触发的回调函数】 loadData func(key interface{}, args ...interface{}) *CacheItem // Callback method triggered when adding a new item to the cache.【增加一个缓存条目时触发的回调函数】 addedItem func(item *CacheItem) // Callback method triggered before deleting an item from the cache.【删除前触发的回调函数】 aboutToDeleteItem func(item *CacheItem) }
func NewCacheItem(key interface{}, lifeSpan time.Duration, data interface{}) *CacheItem { t := time.Now() return &CacheItem{ key: key, lifeSpan: lifeSpan, createdOn: t, accessedOn: t, accessCount: 0, aboutToExpire: nil, data: data, } }
源码看起来行数不少,内容其实很简单,主要是元素获取操作,这里需要留意读写操作都是加了相应的读写锁的,还记得开头提到的cache2go是一个并发安全的程序吗?并发安全就体现在这些地方。下面最复杂的是最后一个回调函数的设置,这个方法的形参是f func(interface{}),也就是说形参名为f,形参类型是func(interface{}),这是一个函数类型,这个函数类型的参数是一个interface{},也就是空接口,因为任意类型都可以被认为实现了空接口,所以这里可以接收任意类型的实参。也就是说f的类型是一个可以接收任意类型参数的函数类型。有点绕,需要静下心来理解一下哦~
// KeepAlive marks an item to be kept for another expireDuration period.【将accessedOn更新为当前时间】 func (item *CacheItem) KeepAlive() { item.Lock() defer item.Unlock() item.accessedOn = time.Now() item.accessCount++ } // LifeSpan returns this item‘s expiration duration. func (item *CacheItem) LifeSpan() time.Duration { // immutable return item.lifeSpan } // AccessedOn returns when this item was last accessed. func (item *CacheItem) AccessedOn() time.Time { item.RLock() defer item.RUnlock() return item.accessedOn } // CreatedOn returns when this item was added to the cache. func (item *CacheItem) CreatedOn() time.Time { // immutable return item.createdOn } // AccessCount returns how often this item has been accessed. func (item *CacheItem) AccessCount() int64 { item.RLock() defer item.RUnlock() return item.accessCount } // Key returns the key of this cached item. func (item *CacheItem) Key() interface{} { // immutable return item.key } // Data returns the value of this cached item. func (item *CacheItem) Data() interface{} { // immutable return item.data } // SetAboutToExpireCallback configures a callback, which will be called right // before the item is about to be removed from the cache.【设置回调函数,当一个item被移除的时候这个函数会被调用】 func (item *CacheItem) SetAboutToExpireCallback(f func(interface{})) { item.Lock() defer item.Unlock() item.aboutToExpire = f }
标签:代码量 normal func create ogg bsp float 分享 方法